Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
Flag Zombie 3
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Modern Day - Day 23 is the twenty-third level of Modern Day in Plants vs. Zombies 2. Grimrose is pre-selected in this level, thus showcasing it. When this level is finished for the first time, the player unlocks the aforementioned plant.


Grimrose is pre-selected in this level. When powered by Moonflower, it can pull up to three of the strongest zombies in its lane into the ground instead of just one, killing them instantly. However, it cannot pull floating zombies such as Balloon Zombies while in the air. It also cannot pull Deep Sea Gargantuars but damage them instead. The player can use Grimrose whenever there are threatening zombies in a lane such as Newspaper Zombies, Surfer Zombies, and Octo Zombies. But due to its sluggish recharge, it cannot pull enough of these zombies per wave. The player would need to choose other plants in order to deal with these zombies and their abilities.


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost one.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 None Skips to Wave 2 immediately
2 Basic Zombie2 Snorkel Zombie2 None
3 Basic Zombie22 Basic Zombie24 Balloon Zombie23 None 100% Plant Food
4 Surfer Zombie25 Imp Mermaid Zombie21 None
5 Flag Zombie2 Surfer Zombie22 Octo Zombie23 Newspaper Zombie23 Balloon Zombie24 None First flag
6 Newspaper Zombie21 Newspaper Zombie25 None
7 Octo Zombie22 Newspaper Zombie24 Balloon Zombie22 None
8 Basic Zombie21 Basic Zombie22 Basic Zombie23 Basic Zombie24 Basic Zombie25 Balloon Zombie22 Balloon Zombie24 Snorkel Zombie23 None 100% Plant Food
9 Octo Zombie21 Octo Zombie25 Newspaper Zombie23 None
10 Surfer Zombie22 Octo Zombie24 Deep Sea Gargantuar22 Deep Sea Gargantuar24 None Final flag



