It does not have any traits, and its ability gives a selected zombie the Bounce effect when it is played. Its closest zombie counterpart is Pogo Bouncer.
It is based on a Mexican jumping bean, a seed pod (usually from the plant of the same name (Sebastiania pavoniana)) that is known to jump around due to the small larva of a moth located inside the seed pod; and a long jump or high jump athlete, a person who competes in said sport.
Its name and appearance are both puns on the aforementioned plant, as Jumping Bean is wearing a long jump/high jump athlete's suit.
Its description references pole vaulting, another field sport.
Class: Smarty
Tribe: Bean Plant
Traits: None
Ability: When played: Bounce a Zombie.
Set - Rarity: Premium - Rare
Card description[]
"I'm more than just a jumper... I can also leap and vault!"
Update history[]
Update 1.2.11[]
Rarity change: Uncommon → Rare
Jumping Bean has poor stats for a 5-sun plant, but its ability is what makes it useful. With it, you can remove a zombie from the field to clear a path for Anti-Hero (Nightcap exclusive normally) or Bullseye (Citron, Beta-Carrotina, and Nightcap exclusive normally) plants to strike your opponent and guard a lane at the same time.
You can also use it to Bounce a boosted zombie back into your opponent's hand, returning its stats to normal and wasting all the given boosts. However, do mind that this plant is quite expensive, so you should keep track on your sun and defenses.
Since it is a bean card, you can use it with Admiral Navy Bean and Bean Counter. And because it also Bounces a fighter, you can use it to boost Jelly Bean, or use it to activate its evolution ability.
While Spring Bean is a cheaper alternative, Jumping Bean differentiates by it being a plant and not a trick. For example, it can activate the ability of Muscle Sprout and Astro-Shroom, whereas Spring Bean cannot. It can also be replayed by Rescue Radish and affect Untrickable zombies; even it occupying space helps with utilizing environments (Venus Flytraplanet and Planet of the Grapes) and guarding lanes. And finally, as it is not a trick, Jumping Bean is unaffected by Defensive End's ability.
It is not recommended to Bounce zombies with dangerous "When played" abilities like Zombot 1000 or Gadget Scientist, unless doing so allows you to win on that turn.
Against Jumping Bean, there is not much that can be done about its ability. However, after its ability activates, this plant can be handled quite easily, as its stats are pretty low.
Playing zombies with "When played" abilities like Electrician, Gadget Scientist, Zombot 1000, or Zombot Plank Walker can deter your opponents from playing it, as with most bouncing cards. Likewise, it is highly not recommended to Bounce Jumping Bean, as it can be played again to bounce another zombie. Do not use all your stat boosts on a single zombie either, as they are reset when the fighter is bounced.