Its Evolution ability alludes to how it is an upgrade plant in Plants vs. Zombies, with its Double Strike trait alluding to how it is an upgrade of the Repeater, who also has the Double Strike trait in its Plants vs. Zombies Heroes appearance.
Its description may be an allusion a stereotype of attrition wars, whereas the only way to win is to put in more resources than the opponent.
Class: Mega-Grow
Tribe: Pea Plant
Trait: Double Strike
Ability: Pea Evolution: This does a Bonus Attack.
Set - Rarity: Colossal - Legendary
Card description[]
There is no problem that cannot be solved by more peas.
Update history[]
Update 1.22.12[]
Added to the game.
Update 1.24.6[]
▲ Strength change: 4 → 5
▼ Health change: 5 → 4
Animation change: Legendary shine added.
By itself, Gatling Pea should be treated like a more powerful version of Repeater. Just like Repeater, due to its Double Strike trait, it will perform a bonus attack if it survives combat, essentially allowing it to do double damage or attack your opponent after destroying a zombie.
However, the main distinction for Gatling Pea is that it can be Evolved on another pea plant, causing Gatling Pea to perform a bonus attack upon being played which can help either remove a zombie with up to 5 or weaken a high-health zombie which can then be taken out more easily during combat, or you can deal a lot of damage to the Zombie hero.
Just like other Double Strike plants, increasing its strength is always a good idea as it only makes the fact it can do at least two attacks in a turn more potent. Being a pea plant, this can easily be done with Torchwood, becoming a 7/4Double Strike plant, or The Podfather, which makes Gatling Pea stronger when played, making it a 7/6. This can allow Gatling Pea to do up to 14 damage that turn. If you count its Evolution ability, you can do 21 damage, which can potentially defeat a full health opponent if they don't block its attacks.
If you want to look for an alternative, Grape Power is a very worthwhile choice as it bumps its strength to a massive 10, which with Double Strike will do 20 damage, which is enough to defeat a full-health opponent in one turn.
Pea Patch also makes an effective candidate for Evolution, as not only is it a Pea plant, which will activate Gatling Pea's evolution ability, but it is also a Fusion' card, meaning that on top of being able to do a bonus attack, Gatling Pea will also gain +2/+2 due to its Fusion ability.
It is recommended to almost never play this plant at all if Bonus Track Buckethead is on the field, because he will prevent bonus attacks from happening. If that is the case, you must take him out first.
Gatling Pea should be treated like a Repeater with higher stats; if left alone, it can do a lot of damage in its lane, potentially dishing out at least 10 damage there or 15 with evolution. It can be especially dangerous in tandem with boosting cards like Torchwood or The Podfather.
In order to try and mitigate or prevent its Evolution ability, you can try to remove all peas on the board before opponent can play Gatling or play a Gravestone zombie in front of any possible pea plant it may Evolve on. A cheap zombie with the Deadly trait is also recommended, but you should beware that none of them can take Gatling Pea's Evolution ability with the exception of Smelly Zombie (who hides in a gravestone) and thus should be played after the Evolution ability has activated.
As mentioned above, Bonus Track Buckethead is a good counter since it disables both its Double Strike trait and its Evolution ability. However, it is recommended to play him where Gatling Pea can't be played since Gatling Pea will emerge victorious if both of them exchange attacks. Gargantuar Mime can help also as he will do a bonus attack when it attacks.
Please note that only official translations are used.
Gatling Pea
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese
lit. "Mechanism Pea" portmanteau of "機關槍" (machine gun) and "豌豆" (pea)
개틀링 완두콩
Brazilian Portuguese
A portmanteau of "Guisante" (Pea) and "Ametralladora" (Machine-gun)
Despite Gatling Pea in its original game firing 4 peas, Gatling Pea is shown firing a scatter shot of 5 abnormally small peas. This reference would be later passed on to Mega Gatling Pea's appearence in Plants vs. Zombies 2 where he can also fire 5 peas in a burst.