All articles with conjectural titles.
What is a Conjectural title?[]
A conjectural title is a name for an article in which is unnamed or has multiple names in the same game. They are unofficial names, and are named as the Plants vs. Zombies Wiki agreed to their name.
What if I know the real name of a conjectural article?[]
If you know the real name of a conjectural article, don't be afraid to Rename the article by clicking the arrow next to "Edit," and saying "Rename." Then, enter the correct name in the box, along with your reasoning and source inside the summary box. If a rename does not have a valid explanation, it will be reverted back.
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All items (340)
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- Banana Tree
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- Brave the Dragon King's Palace
- Broadsword Zombie
- Bruce Bamboo
- Bubble Flower
- Bulb Bowling
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- Caishen Marigold
- Calm Chuck
- Canceled mini-games
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- Carrot Rocket
- Carrot Rocket Launch
- Carrotillery (PvZ: EE)
- Cavalry Zombie (PvZ: AS)
- Celebration Soda Palm
- Charm line
- Chef Cypripedium
- Chessboard Miju
- Chief Ice Wind Zombie
- Chinese Plants vs. Zombies books
- Choy line
- Citron line
- Claw Gloriosa
- Clivia
- Clover line
- Club Zombie
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- Coconut line
- Coffee line
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- Corn line
- Crater-nut
- Creative Courtyard
- Machine Gun Pomegranate
- Machine Gun Pomegranate (PvZ: EE)
- Magic line
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- Magnet line
- Magnet-nut
- Mall
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- Map
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- Maypop line
- Maypop Mechanic (character)
- Melon-nut
- Mine Fruit
- Mischief Radish
- Monk Flower
- Mummy Memory (PvZ2F)
- Pea Cannon (PvZ: OE)
- Pea Fountain
- Pea Girl
- Pea line
- Pea Sunflower
- Pendant
- Pepper line
- Pets
- Pig Squash
- Pineapple line
- Pineapple-pult
- Plant upgrade system
- Plant upgrade system (Chinese version)
- Plantern line
- Plants vs. Zombies 2 Weapon Secrets and Questions & Answers: Science Comic series
- Plants vs. Zombies 2 Weapon Secrets and Questions & Answers: Science Comic; Medicine and Sickness
- Plants vs. Zombies 2 Weapon Secrets and Wonder Adventure: History Comic; Prehistoric Period
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