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Glitter Zombie is the sixth zombie encountered in Neon Mixtape Tour in Plants vs. Zombies 2 (the fifth in the Chinese version). When the pop jam plays, she will emit a 1x3 rainbow trail behind herself, protecting all zombies in that area from incoming damage until she is killed or for the duration of the jam. The rainbow also negates negative effects from plants such as Kernel-pult's butter, Stallia's perfume, and Iceberg Lettuce's freezing effect. She will also kill any plants instantly when the pop jam is playing and when she encounters them, except Spikeweed, Spikerock, Cactus, and Celery Stalker when hiding. However, the rainbow trail cannot protect Zombot Multi-stage Masher, and the zombie herself. She also moves a bit faster than a Basic Zombie.
The sound produced by Glitter Zombie's rainbow effect.
Glitter Zombie has blonde hair growing down to the back and a right fringe partially covering her right eye. She wears makeup, as seen, three black strokes around her eyes. She wears a tucked-in pink shirt where its sleeves end midway up the shoulders. She also wears something that appears to be a corset and under, a long pink skirt with striped lines colored magenta, blue, and purple respectively. She also wears a pair of white roller skates with yellow wheels and above, puffy magenta socks. Finally, she has two large bracelets on her right arm, blue and magenta respectively.
Almanac entry[]
Glitter Zombie
Trails glamorous rainbows that protect zombies behind her when she's feeling the beat.
Glitter Zombie inspires zombies everywhere to boogie their brains out, whether it's just one moment or maybe forever, or at least until the lights come on and they're kicking everybody out.
Glitter Zombie
Trails glamorous rainbows that protect zombies behind her when she's feeling the beat.
Glitter Zombie inspires zombies everywhere to boogie their brains out, whether it's just one moment or maybe forever, or at least until the lights come on and they're kicking everybody out.
Glitter Zombie absorbs 490 damage. Her apperance changes after absorbing 245 damage, when she loses her arm, before dying at 490 damage.
Despite being weak in terms of health, her ability to protect zombies behind her, as well as her ability to instant-kill plants by rolling over them during the pop jam, can cause this zombie to become very problematic if you do not have the right defenses. Normally, she is not hard to deal with and does not cause much of a problem as she rarely gets far enough into your lawn to quickly cause serious issues to your defense, due to the speed decrease by 20% for every zombie in this jam.
However, do not underestimate her as she can be a problem if she appears early in undefended lanes or is left alive for long enough as all zombies behind her are invincible to almost all attacks, leaving the other zombies to quickly overwhelm defenses when she is destroyed. The main problem is that she can assist a Hair Metal Gargantuar behind her into your further defenses, which makes the Hair Metal Gargantuar invincible until she dies.
Also, take caution if groups of Breakdancer Zombies appear in her lane, especially if pop and rap jams suddenly shift back and forth in a quick session such as some later levels in Greatest Hits, allowing her to crush the plants without moving towards them.
Dandelion and Dusk Lobber can quickly destroy groups of Glitter Zombies at a time as they can cover multiple lanes at a time and can deal splash damage.
Slowdown plants or stun plants such as Winter Melon, Apple Mortar, and Stunion respectively, allow the player to slow down this zombie to an extent where other zombies can walk in front of her, removing their protection from damage.
Hocus Crocus teleports the zombie away, exposing the rest to other plants.
Shrinking Violets are a good choice as they can reduce the area of protection by Glitter Zombies.
Jack O' Lanterns are an excellent choice as they can destroy both the Glitter Zombie and the zombies in her rainbow at the same time.
Guacodile is also useful as he will rush before the Glitter Zombie has a chance to target him. In addition, his rush attack can also damage the zombies at the same time when he defeats her.
Bowling Bulbs and Grapeshots can also assist you in weakening some of the protected zombies after they destroy the Glitter Zombie herself, especially with the scattering grapes from Grapeshot.
Ghost Pepper, Spikeweed, Spikerock, Cactus, and Celery Stalker (while hiding) cannot be killed by getting run over, making them effective at surviving to be able to continue to defeat other zombies. This is not recommended when Arcade Zombies or Hair Metal Gargantuars are nearby, though.
Chard Guard and Primal Peashooter can be very effective at stalling and knocking Glitter Zombies back, exposing the zombies she was protecting. However, there is a downside, as both plants can knock other zombies back into her rainbow trail, thus one should be careful when using them.
Hypnotized Zombies are completely unable to hit her.
Toadstool and Chomper can be used to eat her, exposing any zombies behind her to plant attacks. However, they will then be vulnerable to zombies, so take caution when using them.
Balance changes[]
Update 6.3.1[]
▼ Health decreased from 700 health to 490 health
Update 9.7.1[]
▼ Glitter Zombies with rainbow trails behind can no longer knock back hypnotized zombies.
If she successfully kicks a hypnotized zombie into the player's house, the zombie will eat the player's brains. A video of it can be seen here.
Her rainbow cannot protect Neon Bucketheads and Punk Zombies from getting their buckets and heads, respectively, taken away by Magnet-shroom; it also cannot protect zombies from Sun Bean's Plant Food effect, and from getting hypnotized by Hypno-shroom.
If Chili Bean is used on a zombie protected by the rainbow, the zombie gets stuck and can be damaged by other plants while in the trail, but remains invincible until the effect fades, after which it is destroyed.
There is a glitch on some devices on where the glitter trail may not fade out, but will be a solid view.
In Modern Day, she moves faster, due to the lack of jam speeds in that world.