Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
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Well howdy! Name's Douglas Fir, but most of my friends call me Squeak, squeak, whistle, whistle.

Douglas Fir, in Plants vs. Zombies 3

Douglas Fir was a character in Plants vs. Zombies 3: Welcome to Zomburbia. He is Crazy Dave's cousin and, based on his shirt and appearance, works at the Neighborville Conservation Academy.


Douglas loves nature and animals. He spends the majority of his time at the Campground, where he regularly takes hikes and talks to his forest friends (which are animals).


  • He regularly talks with animals and considers them some of his only friends.
  • He's known Crazy Dave since they were kids and trusts him a lot.
    • According to Crazy Dave, their mothers' uncles' fathers' were the same person and the uncles were the same man too, making Douglas and Crazy Dave cousins.
  • He still sleeps with a stuffy, as he often scares himself with his own scary stories.
    • Its name is Señor Squeeks.
  • He plans to build a gym for his forest friends.
  • He gets along well with Mo, even suggesting him to come live in the woods with him, as he could use a detective.
  • He loves Wall-nut and starts freaking out after he disappears.



  • He only appeared in the 2nd Soft-Launch Re-release Beta and hasn't been seen since.