Dr. Edgar George Zomboss or better known as Dr. Edgar Zomboss or shortly known as Dr. Zomboss or simply known Zomboss is a zombie, and the main antagonist of the Plants vs. Zombies series. He's the leader of the zombie horde. His invention Zombot, controlled by him, is battled on the Night Roof during Level 5-10 as the final boss in Plants vs. Zombies.
The name Zomboss is a portmanteau of the words "Zombie" and "Boss", meaning "Zombie Boss", while Zombot is the portmanteau of the words "Zombie" and "Robot", meaning "Zombie Robot". According to an interview with George Fan, Dr. Zomboss' middle name "George" was not intended to be named after him, and was only accepted since "it sounded like a great middle name for a zombie overlord boss character."
Dr. Zomboss is an intelligent and evil being, able to construct several powerful machines and to deploy a mass array of zombies in order to thwart Crazy Dave, the players, and their botanical arsenal. He is destructive and ruthless, as depicted in Plants vs. Zombies, where he will send a giant fireball or an iceball against anything in his way. His creations can even destroy his own minions; however, he does not seem to feel any regret for these actions.
Plants vs. Zombies[]
The explosion of Zombot.
The battles with Dr. Zomboss are set in the Night Roof level, probably so that Coffee Beans would not need to come in order to wake up the Ice-shrooms (which could be troublesome for dealing with the fire). He is the second-to-last zombie encountered in Adventure Mode.
He sends out other zombies to attack. The only Zombies he does not send are Flag Zombies (there are no waves in this battle, as it does not end until the Zombot is destroyed), Dancing Zombies, Backup Dancers, Digger Zombies (all of these three either appear underground or summon other enemies from underground), Balloon Zombies (Cacti do not appear on the conveyor, as they are straight-shooting plants ; also blovers, their use is narrow), aquatic zombies (there is no water on the roof), Zombie Yetis (simply due to their exclusivity), Zombie Bobsled Team (despite ice trails from Zombonis. However, they probably do not appear because the Zombot can only place one zombie at a time, and the Bobsled Team consists of four at a time) and the Giga-Gargantuar (for Survival Endless only).
The Zombot also has its own attacks, most importantly fireballs and iceballs which are released from its mouth when it bends down which is the only time when it can be damaged. They both deal lane damage and even crush Roof Cleaners. The Zombot also drops Bungee Zombies (to do single tile damage), and campers, and also stomps at plants near it (which inspired the Zombot Stomp from Plants vs. Zombies Heroes). The boss battle itself is a conveyor-belt level, so seed packets come on the conveyor belt at the top (or left) of the screen.
The only seed packets that can appear are Flower Pot, Cabbage-pult, Kernel-pult, Melon-pult, Jalapeno, and Ice-shroom. Jalapenos and Ice-shrooms are the most effective. The Jalapeno can be used to cut-off the effect of the iceball and ice trail from Zomboni, while the Ice-shroom is effective against the fireball, aside from their regular uses against zombies.
Edgar George Zomboss achieved his Doctorate in Thanatology in only two years. Quickly mastering thanatological technology, he built his fearsome Zombot and set about establishing absolute dominance within his local subdivision.
(China only)(Archived content)
强度: 非常高
速度: 慢
In English: Emperor Zombot
The Emperor Zombot is so dominating and fiersome, isn't it?
Toughness: very high
Speed: slow
Emperor Zombot had always been dreaming to become immortal. Ever since he became a zombie, he eats brains every day and had his dream come true! Looking for brains in the endless Great Wall every day...
When playing Adventure Mode for the first time, Dr. Zomboss approximately absorbs 40000 damage (equivalent to 22 Jalapenos) and his appearance changes upon absorbing 8000 damage and at 20000 damage. Dr. Zomboss suffers an explosion at 36000 damage before surrendering at 40000 damage.
Every other playthrough of Adventure Mode, and in Dr. Zomboss's Revenge, Dr. Zomboss has 150% his health, and absorbs 60000 damage (equivalent to 34 Jalapenos), and his appearance changes upon absorbing 12000 damage and at 30000 damage. Dr. Zomboss suffers an explosion at 54000 damage before surrendering at 60000 damage.
Dr. Zomboss will randomly do one of the following actions:
Summons zombies by dropping them down with the Zombot's left hand. In all versions, Dr. Zomboss will usually neglect lanes with Roof Cleaners destroyed by zombies, but not iceballs or fireballs.
When the Zombot lowers its head and opens its mouth, its eyes will glow either blue or red.
If its eyes glow orange, it will launch a fireball. Use an Ice-shroom to destroy it.
If its eyes glow blue, it will launch an iceball. Use a Jalapeno to defrost it. Make sure the Jalapeno is in the correct lane or the iceball will not be affected.
The Zombot will occasionally summon down three Bungee Zombies from its right hand. The best ways to deal with them are to either freeze them with an Ice-shroom, giving you time to attack them, or to burn them with a Jalapeno.
The Zombot sometimes drops a camper van, destroying all plants in a 2x3 area (two tiles tall by three tiles wide).
The Zombot will stomp on plants that were planted on a flat part of the roof, crushing them in a 2x4 area (two tiles by four tiles wide) which covers one more tile wide than the camper van attack and twice as wide as the Zomboni and Catapult Zombie spawns at the 8th and 9th columns.
Always have an Ice-shroom and a Jalapeno starting for the Zombot's iceball and fireball attacks, and to freeze Dr. Zomboss to defeat him quicker.
Conserve your plants, especially Melon-pults and Kernel-pults. Try not to keep all your Melon-pults and Kernel-pults next to each other/put them in a square position; doing this helps keep plants from the camper dropped by the boss. You will risk losing a last line of defense if this happens. Don't panic planting Cabbage-pults next to each other, as they get defeated and appear a little too often.
Only when Dr. Zomboss reaches down to attack you with a fireball should you use the Ice-shroom to freeze Dr. Zomboss and put out the fireball, so that your Ice-shroom is not wasted.
You should not use a Jalapeno while the Zombot is frozen. This will unfreeze him and let him complicate matters.
It is also possible to keep re-freezing him with multiple Ice-shrooms before he drops providing an opening for your plants. On top of this, it is possible to time the Ice-Shroom's freezing so that right before the Zombot thaws, you can use a Jalapeno, and then freeze him immediately after. Do this repeatedly and you can deal a lot of damage.
Butter cannot paralyze the Zombot despite the fact that it is an open-cab machine, meaning that Zomboss would be hit by butter directly.
If you freeze Dr. Zomboss while he sends out his iceball attack, you will have to deal with the snowball with a Jalapeno, thus unfreezing Dr. Zomboss, so either use the Ice-Shroom after exterminating the ice ball, or don't use it at all.
Leave a column of empty Flower Pots on the first slanted column of the roof as a buffer endless zone and to plant Jalapenos and Ice-shrooms in and keep your plants behind them, but do not plant them farther up the roof or Dr. Zomboss may destroy them.
Plant the Flower Pots on the flat part of the roof when you plant Jalapenos or Ice-shrooms.
If possible, when tough zombies such as Gargantuars, Zombonis, or Catapult Zombies appear, try to wait until they get as close to your most frontal plant before planting a Jalapeno to finish them all. This makes good use of Jalapenos in case Dr. Zomboss wants to put more zombies on the same row.
Dr. Zomboss has a set pattern that he follows at the beginning of the fight. He always places four regular Zombies, four or five Conehead Zombies, then lowers down to breath out a snow/fire ball, then he comes back and places four or five Buckethead Zombies (sometimes he places one Conehead Zombie), then lowers down his head again. After that, the Zombies he places are completely random, except he will not send Normal Zombies again. After his head lowers the third time, he will then release his Bungee Zombies, then after the fourth, he will drop the RV; after that, his attacks are all completely random. However, they do appear to observe patterns that vary with each fight - sometimes may include more or less of a particular zombie or attack than usual, or placed in different lanes.
The first few plants you get on the conveyor belt are Cabbage-pults, followed by Melon-pults. Try to save your Melon-pults for the Conehead Zombies.
The first four plants on the conveyor-belt come out in the following order: Cabbage-pult, Jalapeno, Cabbage-pult, Ice-shroom. The order of plants coming in afterward is completely random.
If you have only one Roof Cleaner left (by delibration or not), Zomboss will typically deploy the bulk of his forces there. This gives you a good opportunity to destroy them all with a single Jalapeno. However, you must protect it at all costs, as if it is gone, Zomboss resumes his normal behavior.
Never plant any plants on a flat part of the roof as they may be crushed by Zomboss' stomp attack, and by Zomboni and Catapult Zombie spawns where they both cover columns 8 and 9.
In the Xbox 360, PS3, and PS Vita versions, the Utility Pole that marks where the zombies appear is removed to allow the player to see more of the roof and the Zombot's details, unlike other Roof stages where the other parts are blocked.
Dr. Zomboss is seen doing experiments on a single Zombie in the Nintendo DS trailer, trying to shrink it and having unlucky results. When this happens, a censored beep can be heard, hinting profanity.
In Dr. Zomboss's Revenge, when Dr. Zomboss has lost 45%–49% of his health (in other words, is at first degrade), a very serious glitch may occur in which he may throw multiple campers towards the player's defenses, send a huge wave of zombies toward players, and finally end the ambush with Bungee Zombies.
On the DS version, Dr. Zomboss is shown in the Zombot on the top screen, with the progress bar on the bottom portion of the screen and will be pulling levers when performing attacks. The only two times he will not be there are right before the level begins and when he gets defeated (where he will fall off the edge of the screen).
The progress bar on the DS version will only increase when he receives a specific small percentage of damage (the progress bar is instead shown on the bottom right corner of the touch screen on Air Raid, but Zomboss will still be on the top screen).
Every time the Zombot stomps on plants, the crushing sound of Zomboni, Catapult Zombie, and Gargantuar is heard.
On the mobile version, if the mobile device has a vibration feature while battling Dr. Zomboss, there will be three occurrences when the vibration is triggered: at the start of the level when he steps on the roof (once per leg), throwing a camper, and the final explosion once Dr. Zomboss is defeated.
If Dr. Zomboss has so low health that can be defeated in one shot, and an Ice-Shroom is planted, his Zombot starts to disintegrate even before the plant disappears, despite that the damage should be dealt after the explosion.
If Dr. Zomboss is defeated and there are zombies remaining, they will despawn. This is because the game considers Dr. Zomboss as a single unit and the boss with spawned zombies as a single wave or group of zombies thus when a controlling zombie (Dr. Zomboss) is defeated with its associated zombies (zombies that are on the screen), zombies spawned by Dr. Zomboss will also be defeated (zombies that are on-screen will despawn) which is evident to when the Bungee Zombies from Zombot's hand steal a plant and some remain on-screen, those that remain on the screen will be defeated or despawn and the plant will not be stolen due to the boss dangling out Bungee Zombies on his robot fingers and has total control of when to hoist them back up. Thus, Dr. Zomboss has total control over the zombies that he spawns during the battle and the entire wave. This also happens when his creations is defeated in the sequel however on that game, the zombies turn into ash and objects associated to a particular zombie (i.e. barrel) will despawn.
If headless bodies of defeated zombies that do not drop into the ground yet are present on-screen upon Dr. Zomboss' defeat, they will also despawn. This is because headless bodies of zombies are still considered by the game as living until they drop into the ground where they are now considered as zombies died/defeated.
However, when there is a Zomboni and the above situation happens, he will also despawn but the ice trail will remain. If the player either waits for an ice trail to disappear or uses Jalapeno to melt it, the trail will also disappear thus if Dr. Zomboss is defeated, the Zomboni will despawn first before its ice trail.
Zombies despawning when Dr. Zomboss is defeated count as "zombies died/defeated" as they will sometimes drop coins.
Hypnotized zombies will also despawn if Dr. Zomboss is defeated despite that they are on the player's side. This is because even though they are hypnotized, they still count by the game as zombies thus both hypnotized and non-hypnotized ones will despawn upon the boss' defeat.
However, if a button that despawn all zombies on-screen is selected through third party programs, he will simply despawn, and not show the defeat animation and play a sound when he is defeated.
Dr. Zomboss, Catapult Zombie, and Jack-in-the-Box Zombie are the only zombies that have two or more different ways to attack and destroy plants, with the first summons zombies, fireball and iceball attack, throwing an RV, and stomping on plants if planted on a flat part of the roof, second lobs basketballs and the catapult's ability to crush plants even if the zombie is moving or in idle animation, and third eats plants and uses jack-in-the-box to destroy them.
Dr. Zomboss, Giga-gargantuar, and Gargantuar are the only zombies that when defeated, their fellow zombies are also defeated (Gargantuar/Giga-gargantuar are defeated with the Imp will make the Imp sink into the trash can and vanishes, while if Dr. Zomboss is defeated, zombies that are on-screen will despawn).
When he is defeated by hypnotized zombies, the defeat sound will not be played and only show the animation of being defeated (Zombot fell into parts and raising a white flag indicating his surrender). Non-hypnotized zombies and hypnotized zombies will also despawn upon Dr. Zomboss' defeat.
However, if the progress bar (which represents Dr. Zomboss's health) is full while he summons Bungee Zombies to steal plants, he will become invincible from being defeated until either they are defeated or the plants are stolen. Once either the Bungee Zombies are defeated or plants being targeted by them are stolen, Dr. Zomboss's defeat animation without the sound will then be shown.
When Dr. Zomboss is defeated and there are Bungee Zombies left on the screen along with a stolen plant, that zombie and a plant will despawn without returning the plant to its original tile. This is because once the grabbing time of a Bungee Zombie occurs and the zombie goes away, the plant now counts as stolen, and being removed from gameplay and part of a zombie by the game. Thus, it is one of the three instances where a plant is despawned from gameplay whole without undergoing the pattern of showing a crushed sprite of the plant and despawning after a few seconds, the other being if blown up by Jack-in-the-Box Zombie's jack-in-the-box and through third party programs.