Plants vs. Zombies Wiki

All the plants that can instantly kill any zombie other than the zombies absorbing more than 1800 damage.

Note: Most instant-kill plants disappear when they are used.

Cherry Bombs, Jalapenos, Squashes, Potato Mines, Doom-shrooms, And Cob Cannon missiles, all do 1800 damage, killing any zombies except for zombies which absorb more than 1800 damage. Primal Potato Mines deal 2400 damage, and can defeat any zombie except for Robo-Cone Zombies, Gargantuars, and Zombot Dinotronic Mechasaur. The Tangle Kelp kills any zombie instantly regardless of health, and the same applies to the Chomper, Chili Bean, and Toadstool, except for when attacking Gargantuars and bosses, and they only deal 40 damage.

Quick-search table
Plants vs. Zombies Cherry Bomb1 Potato Mine1 Chomper1 Hypno-shroom1 Doom-shroom1 Squash1 Tangle Kelp1 Jalapeno1 Spikeweed1+ Cactus1+^ Blover1+ Umbrella Leaf1+ Spikerock1+ Cattail1+^ Cob Cannon1 Wall-nut1^ Explode-o-nut1 Giant Wall-nut1Crazy Dave
Plants vs. Zombies: Endless Edition Cherry Bomb1 Potato Mine1 Chomper1 Hypno-shroom1 Doom-shroom1 Squash1 Tangle Kelp1 Jalapeno1 Spikeweed1+ Cactus1+ Blover1+ Cattail1+ Spikerock1+ Cob Cannon1 Explode-o-nut1 Giant Wall-nut1 Pig SquashJttW
Plants vs. Zombies Social Edition Cherry Bomb1 Potato Mine1 Chomper1 Squash1 Tangle Kelp1 Blover1+ Cactus1+ Pickled PepperSE Super ChomperSE
Plants vs. Zombies Adventures Cherry BombA PopcornA JalapeñoA Chilly PepperA
Plants vs. Zombies 2 Potato Mine2 Repeater2^& Kernel-pult2+Spikeweed2+ Spring Bean2^ Spikerock2+ Cherry Bomb2 Chili Bean2 Blover2+^ Chard Guard2^Citron2& Sun Bean2^ Magnet-shroom2+^ Thyme Warp2^Tangle Kelp2 Primal Peashooter2^Primal Potato Mine2 Grimrose2 Chomper2 Toadstool2 Electric Blueberry2 Grapeshot2 Escape Root2 Explode-O-Nut2 Bombegranate2 Witch Hazel2 Hot Date2 Caulipower2 Squash2 Jalapeno2 Hypno-shroom2 Hurrikale2+^ Lava Guava2 Shrinking Violet2+ Bombard-mint2 Enforce-mint2^ Enchant-mint2 Conceal-mint2 Shadow Peashooter2C Snap Pea2 Imp Pear2 Tumbleweed2 Olive Pit2 Explode-o-Vine2^ Headbutter Lettuce2+ Draftodil2+Iceweed2+ Teleportato Mine2 Buttercup2+ Bramble Bush2+ Rhubarbarian2 Levitater2 Tomb Tangler2 Chilly Pepper2 Electric Peel2& Guard-shroom2 Doom-shroom2
Plants vs. Zombies 2 (Chinese version) Potato Mine2 Kernel-pult2+ Spikeweed2+ Spring Bean2^ Spikerock2+ Tall-nut2^ Squash2C Chili Bean2 Jalapeno2C Blover2+^ Citron2& Hypno-shroom2C Sun Bean2^ Tangle Kelp2 Hurrikale2+^ Whirlwind Acorn2+ Saucer2^ Toadstool2C Jackfruit2^ Thyme Warp2^ Primal Potato Mine2 Sugarcane Master2^ Caulipower2C Grimrose2 Hot Date2C Bearberry Mortar2& Chomper2C Elaeocarpus-pult2^ Landlord Bamboo2 Grapeshot2C Cob Cannon2 Shrinking Violet2C+ Eggplant Ninja2^ Cherry Bomb2C Cattail2^ Witch Hazel2C Escape Root2C White Melon Sumo Wrestler2& Water Chestnut Brothers2& Chestnut Squad2& Shadow Peashooter2C Snap Pea2C Imp Pear2C Olive Pit2C Headbutter Lettuce2C+ Draftodil2C+ Buttercup2C+ Pea Pharmacist2 Electric Peel2C& Rhubarbarian2C
Plants vs. Zombies Online Potato MineO Wax GourdO Pomegranate-pultO+ Spikeweed2+ Spring Bean2^ Kernel-pult2+ Spikerock2+ BloverO+ Cherry Bomb2 Jalapeno2 Magic VineO&
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare ChomperGW1^ Hot Rod ChomperGW1^ Toxic ChomperGW1^ Fire ChomperGW1^ Power ChomperGW1^ Count ChompulaGW1^ Armor ChomperGW1^ Chester ChomperGW1^ Chomp ThingGW1^Crazy DaveGW1 ^BurrowGW1 Sprint BurrowGW1 TallnutGW1
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 ChomperGW2^ Hot Rod ChomperGW2^ Toxic ChomperGW2^ Fire ChomperGW2^ Power ChomperGW2^ Count ChompulaGW2^ Armor ChomperGW2^ Chomp ThingGW2^ Yeti ChomperGW2^ Disco ChomperGW2^ Unicorn ChomperGW2^ Twilight ChomperGW2^ BurrowGW2 Sprint BurrowGW2 Tallnut GW2
Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville BurrowBfN
Plants vs. Zombies Heroes Grave BusterH+ BlockbusterH^ Doom-ShroomH+ GarlicH+ ShamrocketH+ Winter SquashH^ Shrinking VioletH+ Witch HazelH SquashH Whack-a-ZombieH+ LawnmowerH^ EyesporeH^ ChomperH+ Tactical CukeH^ Briar RoseH^ Three-Headed ChomperH Cob CannonH^ ToadstoolH+ DevourH+

+ - Certain Zombie(s) only
^ - Certain situations only

& - Plant Food only

All items (142)
