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This category contains all plants which appear in Plants vs. Zombies 2.

Quick-search table
Player's House Peashooter2 Sunflower2 Wall-nut2 Potato Mine2 Cabbage-pult2
Ancient Egypt Bloomerang2 Iceberg Lettuce2 Grave Buster2 Bonk Choy2 Repeater2 Twin Sunflower2
Pirate Seas Kernel-pult2 Snapdragon2 Spikeweed2 Spring Bean2 Coconut Cannon2 Threepeater2 Spikerock2 Cherry Bomb2
Wild West Split Pea2 Chili Bean2 Pea Pod2 Lightning Reed2 Melon-pult2 Tall-nut2 Winter Melon2
Frostbite Caves Hot Potato2 Pepper-pult2 Chard Guard2 Stunion2 Rotobaga2
Lost City Red Stinger2 A.K.E.E.2 Endurian2 Stallia2 Gold Leaf2
Far Future Laser Bean2 Blover2 Citron2 E.M.Peach2 Infi-nut2 Magnifying Grass2 Tile Turnip2
Dark Ages Sun-shroom2 Puff-shroom2 Fume-shroom2 Sun Bean2 Magnet-shroom2
Neon Mixtape Tour Phat Beet2 Celery Stalker2 Thyme Warp2 Garlic2 Spore-shroom2 Intensive Carrot2
Jurassic Marsh Primal Peashooter2 Primal Wall-nut2 Perfume-shroom2 Primal Sunflower2 Primal Potato Mine2
Big Wave Beach Lily Pad2 Tangle Kelp2 Bowling Bulb2 Guacodile2 Banana Launcher2
Modern Day Moonflower2 Nightshade2 Shadow-shroom2 Dusk Lobber2 Grimrose2
Money Premium Snow Pea2 Power Lily2 Imitater2 Chomper2 Toadstool2 Strawburst2 Cactus2 Electric Blueberry2
Jack O' Lantern2 Grapeshot2 Cold Snapdragon2 Escape Root2 Gold Bloom2 Wasabi Whip2 Apple Mortar2
Witch Hazel2 Parsnip2 Missile Toe2 Caulipower2 Electric Peashooter2 Holly Barrier2
Gem Premium Squash2 Jalapeno2 Hypno-shroom2 Pea-nut2 Homing Thistle2 Ghost Pepper2 Sweet Potato2 Sap-fling2
Hurrikale2 Fire Peashooter2 Lava Guava2 Shrinking Violet2 Electric Currant2 Kiwibeast2
Mint Premium Fila-mint2 Pepper-mint2 Winter-mint2 Reinforce-mint2 Bombard-mint2 Ail-mint2 Enchant-mint2 Contain-mint2
Enforce-mint2 Arma-mint2 Conceal-mint2 Spear-mint2 Appease-mint2
Seed packet
Torchwood2 Starfruit2 Dandelion2 Blooming Heart2 Explode-O-Nut2 Aloe2 Bombegranate2 Hot Date2
Solar Tomato2 Enlighten-mint2 Shadow Peashooter2 Goo Peashooter2 Sling Pea2 Snap Pea2 Zoybean Pod2 Electrici-tea2
Dazey Chain2 Blastberry Vine2 Pokra2 Imp Pear2 Pumpkin2 Pyre Vine2 Ice Bloom2 Dartichoke2
Ultomato2 Gumnut2 Shine Vine2 Tumbleweed2 Puffball2 Olive Pit2 Explode-o-Vine2 Murkadamia Nut2
Turkey-pult2 Boingsetta2 Stickybomb Rice2 Hocus Crocus2 Headbutter Lettuce2 Gloom Vine2 Draftodil2 Pea Vine2
Boom Balloon Flower2 Inferno2 Solar Sage2 Power Vine2 Noctarine2 Heath Seeker2 Iceweed2 Tiger Grass2
Teleportato Mine2 Blockoli2 Buttercup2 Bramble Bush2 Rhubarbarian2 Mega Gatling Pea2 Levitater2 Tomb Tangler2
Vamporcini2 Meteor Flower2 Chilly Pepper2 Bun Chi2 Bzzz Button2 BoomBerry2 MayBee2 SeaFlora2
Scaredy-shroom2 Bamboo Spartan2 Sundew Tangler2 Bean Sprout2 Nightcap2 Cran Jelly2 Bud'uh Boom2 Ice-shroom2
Dragon Bruit2 Electric Peel2 Sea-Shroom2 Guard-shroom2 Aqua Vine2 Mangofier2 Blast Spinner2 Doom-shroom2
Other Marigold2 Security Gourds 2

All items (388)
