It has the Team-Up trait, and its ability gives a selected zombie -1/-1 when it is played on a heights lane. Its closest zombie counterpart is Haunting Ghost.
It is based on the plant in Plants vs. Zombies and Plants vs. Zombies 2 with the same name and appearance. However, his design is closer to the one in Plants vs. Zombies 2.
Its description is a reference to the jokes in many of the cards' descriptions, with the word "corny" being a pun on the fact that Kernel-Pult is a corn plant.
Its Team-Up trait is a reference to it being used as way to play Cob Cannon in Plants vs. Zombies, as the Cob Cannon requires two Kernel-pults in a horizontial 1x2 area to plant.
Class: Solar
Tribe: Corn Plant
Trait: Team-Up
Ability: When played on the Heights: A Zombie gets -1/-1.
Set - Rarity: Colossal - Uncommon
Card description[]
Insert corny joke here.
Update history[]
Update 1.22.12[]
Added to the game.
If your opponent has just played a powerful 1 health card like Mini-Ninja or Cuckoo Zombie, then this is the perfect card to play, with a low cost and the Team-Up trait. This can also be used to weaken other turn 1 cards like Chimney Sweep or Quickdraw Con Man so they can be destroyed more quickly. After that, it's best to use Kernel-Pult for Evolution, for example you can use Cob Cannon or Elderberry. As an added bonus, its Team-Up trait allows you to fit another plant without said trait in the same lane, making it that much better if you need to save the likes of Lil' Buddy elsewhere. Its stat decrease can also be used alongside the likes of Toadstool and Whack-a-Zombie later in the game to activate their abilities.
Because of its Team-Up trait, you can use it to protect other plants on heights or boost it with Go-Nuts, although the latter strategy can only be used normally by Rose, and Kernel-Pult, having no meaningful synergies, isn't a good choice for direct action. However, Rose can use this card along with Rescue Radis to activate the ability again.
When up against Solar heroes, beware that Kernel-Pult can be very deadly in the early game. Anything that has 1 health can and will be destroyed, and in the case if it isn't, Kernel-Pult will either clog the lane by eliminating its strength, or cause it to constantly charge the plant hero's block meter, however, most likely your opponent will put another plant behind Kernel-Pult. There's not much you can do apart from applying direct pressure through other means, as Kernel-Pult, by itself, is a trivial threat and can also be used to your advantage, though do beware its Team-Up trait and its unforeseen possibilities. Also, don't leave this card on the field for too long, since then this plant can be used as body for an Eldererry or Cob Cannon.