It was based on the L.E.A.F. symbol, or the badge symbol that represents plant heroes.
Its name was based on a real meaning of inspire, which is "to fill someone with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative." It might have also been a play on another meaning of inspire, "to breathe in air," as plants also need oxygen for their respiration cycle.
Its description was a reference to the quote made by Neil Armstrong upon setting foot on the Moon. The quote goes: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."
Class: Neutral
Tribe: Superpower Trick
Ability: A Plant gets +1/+1.
Rarity: Common
Card description[]
One small step for Plants. One giant leap for Plant-kind!
Update history[]
Update 1.2.11[]
Removed from the game.
Inspire could be used as an early boost or as a last-ditch effort. Depending on situations, if you had early advantages, you could played this trick to boost early-game plants like Peashooter and Bonk Choy. Or, if you managed to save this until late game, you could have used this to even boost a bit to already powerful plants like Grapes of Wrath.
Later on, you would be able to play zombies so powerful that a measly +1/+1 wouldn't even matter. However, if it was played in the early-game, even a +1/+1 boost could be troublesome. It was recommended to re-plan your strategy if your initial plan failed due to the small boost.
Inspire's statistics
Inspire's card
Inspire's card image
The L.E.A.F. symbol
Moonwalker's description also references the same quote by Neil Armstrong that Inspire used to reference.