Its description references the usual side effects of time travelling like creating a temporal paradox, removing one's existence, and affecting the fabric of reality, as usually seen in time travelling fiction. The last one, a mild foot rash, is just a joke.
Class: Hearty
Tribes: History Science Trick
Abilities: A Zombie can't be hurt this turn. Conjure a History card.
Set - Rarity: Galactic - Rare
Card description[]
Possible side effects include: the creation of a temporal paradox, the unraveling of the fabric of reality, erasing your entire existence, a mild foot rash.
Update history[]
Update 1.16.10[]
Added to the game.
Update 1.24.6[]
▼ Brain cost change: 1 → 2
This card is unique, as it can prevent a zombie from being hurt for a whole turn. It can be used on any zombie, and is best used on one that has an ability you want to preserve for a turn. An amazing combo is Planetary Gladiator with this card, which does not cost much at all, but can absorb a lot of damage that would otherwise go to you; basically, this acts like an Uncrackable for one turn. As Neptuna, you can play it on a boosted Space Cowboy to hit your opponent without fear of him being destroyed, provided he can hit enough times and your opponent does not block. Finally, you can use this on zombies that are on Spikeweed Sector if their health is 2 or below so that you don't have to worry about them getting destroyed and they can damage the fronting plant or the plant hero without getting hurt.
Not only that, you will get to Conjure a history card. It can range anywhere from Camel Crossing, which is the cheapest history card, to something much better, like Tomb Raiser Zombie, Undying Pharaoh, Dr. Spacetime, or even another Escape through Time. Although there are no zombies that synergize with the history tribe, this ability is nevertheless useful as it allows you to play cards that you do not have in your deck, and it activates Dino-Roar abilities as well. It works well with Dr. Spacetime, since he can make the Conjured card cheaper. However, only Neptuna can do that normally.
Here is a list of cards that Escape through Time can Conjure:
Since it is a science card, you can use it to activate Interdimensional Zombie's ability as Rustbolt. However, note that Interdimensional Zombie will not be shielded anymore if this trick is played on him as he will transform into another zombie.
There is not much you can do against this trick, as your opponent's zombie is invulnerable the turn it is played unless you manage to get either Devour, Scorched Earth, Weed Whack, or Whirlwind by blocking an attack. If they play this card, then they are most likely to be either stalling or keeping a zombie alive that is vital to their strategy. Therefore, the best thing to do is to simply destroy any zombie this may be played on during your turn with cards such as Squash, Berry Blast, and Chomper.
You must also be aware of the history card it Conjures, as it can be anything from Camel Crossing to Undying Pharaoh.
Escape through Time's statistics
Escape through Time's card
Escape through Time's card image
Escape through Time's sprites (1)
Escape through Time's sprites (2)
Escape through Time being played (1)
Escape through Time being played (2)
Escape through Time's statistics
Escape through Time's card
Escape through Time being the featured card in the August 2nd, 2017 Daily Challenge
In other languages[]
Please note that only official translations are used.
Escape through Time
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese
Évasion temporelle
Flucht durch die Zeit
Fuga attraverso il tempo
시간 탈출
Brazilian Portuguese
Túnel do Tempo
Побег во времени
Huida a través del tiempo
It reuses the textures and card image of the removed Motivate card.
Its flavor text is a bit similar to Vitamin Z as both mention side effects.