Children's Playpark (儿童游乐园; pinyin: Értóng yóu lèyuán) is a new Secret Realm and the 20th world overall, introduced in the v3.1.1 update alongside Meteor Flower, Gorgon Pitcher, and Power Vine. Keeping in theme with the previoustwo Secret Realms, this Secret Realm is themed after a holiday, in this instance the Children's Day events.
This Secret Realm introduces a basic zombie set for the event, alongside featuring previousChildren'sDayzombies.
The realm introduces a new level mechanic, the Ice Cream Van. Ice Cream Vans appear at the start of each flag and bring in three random Children's Day zombies. Zombies that have special abilities like Bubble Gun Imp and Lollipop Zombie can activate their abilities while in the van. The van itself occupies two lanes and can spawn in any two lanes on the lawn.
The van drives slowly down the lawn, instantly crushing any plant it encounters, plants cannot be planted on the tiles the van is occupying. The van can be destroyed if damaged enough and destroying it spawns the zombies inside onto the lawn. If plants such as Spikeweed and Spikerock are used to pop the van's front tires, the van will slowly slide forward and break down, destroying it.