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This is a list of all zombies and other things that related to zombies in Plants vs. Zombies series. For pictures of all the zombies, see Gallery of zombies.
Trending pages
Zombies (PvZ) -
Gargantuar -
Dr. Zomboss -
Gargantuar (PvZ2) -
Basic Zombie (PvZ2) -
Gargantuar (PvZ) -
Zombie (PvZ) -
Zombie Yeti
All items (1247)
- Abracadaver
- AC Perry
- Acid Rain
- Actor Zombie
- Admiral Helmet Zombie
- Admiral Helmet Zombie (PvZ: AS)
- Aerobics Instructor
- All-Star
- All-Star (PvZ: GW)
- All-Star Zombie
- All-Star Zombie (PvZ3)
- Ancient Vimpire
- Arbiter-X
- Arcade Zombie
- Archaeologist
- Archer Zombie
- Archmage Zombie
- Arctic Trooper
- Arm Wrestler
- Armor
- Armored Dancing Zombie
- Armored Heal Station
- Ask a Zombie
- Assassin Zombie
- Astro-Goop Zombie
- Astronaut
- User:B49003
- Backup Dancer
- Backup Dancer (PvZ)
- Backup Dancer (PvZ3)
- Backup Dancer (PvZH)
- Backup Dancer (Spawnable)
- Backyard Bounce
- Ballerina Zombie
- Balloon Imp
- Balloon Zombie
- Balloon Zombie (PvZ)
- Balloon Zombie (PvZ2)
- Balloon Zombie (PvZ3)
- Ballpark Frank
- Bandit Zombie
- Bandit Zombie (PvZ: AS)
- Baron von Bats
- Barrel Blast
- Barrel of Barrels
- Barrel of Deadbeards
- Barrel Pirate
- Barrel Roller Zombie
- Barrel Roller Zombie (PvZ: AS)
- Barrel Roller Zombie (PvZH)
- Barrel Zombie
- Bart Barian
- Baseball Star
- Baseball Zombie
- Baseball Zombie (PvZH)
- Basecoat Bert
- Basic Zombie (PvZ2)
- Basketball Zombie
- Bass Zombie
- Batty Vimpire
- Beam Me Up
- Bear Mountain Lord Gargantuar
- Beehive Thrower Zombie
- Big Boy Gang
- Binary Stars
- Biodome Botanist
- Bird Rider Zombie
- Blade-Wielding Hero
- Blastronaut Zombie
- Bling Pylon Mech
- Blitzer
- Blockhead Zombie
- Bloom and Doom Seed Co.
- Blowgun Imp
- Bobblehead
- Bomby Dearest
- Bonus Track Buckethead
- Boombox Zombie
- Bouncer Bot
- Bowling Zombie
- Boxer Bot
- Brain Freeze (PvZH)
- Breakdancer Zombie
- Breaker Bot
- Breakfast Brainz
- Brick Fistmissile
- Brickhead Zombie
- Bride of Frankentuar
- Broadsword Zombie
- Browncoat Zombie
- Browncoat Zombie (PvZ3)
- Browncoat Zombie (Spawnable)
- Bubble Gun Imp
- Buckethead
- Buckethead (PvZ3)
- Buckethead Zombie
- Buckethead Zombie (PvZ)
- Buckethead Zombie (PvZ2)
- Buckethead Zombie (PvZA)
- Bug Bot Imp
- Bug Zombie
- Build-a-Bot
- Bumper Car Zombie
- Bungee Plumber
- Bungee Zombie
- Byte Knight
- Cakesplosion
- Caketank
- Camel Zombies
- Camo Ranger
- User:CandD
- Cap'n Sharklunch
- Captain Cannon
- Captain Deadbeard
- Captain Deadbeard (PvZH)
- Captain Featherbrainz
- Captain Flameface
- Captain Flameface (PvZH)
- Captain Partyman
- Captain Sharkbite
- Captain Smasher
- Captain Squawk
- Cardboard Robot Zombie
- Cardio Zombie
- Carnie Cannon
- Carnie Imp
- Carnie Imp Twins
- Carried Away
- Cart Hawker
- Cat Lady
- Catapult Baseball Zombie
- Catapult Zombie
- Catapult Zombie (PvZ2)
- Cavalry Zombie
- Cavalry Zombie (PvZ: AS)
- Cavalry Zombie (PvZO)
- Celestial Custodian
- Cell Phone Zombie
- Centurion
- Centurion Zombie
- Cheese Cutter
- Chemist
- Chicken Wrangler (PvZ3)
- Chicken Wrangler Zombie (PvZ: AS)
- The Chickening
- Chief Ice Wind Zombie
- Chieftain
- Chimney Sweep
- Chum Champion
- Clamshell God Zombie
- Cleatus
- Club Zombie
- Coach Zombie
- Coal Miner Zombie
- Coffee Zombie
- Coffin Zombie