It costs 1 to play, and its ability transforms a zombie with the highest strength into a Goat. If there are two or more zombies with the highest strength, the plant hero can choose which zombie to transform into a Goat.
Ability: Transform a Zombie with the highest Attack into a 1/1.
Set - Rarity: Premium - Legendary
Card description[]
Rose turns Zombies into goats because... GOATS!
Update history[]
Update 1.2.11[]
▲ Ability change: Transform a random zombie into a 1/1 Goat. → Transform a zombie with the highest Attack into a 1/1 Goat.
Goatify is a useful superpower if there is a very powerful and threatening zombie such as Zombot 1000 or Octo Zombie (especially since Octo Zombie can never be truly destroyed), or even a zombie that has a devastating "When destroyed" ability like Gas Giant. However, it can only affect one zombie, so it does get less effective against hordes of strong zombies. Play it as soon as a big threat appears.
Playing it against a Beastly or Crazy hero, especially against Electric Boogaloo, can be dangerous early-game, as when a Zookeeper, a Cat Lady, or an Unlife of the Party is on the field, they get boosted due to Goat being a pet (or in the case of Unlife of the Party, because transforming counts as playing), or they could use it as fodder for Final Mission, Frankentuar, or possibly the worst case scenario, Valkyrie. which can potentially hurt more than it can help you. But in the late game, all the synergies achievable with Goat do not compare to the danger of leaving a huge threat unharmed, so do not hesitate.
If Goatify is played on a Zombie in the Graveyard environment, the goat will hide in a gravestone, which is a risky move because this will cause the plant on that lane to be blocked for a turn (if it does not have strikethrough).
It is best not to focus everything on one zombie to make it an obvious target. As a Crazy hero, swarming the field with zombies will make Rose try to stall them, potentially denying her the chance to play Goatify. Having Unlife of the Party in play works as well. If you are running a pet deck, you can have a Zookeeper or a Cat Lady on the field for preparation, so as to take advantage of Goat's pet tribe.