Zombie finalized concept art
Zombie from the title screen
In-game render of a Zombie with a mustache
HD Zombie in the mobile version
Zombie in the mobile version
Almost all the Zombie's animations
A Zombie walking forwards (animated)
Animation of a Zombie eating
a Zombie being charred and reduced to ashes
Zombie’s idle animation with Mustache Mode on
Zombie suffering from an allergic reaction. Seen on console versions of the game at a rare chance when eating a nut-based plant, like a Wallnut.
Zombie seed packet in iOS version
Zombie seed packet in iPhone version
Zombie seed packet in Android version
An armless and headless Zombie
A dead zombie with its arm attached and leg flipped up
A hypnotized Zombie without his arm
Piñata candy coming out of a Zombie
A cardboard Zombie head (hacked)
A Zombie wearing a Santa hat
Two Zombies next to each other on the seed selection screen
A buttered Zombie in the Zombies on Your Lawn
A damaged Zombie without a bone in the Web version
A Zombie dying after eating a Wall-Nut (Very Rare)
A Zombie in the DS version without an arm
A Zombie in the DS version with its head popped off
A dead Zombie in the DS version
A hypnotized Zombie in the DS version
A buttered Zombie in the DS version
A buttered armless Zombie in the DS version
A chilled Zombie in the DS version
An armless chilled Zombie in the DS version
A dead chilled Zombie in the DS version
A burnt Zombie in the DS version
All of the frames for the Zombie on the DS version.
An animated Zombie in the DS version
A Zombie in Java version with 2 hands
Frozen, and lost 1 hand (no bone)
Zombie in the 1st Plants vs. Zombies iPhone and iPod Touch app icon
Zombie in the 2nd Plants vs. Zombies iPhone and iPod Touch app icon
Zombie in the 3rd Plants vs. Zombies iPhone and iPod Touch app icon
Zombie in the 1st Plants vs. Zombies iPad app icon
Zombie in the 2nd Plants vs. Zombies iPad app icon
Zombie in the 3rd Plants vs. Zombies iPad app icon
Zombie in the Plants vs. Zombies Android app icon
Zombie in the Plants vs. Zombies FREE app icon
Zombie concept art progression as seen in Rich Werner's site
Multiple concepts and designs for the Zombie
A Zombie in the main menu on iOS (2.4.0)
A Zombie with an excited expression in promotional mini games pop up on iPad version
Zombie in yet another promotional advertisment in Plants vs. Zombies FREE (note his body is Basic Zombie's from PvZ2)
Basic Zombie's Variants Sprites and Textures
A Basic Zombie that lost his arm
Basic Zombie losing his head and falling to the back
A Basic Zombie losing his head
A Basic Zombie eating the player's brains
A zapped Zombie ate your brains! (glitch)
The ashes ate your brains! (glitch)
Basic Zombie affected by Sun Bean
Basic Zombie under Stallia's slowing effect
Basic Zombie in Wild West
Basic Zombie in Frostbite Caves
Four Basic Zombies on the seed selection screen in Highway to the Danger Room (very rare)
Basic Zombie in the tutorial for
Basic Zombie
Arena avatar
Zombie's Hand
Arena avatar
Basic Zombie as in the 7th Birthday Event Trailer
Basic Zombie as in the end of the Modern Day Part 1 Trailer
Basic Zombie in a Piñata Party banner
Basic Zombie in an image about a medical advice on Twitter
[1]A Basic Zombie in the Tutorial
Basic Zombie in the dialogue (animated)
Basic Zombie in the Gem Offer menu (9.8.1)
A glowing Basic Zombie walking fast in the water and loss speed upon the surface (animated)
A hypnotized Basic Zombie walking fast on water (animated)
Basic Zombies in an advertisement for the Black Friday Sale 2023
Basic Zombie in the welcoming screen as of 11.5.1
Warning screen (Chinese version only)
Lawn of Doom Zombie sprites
Lawn of Doom Zombie sprites 2
A Lawn of Doom Zombie rising from the ground in the Lawn of Doom 2020 advertisement
A Lawn of Doom Zombie rising from the ground in the Lawn of Doom 2020 advertisement in the main menu
Lawn of Doom Zombie in an advertisement for Lawn of Doom 2024
A glowing Lawn of Doom Zombie
Lawn of Doom Zombie defeated
Buttered Lawn of Doom Zombie
Hypnotized Lawn of Doom Basic Zombie
Frozen Lawn of Doom Zombie
Lawn of Doom Zombie riding a sandstorm
Food Fight Zombie Textures
Food Fight Zombie in the advertisement of the Black Friday Sale
Food Fight Zombie in an advertisement for Food Fight Level-Up 2020
Food Fight Zombie in an advertisement for Fall Food Fight 2023
A glowing Food Fight Zombie
Food Fight Zombie under Stallia's effect
Shrunken Food Fight Zombie
Food Fight Zombie riding on a sandstorm
Food Fight Zombie defeated (animated)
Valenbrainz Zombie and his variants' sprites
An advertisement involving Valenbrainz Zombie in the 4.8 update on IOS devices about how to fix a glitch involving the Store
Buttered Valenbrainz Zombie
Poisoned Valenbrainz Zombie
Hypnotized Valenbrainz Zombie
Boosted Valenbrainz Zombie
Valenbrainz Zombie in the Valenbrainz Trailer
Valenbrainz Zombie as seen on Icon 4.4.1 (Only on Google Play)
HD Springening Zombie (In Game Model)
Spring Zombie and his variants' sprites
Springening Zombies in an advertisement of Springening 2020
Springening Zombie in the advertisement for The Springening 2024
Basic Zombie's Costume in the Springening
A glowing Springening Zombie
Springening Zombie defeated
Frozen Springening Zombie
A hypnotized Springening Zombie
Shrunken Springening Zombie
Springening Zombie in Big Wave Beach
Springening Zombie in Pirate Seas
Warning screen (Chinese version only)
Another HD Birthdayz Zombie
Birthdayz Zombie and his variants' sprites
Birthdayz Zombie in an advertisement of Birthdayz 2019
Birthdayz Zombie in an advertisement of Birthdayz 2024 (App Store)
Basic Zombie's Costume in the 5th Anniversary Party
A glowing Birthdayz Zombie
Shrunken Birthdayz Zombie
Hypnotized Birthdayz Zombie
A fainted Birthdayz Zombie
Birthdayz Zombie revealed after Camel Zombie gets destroyed
Birthdayz Zombie rising from the grave (Necromancy)
Birthdayz Zombie riding on a sandstorm
Ice Blocked Birthdayz Zombie
Birthdayz Zombie in Frostbite Caves
A Summer Nights Zombie ate the player's brains (note it has its hand but no arm)
A glowing Summer Nights Zombie
Summer Nights Zombie defeated
Summer Nights Zombie ice blacked by Ice Bloom
Buttered Summer Nights Zombie
Shrunken Summer Nights Zombie
Summer Nights Zombie in a vase
Summer Nights Zombie in a Summer Nights ad
Summer Nights Zombie from the trailer
Summer Nights Zombie on a Twitter advertisement about Summer Nights
Big Brainz Zombie and his variants' sprites and textures
Big Brainz Zombie in an advertisement
Big Brainz Zombie in an advertisement on the main menu
A Big Brainz Zombie in game
A glowing Big Brainz Zombie
A zapped Big Brainz Zombie
A burnt Big Brainz Zombie
A frozen Big Brainz Zombie
Shrunken Big Brainz Zombie
Big Brainz Zombie under Stallia's effect
Buttered Big Brainz Zombie
Poisoned Big Brainz Zombie
Ice Blocked Big Brainz Zombie
Artwork (note: uses a concept design)
A Mummy Zombie after losing his left arm
A Mummy Zombie after losing his head
A Mummy Zombie after being defeated, lying on the ground
Idle animation (animated)
A poisoned Mummy Zombie without his arm
Mummy Zombie affected by Sun Bean
Mummy Zombie under Stallia's slowing effect
Mummy Zombie along with other zombies in the
Arena promotional picture
Mummy Zombie's sprites and assets
Mummy zombie frozen and buttered at at the same time
Mummy Zombie on the 10.8.1 Loading Screen
Mummy Zombie rising from the grave (Necromancy)
Cowboy Zombie on the old loading screen
Cowboy Zombie's almanac icon texture
HD Cowboy Zombie without his cowboy hat
A Cowboy Zombie without the cowboy hat
Red Cowboy Zombie near the player's house
Buttered Cowboy Zombie without hat
Cowboy Zombie and his variants sprites
Cowboy Zombie affected by Sun Bean
Cowboy Zombie under Stallia's slowing effect
Hypnotized Cowboy Zombie under the effects of
Sun BeanCowboy Zombie in a Big Wave Beach Piñata Party
Cowboy Zombies in Pirate Seas
Cowboy Zombies in an advertisement for the Harvest Festival 2024
Seed packet without
sun cost
Future Zombie on the Chinese Far Future map
Future Zombie driving a flying car on the Chinese Far Future map
Future Zombie affected by Sun Bean
Future Zombie under Stallia's slowing effect
Future Zombie in the trailer
Walking Future Zombie (animated)
Future Zombie in Wild West
Future Zombie in Frostbite Caves
Frozen Future Zombie (Block)
Future Zombie's sprites and assets
Peasant Zombie with Conehead Peasant
A frozen buffed Peasant Zombie
Hypnotized Peasant Zombie
A stone with Peasant Zombie's head on it on the Chinese Dark Ages map
Peasant Zombie and his variants sprites
Peasant Zombie under Stallia's slowing effect
Peasant Zombie in Wild West
Peasant Zombie Old Colors (Used in Dark Ages Part 1 Pinata Party)
Another HD Pompadour Zombie
Another HD Pompadour Zombie
Pompadour Zombie in the water
Hypnotized Pompadour Zombie
A buttered Pompadour Zombie
A fainted Pompadour Zombie
A glowing Pompadour Zombie
Pompadour Zombie and his variants sprites
Poisoned Pompadour Zombie
Pompadour Zombie under Stallia's slowing effect
13 Frozen Pompadour Zombies
Pompadour Zombie with kelp (Low tide only)
Pompadour Zombie in Far Future
Pompadour Zombies riding on a snowstorm
Bikini Zombie and her variants sprites
Bikini Zombie in the water
Tangle Kelp pulling down Bikini Zombie
A hypnotized Bikini Zombie
Bikini Zombie affected by Sun Bean
Bikini Zombie under Stallia's slowing effect
Bikini Zombie with kelp eating a
Wall-nut (Low tide only)
Bikini Zombie on a phone in the 2017 Valenbrainz trailer
Bikini Zombie in Neon Mixtape Tour
Bikini Zombie in Dark Ages
Buttered Adventurer Zombie
An Adventurer Zombie is being carried by
Bug ZombieAdventurer Zombie and his variants sprites
A hypnotized Adventurer Zombie
A fainted Adventurer Zombie
Adventurer Zombie on the Chinese v.1.8.0 loading screen
A frozen Adventurer Zombie
A poisoned Adventurer Zombie
Adventurer Zombie affected by Sun Bean
Adventurer Zombie under Stallia's slowing effect
Boosted Adventurer Zombie
Adventurer Zombie in Neon Mixtape Tour
Adventurer Zombie riding on a sandstorm
Adventurer Zombie in Lost City trailer
Adventurer Zombie in 3.6.1 app icon (Note how his mustache is different and light brown and that his gloves are dark brown)
Jurassic Zombie as seen on Icon v4.2.1
Jurassic Zombie as seen on Icon 4.8.1 to 4.9.1
Hypnotized Jurassic Zombie
Jurassic Zombie under Stallia's slowing effect
A poisoned Jurassic Zombie
Jurassic Zombie affected by Sun Bean
Jurassic Zombie with other zombies in the Power Plants promotional image
Jurassic Zombies on the sandstorms
Boosted Jurassic Zombie (only
Jurassic Zombie as seen in the Jurassic Marsh Part 1 Trailer
Jurassic Zombie's sprites and assets
ZCorp Contractor's sprites and assets
ZCorp Contractor loses her arm
ZCorp Contractor defeated
A glowing ZCorp Contractor
Hypnotized ZCorp Contractor
Buttered ZCorp Contractor
ZCorp Contractor coming out from a portal
ZCorp Contractor riding on a snowstorm
Basic Zombie on app icon from 1.0 to 1.4
Basic Zombie on the app icon from 1.5 to 1.6
Basic Zombie on the app icon from 1.7 to 1.8
Basic Zombie with future glasses on the app icon
Basic Zombie on the app icon in the 2.3 update
Basic Zombie on the app icon from 2.7 to 2.8.3
Basic Zombie on the 1.3.2 logo of the Chinese version
Basic Zombie on the Feastivus icon
Basic Zombie on the Easter icon