Heian Age (平安时代; pinyin: Píng'ān Shídài, translation: Era of Peace), stylized in-game as heian age, is the 16th and final world released in the Chinese version of Plants vs. Zombies 2. Part One was released in the 2.6.0. update on January 22, 2021 on Android devices. Part Two was released in the 2.6.4 update on April 25, 2021 for iOS and Android devices.
There are a few mechanics encountered in this world;
The primary mechanic of this world are the Saisen Boxes, Saisen Boxes are neutral grid obstacles that cannot be damaged or destroyed by plants. However, Saisen Boxes are able to block all non-lobbed and non-piercing projectiles. If the player drags Plant Food onto a Saisen Box, they will receive either a reward or a boost effect depending on the type of Saisen Box. There are currently four types of Saisen Boxes:
Sun: If the player drops Plant Food into a Sun Saisen Box, the box will return half of the sunlight base on the plants planted within the 3x3 area around the box.
Plant Food: If the player drops Plant Food into a Plant Food Saisen Box, the box will activate the Plant Food effects of all plants within a 3x3 area around the box.
Upgrade: If the player drops Plant Food into a Upgrade Saisen Box, the box will upgrade all plants and zombies within a 3x3 area up one level, and if a plant's level is maxed out it will simply activate its Plant Food ability.
Plant: If the player drops Plant Food into a Plant Saisen Box, the box will produce one plant for the player to use. The level of the plant produced will change depending on the level's difficulty, Level 3 for an easy level, Level 5 for a hard level.
Another mechanic of the world is the Divine Wind, which is able to appear in any random rows and operates in two phases:
First there is the "Small Wind", which pushes a random amount of small and medium sized zombies forward.
Finally there is the "Big Wind", which is able to blow away any plants that are not behind a Dendrobium Windbreak.
As its name says, Heian Age takes place during the Heian period of Japan, a period in Japanese history spanning from 794 to 1185. The Heian period is noted by a decline in Chinese influences and an increase in imperial art, poetry, and literature. Crazy Dave's house itself appears to be located near Mount Fuji, as seen by in the background.
World Description[]
Going to Japan during the Heian Period and combat with the samurai zombies. Turnabout the game using Saisen Boxes in front of the shrine, are you ready for it?
In Chinese: 前往平安时代的日本,和武士僵尸们一决高下,巧妙运用神社前的赛钱箱扭转战局吧,你准备好了吗?
In the concept art for Heian Age, one of the houses appeared to be based on the Palanquin Ship from the Touhou Project series, which is based on the flying warehouse that appeared in the Shigisan Engi Emaki, an emanomaki made during the late Heian Era.
During the Final Wave in Heian Age levels, the music that plays is Steam Age' theme. This is likely a glitch and it was fixed in an unknown update.
If you may notice in the Heian Age map sprites, a silhouette of the Zomboss Podium form Renaissance Age can be seen.