Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
For the plant in Plants vs. Zombies, see Flower Pot.

Flower pots are items that appear in the Plants vs. Zombies series.

Plants vs. Zombies[]


Flower pots contain plants in the main Zen Garden. The flower pots in the Zen Garden do not have eyes or a mouth, so they are not actually plants. Aquatic plants in the main garden and the Mushroom Garden are kept inside flower pots filled with water instead of dirt, which are larger than normal Zen Garden flower pots.

Plants vs. Zombies Adventures (Archived content)[]

Screenshot 6

Several Sunflowers in flower pots

In this game they replace seed packets to hold plants. The number of seed slots the player had was the number of flower pots on the bottom of the screen. The player could buy more flower pots using Zombucks.

Plants vs. Zombies 2[]


Just like in Plants vs. Zombies, it's made to plant any plant available (and the ones the player has unlocked), except instant use plants (like Cherry Bomb, Hurrikale, and Jalapeno) in the Zen Garden. The plant on the flower pot can boosted for use on one level if they choose that plant. When first introduced to Zen Garden, the player will have 6 pots available at first. Further pots require paying 20 gems to unlock for each.

Chinese version of Plants vs. Zombies 2 (China only)[]

Sun Up Plant Pot

A sun plant pot

In the Chinese version of the sequel, flower pots are upgrades or accessories that can be equipped and unequipped to certain plants in the costumes menu. There are four types of these flower pots: sun pot, speed up pot, buoy pot, and the recycling pot. Each comes with a different bonus, and can only be used on specific plant types. When a plant in a pot is eaten by a zombie, sometimes the pot will stick around. However, the effect is purely cosmetic. For example, if a Cactus was planted in the waters of Big Wave Beach and was subsequently killed, the pot stays where it is. However, non-aquatic plants cannot be planted on the pot.

Plants vs. Zombies: All Stars (China only) (Archived content)[]

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It holds plants in the Zen Garden and is used for upgrading purposes.


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