Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
Lawn Mower
But you can just call me Crazy Dave.
Browncoat Zombie has different capitalization or spelling depending on what game it is in. When editing, use the term used in the game in question.

This is the gallery for all of Browncoat Zombie's appearances throughout the Plants vs. Zombies series.

Plants vs. Zombies[]

Plants vs. Zombies: Great Wall Edition' (China only) (Archived content)[]

Plants vs. Zombies Adventures (Archived content)[]

Plants vs. Zombies 2[]

Basic Zombie[]

Lawn of Doom Zombie[]

Food Fight Zombie[]

Feastivus Zombie[]

Valenbrainz Zombie[]

St. Paddy's Day Zombie[]

Springening Zombie[]

Birthdayz Zombie[]

Summer Nights Zombie[]

Electric Boogaloo Zombie[]

Big Brainz Zombie[]

Lunar Zombie[]

Lawnbowl Zombie[]

Mummy Zombie[]

Pirate Zombie[]

Cowboy Zombie[]

Future Zombie[]

Peasant Zombie[]

Pompadour Zombie[]

Bikini Zombie[]

Cave Zombie[]

Adventurer Zombie[]

Neon Zombie[]

Jurassic Zombie[]

Roman Zombie[]

ZCorp New Hire[]

ZCorp Contractor[]

Carnie Zombie[]
