Its appearance resembles the one in Plants vs. Zombies rather than the one in Plants vs. Zombies 2. However, its face is the opposite: it resembles its Plants vs. Zombies 2 counterpart more.
The word "Cha-Boof!" that is seen when it explodes references Cherry Bomb's explosion onomatopoeia from Plants vs. Zombies 2.
Its description is a reference to its Suburban Almanac entry in Plants vs. Zombies.
Class: Kabloom
Tribe: Berry Trick
Ability: Do 4 damage to each zombie here and next door.
Cherry Bomb is far too expensive to really be considered as an option in any deck, even Berry decks. Cards like Berry Blast are much cheaper, more versatile, and can be used to remove Zombies earlier in the game. Cherry Bomb costs 6, so it can only be played on turns 6 or later, and yet it can only efficiently destroy Zombies that cost 4 or less at best.
Cherry Bomb can only be used to its full potential if the opponent plays three Zombies with 4 or less Health next to each other, which is a bad enough idea on its own by turn 6 that you should be able to easily beat them by using better cards.
With Berries like Sergeant Strongberry, Cherry Bomb can do marginally more damage. However, using Sergeant Strongberry to do 6 damage to 3 Zombies is a bad idea, when you could be using other berries (like Wild Berry or Berry Blast) to do 5 or 6 damage to the opponent's Health directly, often finishing the game immediately instead of stalling for another turn.
The best counter against Cherry Bomb is to grant your zombies immunity against it. Parasol Zombie gives permanent immunity until she is destroyed, while Gravestone zombies, Mixed-Up Gravedigger, and Zombie Coach will discourage your opponent from playing Cherry Bomb for the turn they are played.
If you have no choice but to take the full blast of Cherry Bomb, try to spread out your strong fighters so it cannot hit them all at once. You could use Ra Zombie, Turquoise Skull Zombie, or Defensive End to stall it from being played, but these solutions will not last for long. Either way, keep your zombies as healthy as possible, although this may be hard for swarm decks; if you are running a swarm deck, aim to defeat your opponent before this trick can be played.
Fortunately, it should not be as threatening later in the game, as you will probably have access to zombie fighters that can survive a Cherry Bomb such as Octo Zombie and Zombot Plank Walker.
Please note that only official translations are used.
Cherry Bomb
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese
체리 폭탄
At the beach that is the location for missions like Attack of the Tentacles!, on the right of the field there are three surfboards. On one surfboard is the picture of Cherry Bomb.
The two plants that are on the other surfboards are Peashooter and Wall-Nut.
To see it (and other surfboards), the player will need to expand their screen.