Jester Zombie is the fifth zombie encountered in Dark Ages. He can return projectiles fired at him, gaining speed and immunity to certain plants that must be eaten to function.
He is based on a jester, an entertainer during medieval and Renaissance times.
Jester Zombie wears a brown-colored eccentric jester hat with yellow circles serving as tips. The left portion of the eccentric hat is bent downwards, the right one is slightly bent down, and finally the back one upward. The eccentric hat he wears extends up to his neck. His attire presents a simultaneous shift of two colors, blue and yellow to be specific. Jester Zombie is also cross-eyed since the right eye looks at the upper left while the left one looks downward.
The left sleeve of Jester Zombie is colored in blue that extends only up to the left wrist as it is tattered while the right is yellow and is purely intact. The chest portion presents a vertical placing of colors in a simultaneous manner also with two red buttocks attached to the middle portion of it and a red-colored strap is attached to his tummy line.
The pants, much like the sleeves of his torso counterpart also presents the same designing of colors. However, the yellow color is now on the left side and blue on the right. The pants are torn up since the right leg only extends up to his thigh while on his left leg has only the knee portion of it torn up. Finally, the shoes he wears also present the same color with his eccentric hat especially the circular portion that serves as tips.
Jester Zombie is dressed as a chef in the Food Fight parties. He wears a white toque, white double-breasted jacket, and gray-colored checkered pants. He holds a frying pan with brains on it in his right hand and a dish that contains rice, chicken, and vegetables that is ready to serve in his left hand. For his footwear, he simply wears a pair of brown leather shoes.
Jester Zombie is dressed like a birthday clown, complete with a cupcake hat and cake in the Birthdayz event.
Jester Zombie can deflect projectiles shot by these plants:
Oh sure, everyone loves to laugh at Jester Zombie's clownish routines. But what no one knows is that he has a Master of Fine Arts from the Chewliard Performing Arts School. Heck, he's been on stage with some of the finest classical theatre companies this side of the lawn. But sometimes you just gotta go where the paycheck is.
Jester Zombie
Returns projectiles that are shot at him.
Oh sure, everyone loves to laugh at Jester Zombie's clownish routines. But what no one knows is that he has a Master of Fine Arts from the Chewliard Performing Arts School. Heck, he's been on stage with some of the finest classical theatre companies this side of the lawn. But sometimes you just gotta go where the paycheck is.
Jester Zombie's main weaknesses are area-of-effect attacks from plants like Ghost Pepper, Lightning Reed, Fume-shroom, Laser Bean, and Snapdragon. These types of plants work since they do not have solid projectiles to hit Jester Zombie with. Magnifying Grass' projectiles are not considered solid and can therefore defeat Jester Zombie. Two Spikerocks adjacent to your plants will also defeat the Jester Zombie. Bonk Choys can be used, but keep a Tall-nut or Wall-nut adjacent to it or you will risk the Bonk Choy getting eaten because of his low range. If you are having trouble with Jester Zombie because of the lack of area-of-effect attacks, you can use instant kills. Beware, however, when the Jester is spinning, he is immune to Shadow-shrooms, Chili Beans, and Hypno-shrooms. If combined with at least five to ten Wizard Zombies, Zombie Kings, Knight Zombies, and Dark Ages Gargantuars, they can cause massive mayhem for your plants, neutralizing everything. If you do not break all the remaining graves, these zombies can be spawned during the Necromancy ambush, crowding the true threats of Dark Ages, such as Zombie King and Wizard Zombie.
Certain plants, such as Iceberg Lettuce and Stunion, can completely disable Jesters, thereby stopping them from returning projectiles. Other unusual counters include Guacodile, which gets the chance to use his rushing attack, and Hypno-shroom/Caulipower/Enchant-mint as Hypnotized Jester Zombies can also negate projectiles returned by other Jesters.
Jester Zombie serves as among the biggest threats due to his constant deflection of projectiles from powerful plants, leaving you no other choices than using others that do not shoot projectiles such as Magnifying Grass to deal him. If this zombie is compared with large numbers of Knight Zombies, Zombie Kings, Dark Ages Gargantuars, Wizard Zombies, and the surprise attacks, these zombies can cause an extremely massive havoc on your lanes. If you see Jester Zombies along with other Dark Ages zombies in large numbers, these combinations will cause you to lose the game, thus, causing you to risk spending money on Power Ups and Plant Food. You will need to have Cherry Bombs, Jalapenos, Iceberg Lettuces, Power Lilies, and their Imitater versions.
If you use Winter Melons, ensure that Winter Melons attack and slow Jester Zombie by splash damage, particularly from stronger zombies, such as Buckethead Peasants, Knight Zombies, and Dark Ages Gargantuars. Iceberg Lettuce and Stunion will significantly help here, especially with Plant Food. Cherry Bombs and Jalapenos are also effective against Jester Zombies, although Imp Dragon Zombies may minimize the effectiveness of such plants. If dealt with properly, Jester Zombies may be less of a threat than other zombies types, particularly Wizard Zombie and Dark Ages Gargantuar.
Please note that only official translations are used.
Jester Zombie
Simplified Chinese
From xiǎochǒu and jiāngshī, lit. "Joker Zombie"
Zombie bouffon
Zombi giullare
Brazilian Portuguese
Zumbi Bobo
Zombi bufón
Jester Zombie is the first canon zombie to throw back plants projectiles in Plants vs. Zombies 2, if the Chinese version is counted, then with the first being Hammer Zombie and the third being Nunchaku Zombie from Kongfu World. He could be compared to his Chinese counterparts as Jester Zombie is stronger, as he can deflect lobbed shots, but Jester Zombie is weaker in terms of health since he only absorbs 420 damage compared to Hammer Zombie and Nunchaku Zombie's 600 damage.
If Jester Zombie deflects a boomerang shot by Bloomerang, it will not return to the Jester Zombie. It will attack the whole row of plants but the Bloomerang will grab it, nullifying its damage.
Projectiles that chill zombies on hit will only do damage to plants when returned.
Jester Zombie cannot deflect giant peas shot by Repeater's and Pea Pod's Plant Food ability.
In the Almanac, Jester Zombie had a bone sticking out of his arm prior to the 2.5.1 update.
If Jester Zombie is damaged enough (after absorbing at least 210 damage), the player can see the bone while he is spinning.
When spinning, he is slightly translucent.
The Thanksgiving costume of Jester Zombie has a different spinning appearance. However, its Birthdayz Costume uses the same one as that of the normal Jester Zombie.
Unarmed Potato Mines are unaffected by projectiles deflected from Jester Zombies, but armed Potato Mines get hit.
In the Almanac, he appears to do the backstroke, a swimming move. This makes him the only zombie that has an unusual standing animation and when he moves, he just jumps. Also, when he is not spinning, his eyes appear to be spinning in circles.
A bell's sound will be played when just one Jester Zombie enters the lawn.
All projectiles deflected by Jester Zombie can damage zombies.
Hypnotized Jesters can still throw projectiles that are shot at them, which still damage zombies but not other plants. In most cases, two opposing Jesters will return projectiles back and forth, but certain exceptions may apply.
In the 3.2 update, he could not deflect Pepper-pult's projectiles.
Infi-nut is the only plant that can survive Jester Zombie's projectiles because the projectiles will fail to hit the Infi-Nut's projector. This is due to the projector being on the ground level, which means it will never get hit.
Spring Bean and Chard Guard are the only plants that can cancel all of Jester Zombie's projectiles. They do this when knocking him back.
Sometimes, he may not deflect the bulbs shot from Bowling Bulbs correctly, making them not hit any plant.
So far, he is the third non-variant zombie to have more than one event costume (the first being the Thanksgiving costume and the second being the Birthdayz costume) with Poncho Zombie and Camel Zombies being the first and second.
Stallia's do not stall spinning Jester Zombies when they encounter them.
Prior to the 4.7.1 update, when a Jester Zombie was hit by Dusk Lobber's projectile, he would deflect it off of the lawn, and do no damage to any plants.
Jester Zombie's detached right leg when doing walking/jumping animation
Chewliard is also mentioned in Backup Dancer's Almanac entry, in both Plants vs. Zombies and Plants vs. Zombies Heroes (the card description, in the latter case).
If one looks very closely during Jester Zombie's walking/jumping animation, his right leg detaches from the rest of his body for a split second.
When Jester Zombie loses part of his arm while wearing his Thanksgiving costume, the rest of the arm will change color from white to blue (the same blue seen on his usual outfit).
He cannot deflect Primal Peashooter's rock peas in the Chinese version.
In his death animation, his torso detaches from his body.
If many projectiles are shot to a Jester Zombie (for example, using Plant Food on any kinds of peashooting plants or using Appease-mint) and then Reinforce-mint is used right before Jester Zombie reflects all of these projectiles, he will be knocked back and will no longer be able to reflect the projectiles that he has not reflected. However, these projectiles will not damage him.
Reflected projectiles can't hit Ghost Pepper and will instead fly through.
His internal name is dark_juggler.
His Food Fight variant's internal name is foodfight_chefster.