Jurassic Marsh (恐龙危机; pinyin: Kǒnglóng Wēijī, translation: Dinosaur Crisis) is the 12th world released in the Chinese version of Plants vs. Zombies 2. It was released on iOS on January 12, 2017 and on Android a day later.
It takes place during the Jurassic Era, long before the events of Frostbite Caves, where dinosaurs were still a reality. Although the lawn is located in a marsh, water is not a relevant environment modifier in this world. However, water can be seen near the lawn.
To the Jurasic period when even the ground was trembling since it was ruled by the dinosaurs. To defeat prehistoric zombies with the dinosaurs, are you ready for it?
In Chinese: 前往侏罗纪时期,在恐龙统治的年代,大地都在颤动。和恐龙一起击败史前僵尸,你准备好了吗?
Dinosaurs are the gimmick and environmental modifier of this world. They do not act like typical zombies, and are not classified as such, since there is no such interaction between the dinosaurs and plants (except between Perfume-shroom). They however, do interact with zombies of any type that passes by them. The dinosaurs are the raptor, stegosaurus, pterodactyl, T. Rex, ankylosaurus, and brontosaurus. They are also summoned by eggs and surprise attacks (brontosaurus only) in this version.
Instead of 'Jurassic Marsh', the Chinese name of this World is 恐龙危机, literally 'Dinosaur Crisis'.
However, its English name at the World Preview stage is still Jurassic Marsh.
All special zombies exclusive to this version are Imps.
There are ten dinosaurs in this version, double the amount of dinosaurs than the international version. The five extra ones are the brontosaurus, three baby dinosaurs and the giant T. Rex (the possible cause of the dinosaur stampede).