She does not have any traits, and her ability gives her +1/+1 and heals the plant hero for 1 for every non-gravestone zombie on the field when she is played.
She is based on the tomato (Solanum Iycopersicum), the fruit of a plant in the nightshade family; and a mechanic, a person who repairs and maintains machinery.
Her name is a portmanteau of "ketchup," a condiment made from the real-life plant she is based on; and "mechanic," referring to her appearance, as well as catch-up mechanics, which are game rules designed for losing players to catch up with ease, which in this case is exactly what she is intended for.
Class: Solar
Tribe: Fruit Plant
Traits: None
Ability: When played: For each Zombie, this gets +1/+1 and Heal the Plant Hero for 1.
Set: Event
Card description[]
Catchup mechanics help you get back in a game when you're behind. Ketchup Mechanics fix your fruit.
Update history[]
Update 1.18.13[]
Added to the game.
Update 1.22.12[]
Became craftable.
Ketchup Mechanic is best played when the field is filled with zombies, as she gets +1/+1 for each zombie on the field. Depending on what opponent you're facing, Ketchup Mechanic can gain +5/+5, allowing her to plow through zombies easily, and heal you for up to 5. Putting a strong plant for 3 sun is already a good play, and this can additionally boost Pepper M.D. or allow Heartichoke to damage the Zombie Hero.
Just make sure that Sneezing Zombie is not on board (she disables all types of healing), and do not play her in Total Eclipse (as it will destroy her instantly before her ability activates).
Each hero has their own way of using Ketchup Mechanic:
Chompzilla has the best use of Ketchup Mechanic. She has access to Onion Rings, which can raise Ketchup Mechanic's low initial stats, allowing her to have up to 9/9, and since Ketchup Mechanic tends to boost itself, she can boost Potted Powerhouse with it. Chompzilla can also use Umbrella Leaf and Black-Eyed Pea to deter zombie tricks, as Ketchup Mechanic often can accumulate extreme stats. Finally, Plant Food allows her to unleash dangerous bonus attacks that end the game in her favor.
Wall-Knight is able to use Ketchup Mechanic as a powerful fighter, since many Guardian plants have no consistent way of increasing their strength. He also has a wide array of Team-Up plants to shield Ketchup Mechanic, and does have lots of ways to boost health. His Anti-Gravestone cards makes Ketchup Mechanic's ability much easier to use.
Rose can use cards to bounce or freeze zombies (and Grave Mistake for Gravestones) that threaten Ketchup Mechanic.
Solar Flare's damaging tricks can be used to eliminate zombies that get in the way and apply extra pressure to swarm decks
Ketchup Mechanic does have a few minor weaknesses. Sneezing Zombie can deny healing, while Total Eclipse effectively prevents you from playing it under most circumstances unless you have another lane to work with. Gravestones also do not count as Zombies, reducing the effectiveness of her ability.
Tricks are the best way to counter her, as unless you play Teleport, Ketchup Mechanic will still get +1/+1. If she gets out of hand due to being played when there are a lot of zombies on field, Rocket Science and Cut Down to Size can get rid of her easily.
But in other cases, your opponent will hold on until you get more zombies on the field, which will likely happen in the late game anyway so be prepared to destroy her. Rush and swarm strategies are far more vulnerable to this plant if you had too many fighters on the field.
As for the healing ability, Beastly Heroes can use Sneezing Zombie to prevent it.
Ketchup Mechanic's statistics
Ketchup Mechanic's card
Ketchup Mechanic's grayed out card
Ketchup Mechanic's card image
HD Ketchup Mechanic
Ketchup Mechanic's sprites
Ketchup Mechanic's projectile sprites
Being played and activating her ability (animated)