Plants vs. Zombies Wiki

Far Future - Day 13 is the thirteenth level of Far Future. It is a regular level without other objectives. Mecha-Football Zombie is introduced in this level for the first time. When this level is finished the first time, the player unlocks Infi-nut.


  • It is not too hard if you can stand with the new zombie called Mecha-Football Zombie. It can push your plants onto the left side of the lawn, and the plant on the first column can be tossed out of the lawn. Its toughness is the same as Disco-tron 3000.


  • Suggested plants
  • Do as you normally do in the first stage. Planting two columns of Twin Sunflowers (not under Power Tiles) will help you plant many offensive plants to ready for the new zombie.
  • Try to plant at least a Winter Melon on each lane. Then plant one column of Bonk Choy. When the first huge wave comes, a Mecha-Football Zombie makes its first appearance. Plant an E.M.Peach if you are afraid of its special. Overall, this level should not be too hard.
  • Smart tip: Plant a Bonk Choy near Mecha-Football Zombie, as it will keep punching it because Mecha-Football Zombie cannot eat it and just push it.


