Bungee Zombie is a zombie found in Plants vs. Zombies. He is the first new zombie encountered in the Roof area and the 20th zombie encountered overall in Adventure Mode. He doesn't attack the player's house directly like most other zombies, but instead drops from the sky to drop a zombie or steal a random plant from the lawn.
Toughness: medium Special: descends from the sky and steals a plant
Bungee Zombie loves to take risks. After all, what's the point of being dead if you don't live a little?
(China only)(Archived content)
强度: 中
特点: 从天而降窃取你的植物
In English: Flower Thief Zombie
Likes stealing plants from above
Toughness: medium
Special: descends from the sky and steals a plant
The Flower Thief Zombie is actually a stuntman, since no one better suits the job of being hung by a wire than him.
Bungee Zombie absorbs 450 damage (22.5 peas) and does not visually degrade. It is worth 3 points in zombie spawning.
Depending on what is planted on the targeted square, a Bungee Zombie will prioritize a plant, followed by a Pumpkin if present, and lastly the Flower Pot or Lily Pad on which the plant was planted.
Before one attacks, an arrow will shoot out of the sky with a bulls-eye attached and falls on the intended target. After a second, a high-pitched "YEEEEE-HAW!" will be heard and the zombie then drops into view on his bungee cord. He hovers over his victim for 3 seconds, during which time he can be frozen, paralyzed, attacked, and/or killed. Bungee Zombie then grabs the plant for 0.68 seconds and gets pulled back up. During the grabbing time, the plant it grabs cannot attack or perform its function, but other plants still can. After that, it becomes invincible. When the Flower Pot or Lily Pad is being grabbed, attempting to plant on those tiles even before they are pulled back up will still make a prompt to plant those plants first will appear (Plant a flower pot/Lily Pad first) thus they must plant a new one first in order for those tiles to become plantable again (unless if the Bungee Zombie is killed before pulling them up which makes a tile to restore its plantable state without planting a new one). During the final wave of any Roof level, Bungee Zombies will drop to deliver a zombie, usually between the fourth and seventh columns, in a similar fashion to the zombies that emerge from underwater in the Pool levels, and the zombies that come out of graves in the Night levels.
On Level 5-1, when a Bungee Zombie lands on an empty Flower Pot, try to put a plant with cheaper sun cost (e.g. Sunflower, unarmed Potato Mine, etc.) so that you can plant there, as Bungee Zombies could steal an empty Flower Pot if the player hasn't obtained the Flower Pot before completing the level.
It is useful to have a Pumpkin available during the final waves, in case an air-dropped zombie lands behind the defensive front.
Alternatively, if you use an explosive plant (e.g., a Jalapeno if more than one is on the same row), or pile enough firepower onto them, they will die. Three or four Gloom-shrooms may be sufficient (it also depends on other defenses you have). An Ice-shroom can also freeze the Bungee Zombie during his natural hover time, allowing offensive plants extra time to deal damage, as well as preventing ambush zombies to be dropped at the final wave similar to Pool and Fog levels.
Potato Mines can be planted on the rows that the Bungee Zombies will drop zombies, as the active mine will blow up all zombies that he drops.
Cob Cannons cannot be targeted by Bungee Zombies, as they are too large to be carried by the zombie, even if they come in pairs. They can kill Bungee Zombies in a 3*5 area.
In Versus Mode, a good way to quickly get rid of your opponent's Bungee Zombie is to plant a Squash or a Chomper behind the targeted plant, effectively and cheaply eliminating Bungee Zombies.
Strategies against Bungee Zombies without Unbrella Leaf
High DPS[]
2 Fume + 1 Gloom + Ice
6 Gloom-shrooms can 100% kill bungee zombies, since each of them inflicts 80 damage per 1.9 seconds. 6*80 = 480.
5 Gloom-shrooms sometimes can, as long as one reacts quickly and attacks twice. However, this does not always happen.
For other high DPS plants such as Gatling Peas and Winter Melons, their attacks can be blocked by other zombies. Therefore, they are sometimes useful in adventure, but very unstable in Survival: Endless.
Two Gloom-shrooms or three Fume-shrooms + one Gloom-shroom are 100% immune to Bungees with the help of Ice-shroom. The Ice-shroom will freeze the Bungees for at least 4 seconds. The 7-second period allows Gloom-shrooms to fire 3 times and Fume-shrooms to fire 5 times. This is enough to kill Bungees.
Builds with similar DPS are also OK, such as 1 Gloom + 2 Fume + 1 Melon, or just 1 Gloom + 2 Fume. Those are less stable, but they rarely fail.
6 Fume-shrooms can also kill Bungees with Ice-shroom, but it is rarely used.
Starfruit + Ice can also be used against Bungee Zombie, but there must be another zombie that "triggers" it to hit. When triggered, its firepower is equivalent to 1 Gloom + 2 Fumes.
In I, Zombie, you can use Bungee Zombies to remove troublesome plants, such as Magnet-shrooms, Threepeaters, Snow Peas, and even Squashes (see this example), but first make sure that they are not covered by Umbrella Leaves or in front of non-chewing Chompers behind them or Squash near them, if you are playing Endless, or you will end up wasting 125 sun.
If a Bungee Zombie targets an armed Potato Mine, it will explode as soon as the zombie descends onto it. However, if a Bungee Zombie steals an unarmed Potato Mine, he will only grab the antenna, not showing the whole Potato Mine.
Also, when a hiding Scaredy-shroom is targeted by a Bungee Zombie, he will only grab the Scaredy-shroom's head, without the stalk.
Despite being in midair, Bungee Zombies cannot be blown away by a Blover.
In the Roof levels, Bungee Zombies technically appear in every level because they drop ambush zombie in the final wave, but they only appear in the seed selection screen if they would steal the player's plants in that level.
If timed correctly, the Bungee Zombie can grab an instant-use plant (Cherry Bomb, Jalapeno, Squash, Doom-shroom, Ice-shroom, Coffee Bean, and Blover) just before it activates. This is because the Bungee Zombie only has a predetermined hover time so if the player plants those plants on them and do not activate during the zombie's grabbing time, they will be stolen thus the zombie does not need to wait for an instant-use plant to activate.
Bungee Zombies and Balloon Zombies are the only zombies that can appear on both the land and pool.
Additionally, in the song Zombies on Your Lawn, a Roof scene is shown with many other zombies, the Zombot, and a Bungee Zombie, which is shaking Crazy Dave, possibly the same one who abducted him.
Crazy Dave is known to hate these zombies "with a passion and a vengeance" (said before Level 5-5).
Bungee Zombie's concept design
As seen in the concept design for the Bungee Zombie posted on the Plants vs. Zombies Facebook page, Bungee Zombies were originally wearing different clothes than in the final game.
If the player has a Pumpkin on a Cattail, and a Bungee Zombie steals the Cattail, the Cattail will downgrade into a Lily Pad.
If a Bungee Zombie steals a defensive plant like a Wall-nut, Tall-nut, or Pumpkin while a zombie is climbing a ladder on it, the ladder will remain and the zombie will simply climb up as if the ladder is still on a nut.
He is similar to Gargantuar when hit by a Lawn Mower or Roof Cleaner.
If one slows down a Bungee Zombie, it will only slow down his movement, but he will still steal the plant at a normal rate.
When Dr. Zomboss sends out Bungee Zombies, the Bungee Zombies will fly away eventually to steal the plants if they are not killed, even if they are frozen or buttered. This is because Dr. Zomboss dangles out Bungee Zombies on his robot fingers and has total control of when to hoist them back up.
However, if one (or more) of the Bungee Zombies were being buttered before they steal the plant, said buttered zombie would be instantly "killed" (simply despawned from the screen) after other Bungee Zombies flown away.
When they appear during the battle with Dr. Zomboss, the target will not appear over the plant.
A glitch may happen in I, Zombie on some slower computers is that if more than 1 Bungee Zombie attacks the same plant, they will all grab the same plant. It is useful to get more Sunflowers from them.
Bungee Zombie is the only zombie whose face is seen from the front in normal gameplay.
Although, Digger Zombie can also be seen from the front momentarily while he is spinning after surfacing.
When the Bungee Zombie grabs the player's plants, he makes a sound like Beghouled and Beghouled Twist when they make an illegal move.
There is a glitch during I, Zombie levels on the DS version; the Bungee Zombie's outline may not match up with where the stylus hits the screen. No amount of recalibrating the screen will fix this problem.
If a Bungee Zombie target hits a plant, but the zombie is deflected by an Umbrella Leaf, the target will just disappear at the same time the Bungee Zombie is deflected.
If Bungee Zombie aims for an empty square and the player plants an Umbrella Leaf after he arrives, the Umbrella Leaf will not deflect the zombie. Instead, it gives a chance for the Bungee to steal the plant.
When Bungee Zombie dies, he will despawn. But in the DS version, he will stay in the air for a few seconds then despawn.
In Survival: Endless, this zombie only appears during huge waves of zombies. However, in Last Stand Endless, they can appear at any time, not just during the huge waves of zombies.
The idea of Bungee Zombie was from Swiss Family Robinson, which was the favorite movie of George Fan, the creator of the game. The idea of him was from ropes that would pull a pirate up.
Bungee Zombies have a hitbox larger than one tile, as they stretch their arms out to the sides.
This means they can scare Scaredy-shroom from two spaces away horizontally, Gloom-shroom can hit them in a 3*5 area, and Fume-shroom can hit them while they are targeting it or if they are 5 tiles away.
If he targets Split Pea to steal, both heads will attack.
It could be due to the larger hitbox, or it being slightly shifted to the left, as Split Pea's back head can hit him if he's on the same tile as the Split Pea
During the InDev version, the Bungee Zombie in the song 'Zombie On Your Lawn', would say "I used to live a good life"
He was later removed in the script of the song.
Due to the sound compression in Great Wall Edition and Journey to the West, he can only say "YEEH-".
Bungee Zombie will not steal the last sun-producing plant.
If a Bungee Zombie targets an unarmed Potato Mine that arms itself while the zombie is still hovering above him, he will steal the armed Potato Mine.
A Bungee Zombie can steal an Umbrella Leaf if planted in the square he's targeting after he's already come down.
It is possible for a Bungee Zombie to steal a flattened sprite of a plant (only applies if a sprite is there and before it despawns).
When Dr. Zomboss is defeated and there are Bungee Zombies left on the screen along with a stolen plant (usually when being defeated by hypnotized zombies while not lowering the Zombot's head through third party programs), that zombie and a plant will despawn without returning the plant to its original tile. This is because once the grabbing time of a Bungee Zombie occurs and the zombie goes away, the plant now counts as stolen, and being removed from gameplay and part of a zombie by the game. Thus, it is one of the three instances where a plant is despawned from gameplay whole without undergoing the sequence of showing a crushed sprite of the plant and despawning after a few seconds, the other being if blown up by Jack-in-the-Box Zombie's jack-in-the-box and through third party programs.
If a Bungee Zombie is blown up seconds before grabbing a plant, he will simply despawn instead of showing his silhouette as if he was killed by non-explosive plants, and a dead body of a zombie, Gargantuar and Giga-gargantuar drop into the ground, and Zomboni and Catapult Zombie popped their tires by Spikeweed and Spikerock but blown up by explosive plants.
Through hacks, it is possible for a Bungee Zombie to target the player's house. When it happens, the "THE ZOMBIES ATE YOUR BRAINS!" cutscene will be shown as normal where a target appears while the game over music plays and camera focuses into the house, and the Bungee Zombie appears. The zombie will ascend into the sky afterwards as if the house is targeted by nothing but this does not stop or interrupt the losing cutscene where the said message still appears and after it, the "GAME OVER" dialog box is shown.
Older trailers of Plants vs. Zombies 3 show him as part of the zombie army. Though they have never appeared in a public release of the game.
Their designs share similarities too, notably the red design shirt.
Through third party programs, if the player uses too many Ice-shrooms in Level 5-5 and Bungee Blitz, the zombies will be killed mid-air and their headless body despawn, making either the Bungee Zombies drop nothing, a headless zombie, or steal a plant without a target similar to Level 5-10 and Dr. Zomboss's Revenge.
If a headless zombie is blown up by explosive plants, it will despawn instead of turning into ash, similar to when it drops into the ground before despawning, and Zomboni and Catapult Zombie being popped by Spikeweed and Spikerock and an explosive plant blows up near them.