Jack O' Lantern is an eventplantcard in Plants vs. Zombies Heroes and a member of the Solar class. It costs 3 to play and has 2/3. It has the Strikethrough trait, and its ability gives it +1 every time it does damage to the zombie hero.
Jack O' Lantern was introduced in the 2016 Halloween event alongside Trick-or-Treater. As of Feastivus 2016 (in update 1.10.14), both of them were also made craftable.
Its description is a reference to its fire-based attacks.
Class: Solar
Tribe: Squash Plant
Trait: Strikethrough
Ability: This gets +1 when it hurts the Zombie Hero.
Set: Event
Card description[]
"I just love to get Zombies all fired up. If you catch my drift."
Update history[]
Update 1.8.23[]
Added to the game.
Update 1.10.14[]
Set - Rarity change: Super-Rare → Event
Became craftable.
Jack O' Lantern is a very devastating plant if kept alive, as its ability activates every time it attacks due to its Strikethrough trait and will essentially persist unless the Zombie Hero super-blocks or somehow redirects the hit. You can take advantage of this and use tricks such as Plant Food and Espresso Fiesta or environments like Coffee Grounds to make it do bonus attacks as Chompzilla to quickly snowball its strength (and boost Potted Powerhouse), or just directly boost its strength as Chompzilla or Solar Flare.
However, Jack O' Lantern currently suffers from a major weakness that makes it much less appealing than the average strikethrough card, that being its low health and base strength for its cost. While the ability does see potential to snowball, it may inadvertently charge your opponent's super-block meter as it has to accumulate strength, and even when it doesn't, your opponent will still attempt to remove it with various means, most notably tricks like Rolling Stone, Rocket Science or Zombot's Wrath. As opposed to strong Strikethrough plants like Elderberry/Astrocado which can deliver heavy damage right away as long as they survive the tricks phase and only need one attack to mage a huge difference, Jack O' Lantern doesn't stay on the field long enough for value and can't make good exchanges.
Jack O' Lantern is a big threat, but only when it is unchecked. Because of its Strikethrough trait, you must destroy it as soon as possible, as after maybe a turn or two it will start doing some serious damage, and every time it hits your hero successfully, it becomes even stronger.
Any zombie with 3 strength can destroy it easily, unless its health has been boosted. Rolling Stone can be played when it hasn't gained any strength, while Rocket Science, Cut Down to Size and Locust Swarm can be played when its strength becomes too much for you to handle.
Additionally, you can remove this plant's strength with stat-reducing cards like Landscaper, Extinction Event and Nibble, to the point it has 0 strength and can't attack or boost itself. However, beware when playing against Solar Flare or Chompzilla as they have tricks such as Berry Angry and Fertilize to restore its strength.
Please note that only official translations are used.
Jack O' Lantern
Simplified Chinese
lit. "Pumpkin Lantern"
Traditional Chinese
lit. "Jack Pumpkin Lantern"
"Lantern Pumpkin"
"Pumpkin Lantern"
Jack O' Lantern
same as English name
"Pumpkin Lantern"
English name transliterated into Korean
Brazilian Portuguese
portmanteau of "Lantern" and "Terror"
Зловещая тыква
"Sinister Pumpkin"
Calabaza iluminada
"Illuminated Pumpkin"
In addition to both it and Trick-or-Treater being the first Halloween event cards, they are also the first event cards to ever be introduced (in Jack O' Lantern's case, that makes him the first event plant card ever).