They are based on moss, small, flowerless plants that typically grow in dense green clumps or mats, often in damp or shady locations. However, Eyespore's appearance (fuzzy purple mass, horns, multiple eyes) is more closely based on stereotypical monsters.
Their name is a combination of "eye," referring to the many eyes on them, and "spore," referring to their moss tribe. Their name may also incorporate "eyesore," a term used to describe something ugly or hideous. Their description makes fun of their sheer eye quantity.
Class: Solar
Tribe: Moss Plant
Traits: None
Ability: Fusion: Destroy a Zombie here.
Set - Rarity: Triassic - Rare
Card description[]
Really good at staring contests.
Update history[]
Update 1.24.6[]
Added to the game.
Eyespore is a weak plant in terms of stats and is more reliant on its Fusion ability. In the early game, Eyespore can destroy troublesome zombies like Jurassic Fossilhead and Cat Lady that are difficult to remove, and in the late game, they can easily destroy monstrous threats that are too much for your plants to handle.
However, if you want to destroy a zombie already on the field, you will have to play Eyespore in front of that zombie, which means that they have to survive the Zombie Tricks phase and the Fight phase this turn, and the Zombies Play phase next turn, which is very unlikely due to Eyespore's low health, even if they are Conjured by Genetic Amplification. Therefore, unless you're sure your opponent really can't do anything, it is better to quickly utilize Eyespore's fusion ability on the same turn it is played. As Eyespore does not affect the plant fused with it, a cheap plant can be expended to easily destroy a zombie. This usually only occurs from the third turn onwards to prevent the opponent from interfering with tricks or other zombies, but 0-cost plants allow that to occur on the second turn. The Solar Class has Li'l Buddy, while Solar Flare can use Puff-Shroom as an alternative.
But there is another use for Eyespore: putting pressure on your opponent. If you play Eyespore on an empty lane, you can deny them from playing stronger zombie fighters or boosting them, as this usually happens after the next turn, and as Eyespore's Fusion ability will destroy them easily in that case. You can take advantage and play some Team-Up plants yourself, or boost Eyespore.
However, Team-Up plants either lack strength or health, making them unsuitable for your main offense in most situations. Your opponent can also play tricks or zombies that can easily remove Eyespore, as it only has 1 health, and Eyespore is not worth boosting due to its low base stats as well as the nature of Fusion fighters. While Chompzilla can give it Untrickable via Umbrella Leaf to deal with the former, no Solar hero can deal with the latter two. Umbrella Leaf is also prone to being destroyed due to her ability hindering your opponent greatly. You should also note that Eyespore doesn't affect Gravestones, so you'll have to deal with them in advance with other cards.
Eyespore's Fusion ability is very dangerous, as it can destroy any zombie regardless of strength, and also bypasses the Untrickable trait.
While Eyespore can be played on as early as turn 2, it is often too risky as a trick is all it takes to destroy them. This means that you only have to worry about them later on in the game, but once that happens, you won't be able to stop its ability from activating, so prepare for the worst.
You could choose to leave Eyespore's lane empty so their Fusion ability can't destroy any zombies, but your opponent can take advantage of this play something with Team-Up on their lane, and they will keep hurting you until you play something to deal with the plant or Eyespore. In that case, zombies whose ability hurts or destroys plants outside their lanes, or tricks can deal with Eyespore.
But Eyespore's best counter is Gravestone zombies and relevant cards, as Gravestones cannot be destroyed by Eyespore. Unless you are facing Wall-Knight, who has a wide array of anti-gravestone cards, said zombies can easily counter this plant.