Interdimensional Zombie is a galacticlegendaryzombiecard in Plants vs. Zombies Heroes and a member of the Brainy class. He costs 1 to play and has 2/2. He doesn't have any traits, and his ability transforms him into a random zombie that costs 3 when a science card, including another Interdimensional Zombie, is played.
His description is a reference to his ability, as the zombies mentioned there, Trash Can Zombie and Space Pirate, are examples of zombies he can transform into.
Class: Brainy
Tribe: Science Zombie
Traits: None
Ability: When you play a Science card, this transforms into a Zombie that costs 3.
Set - Rarity: Galactic - Legendary
Card description[]
In a parallel dimension, this zombie is a Space Pirate. In another he's a Trash Can Zombie. Turns out, little choices in life can make a big difference.
Update history[]
Update 1.16.10[]
Added to the game.
Update 1.30.4[]
▲ Strength change: 1 → 2
▼ Health change: 3 → 2
Interdimensional Zombie seems like a cheap way to make a 3 zombie much earlier in the game to pressure your opponent quickly. However, his low health means that it is very risky to play him on turn 1 and then transform on turn 2, so he must be played later on with supporting cards to neutralize enemy threats or get him to transform immediately. You also don't get to choose what he will transform into. Overall, you might want to actually use reliable 3-brain cards in your deck rather than pressing your luck with him.
Professor Brainstorm, Immorticia and Rustbolt can use Interdimensional Zombie most easily, not because of science synergization itself, but because they have early-game removal cards (Bungee Plumber, Nibble and Rolling Stone respectively) to assist Interdimensional Zombie on turn 2. However, none of these are science cards, so the earliest Interdimensional Zombie's transformation can happen is on turn 3.
Remember that you must play a science card while this is on the field in order to activate his ability. Easy ways to activate his ability are Teleport, which costs 1, and playing a cheap science card like Transformation Station, Cosmic Scientist or even Cardboard Robot Zombie if you have no other alternatives. You can also play Gravestone science zombies like Zombot Drone Engineer, but keep it mind that this only activates when that zombie is revealed, so your opponent can destroy this zombie before the Zombie Tricks phase. Speaking of Transformation Station, you can play this zombie first and then this environment on his lane, so at the next turn, there is a good chance that you will start with a powerful zombie very early on, starting with the cost of 3 and then 1 more each turn if the zombie survives.
For synergizations, he can boost Unlife of the Party once he activates his ability, as it counts as playing a zombie. However, only Professor Brainstorm can normally use this combo. Also, you can play him in Medulla Nebula since you get +2 by doing so, and when you play another science zombie, you get +2 again.
For easy reference, here is the list of all current 3 cards that this zombie can transform into:
This zombie can potentially turn out to be dangerous once your opponent plays any science card and can be even worse if the next science card played is Transformation Station, as he can start transforming into more powerful zombies. While many early-game cards can intercept and destroy him thanks to his measly health of 2, your opponent will most likely have support cards to aid Interdimensional Zombie.
Interdimensional Zombie's statistics
Interdimensional Zombie's card
Interdimensional Zombie's grayed out card
Interdimensional Zombie's card image
HD Interdimensional Zombie
Interdimensional Zombie's textures
Interdimensional Zombie on the field
Interdimensional Zombie attacking
Interdimensional Zombie activating his ability
Interdimensional Zombie destroyed
Yeti Lunchbox being played on Interdimensional Zombie