It was introduced during the 2016 Fall Food Fight event alongside Turkey Rider, and was available from November 14th to November 22nd. As of January 24th, 2017, both of them were made craftable.
It is also partially based on the Mayflower, the first English Separatists transporting ship to North America that sailed in 1620, which is a reference to its availability during Thanksgiving and its Amphibious trait.
Its ability is a reference that corns, squashes and beans – collectively known as the Three Sisters – were both the main crops of Indigenous North Americans and popular Thanksgiving produce.
Its description is a reference to the proverb "March winds and April showers bring forth May flowers."
Class: Smarty
Tribe: Flower Plant
Trait: Amphibious
Ability: When this hurts the Zombie Hero, Conjure a Corn, Squash or Bean.
Set: Event
Card description[]
Do April showers bring Mayflowers? My goodness, isn't that a personal question!
Update history[]
Update 1.8.23[]
Added to the game.
Update 1.10.14[]
Set - Rarity change: Super-Rare → Event
Update 1.10.22[]
Became craftable.
Update 1.16.10[]
Ability streamlined: When this hurts the Zombie Hero, add a random Corn, Squash, or Bean to your hand. → When this hurts the Zombie Hero, Conjure a Corn, Squash, or Bean.
Update 1.60.79[]
▲ Health change: 3 → 4
Mayflower is much similar to Cattail with reversed stats, but the ability makes it shine. However, this only works if the Mayflower hurts the zombie hero, so it is ideal to play it in an aquatic lane unless an Amphibious zombie blocks the path. Use plant tricks that damage, destroy, or Bounce zombies so that Mayflower can hit the zombie hero. Most likely, if Mayflower hurts the zombie hero, there is a high chance that you would earn a bean since there are more beans than squash or corn. Try to keep allowing Mayflower to hit the zombie hero to have a chance at one of the possible legendary cards, however, it also has a very high chance of giving you bean cards which could be used to boost a bean-based deck such as Admiral Navy Bean. Take note as you may get cards that may not work out with your deck or get weak ones like Sting Bean and Weenie Beanie.
While Rose can use this in a flower deck, this can become somewhat detrimental as while Mayflower itself can still benefit from Power Flower and Briar Rose, the cards it gives you are generally not suitable for a flower deck. Speaking of Briar Rose, it is a good plant to keep your opponent from easily destroying Mayflower, and can be useful to discourage your opponent from playing big Amphibious threats like Deep Sea Gargantuar to confront Mayflower. Rose is also able to play instant-kill cards such as the aforementioned Briar Rose and Squash to remove zombies fronting Mayflower. She can also give it the Strikethrough trait via Sun Strike so that it directly hits the zombie hero, thus earning her a free plant from it. It can also be Conjured by Cosmic Flower so that it gains the Strikethrough trait, allowing it to hit the zombie hero and earn a free plant.
A good synergy when playing as Green Shadow is to use Espresso Fiesta or Plant Food on it, as its bonus attacks can hit the zombie hero, and give you more cards in your hand. Captain Cucumber can be used with Mayflower to reduce the cost of all cards Mayflower conjures. Also, using Plant Food on it makes it immune to most instant-kill cards. Be wary of Cakesplosion, Final Mission, and Knockout, though.
Pairing this up with Dino-Roar cards such as Bananasaurus Rex is also a good idea, as they will activate their abilities if Mayflower hurts your opponent.
Below here is a list of cards that can be Conjured by Mayflower (by cost order):
However, be careful if Quickdraw Con Man is on the field, as if Mayflower Conjures a card, you will take 1 unblockable damage.
Because of its low stats, it should not be too difficult to destroy. However, if it is played on an aquatic lane, it can be very difficult to get to it, especially if the player is playing as Rustbolt, Z-Mech, or Professor Brainstorm, who all lack Amphibious zombies.
Hearty heroes, despite not having any Amphibious zombies, are good at combating Mayflower, due to the usage of cards such as Terrify, Sumo Wrestler, Rolling Stone, Landscaper, Celestial Custodian, and Planetary Gladiator, which takes damage for the hero. Terrify and Sumo Wrestler can move Mayflower out of the aquatic lane, Rolling Stone and Celestial Custodian can destroy it due to its low strength, Landscaper can decrease its strength when revealed to 0, making it a waste of space unless boosted, moved, or Bounced, and Planetary Gladiator negates Mayflower's ability. If the player is playing as Rustbolt, Shrink Ray can be played to make sure Mayflower cannot attack, turning it to a lane waster, assuming it doesn't get boosted by tricks like Fertilize or Plant Food.
Having Quickdraw Con Man on the field can also deter it's usage.
Please note that only official translations are used.
Simplified Chinese
lit. "May Flower"
Traditional Chinese
Fleur de mai
Fiore di maggio
Brazilian Portuguese
It is the first event card in the Smarty class.
It is also the first event plant card exclusive to Plants vs. Zombies Heroes, as Jack O' Lantern, the first event plant card to be introduced in this game, first appeared in Plants vs. Zombies 2 and not Plants vs. Zombies Heroes.
When it activates its ability, a plate of corn, squash and green beans can be seen floating over its head.