Ability: Destroy all Plants and Zombies with 4 or more.
Set - Rarity: Premium - Super-Rare
Card description[]
"I could destroy everything you hold dear. It wouldn't be hard."
Update history[]
Update 1.8.23[]
Quotation marks were added to the start and end of its description.
Doom-Shroom is capable of wiping out multiple zombies that have 4 strength or more, such as Zombot Sharktronic Sub, Wannabe Hero, or Sports zombies boosted by Team Mascot, allowing you to regain control of the field, unlike Shamrocket that only works on a single zombie. However, it can also destroy all of your plants that have 4 strength or more, such as Kernel Corn or The Great Zucchini, and since allied tricks can bypass the Untrickable trait, you must carefully consider if it's worth the trade.
In short, while this trick is able to destroy multiple powerful zombie fighters at once for just 5, it also destroys stronger plant fighters on the field, and zombies in gravestones are immune to it, making it a mixed bag.
Due to this problem, try to use this card as a last resort, when your opponent is overwhelming you with many zombie fighters. This trick is best used to counter Zombot 1000, Bad Moon Rising, and Gargantuars' Feast, as these cards are either high-strength foes or often spawn them. It can also work really well if you don't play multiple plants with 4 or more strength, such as when using Pineclone rush decks as Spudow, which can reduce your potential loss.
Generally, Citron and Beta-Carrotina are the best heroes to use Doom-Shroom with as most of their cards involve using plants with 3 strength or less, especially with a well-organized bean deck. Wall-Knight is also an option, as he has some powerful plants that have 3 strength or less, such as Power Flower and Briar Rose.
As for Grass Knuckles and Spudow however, they need to consider carefully before putting Doom-Shoom into their decks as most of their decks involve high-strength cards or cards that can boost plants' stats. If you prefer to bring a card that can destroy zombies with a high amount of strength without any damage on your plants, Shamrocket is a safer alternative.
Avoid using this trick immediately after all your lanes have been filled with Cornucopia, as you may destroy that plant itself as well as some of the newly created plants with Cornucopia's ability. However, if you want to activate the abilities of plants such as Grapes of Wrath or Guacodile, this could be a good choice.
In addition, never play this trick after playing plants boosted by Onion Rings since it will destroy all of them. Note that while Doom-Shroom does not affect Untrickable zombies, it still does affect Untrickable plants as mentioned before, therefore don't bother to use Umbrella Leaf to protect your plants against this trick.
While playing as the zombie hero, this trick can easily punish the player for playing powerful fighters. It is important to be careful while facing against Guardian heroes, as they might use this at any time and destroy your strongest zombies. Try to use powerful zombies with 3 strength or less, such as Barrel Roller Zombie and Foot Soldier Zombie.
If you need to deploy a strong zombie but also want to avoid the risk of Doom-Shroom destroying it, you can use Teleport or Teleportation Zombie to play it in the tricks phase or use Parasol Zombie to give your zombies the Untrickable trait, but primarily only as a Brainy hero.
Make sure you do not boost too many of your zombies over 4 strength when facing a Guardian hero, as there is a chance that your opponent will use this trick during the Plants Play phase, although it is a particularly difficult card for players to get.