It has the Amphibious trait, and its ability resets the zombie hero's brain counter to zero the turn it is played. Its closest zombie counterpart is Ra Zombie.
It is based on the banana, an edible fruit, botanically a berry, produced by several kinds of large herbaceous, flowering plants in the genus Musa. Its head bears a resemblance to Megamind's, and also some of those in Murderous Maths.
Its name is a portmanteau of "brain," referring to its ability and head, and "banana," the real-life plant it is based on.
Its card description contains the word "brain drain", meaning a situation where there is an emigration of highly trained or qualified people from a particular country, which usually does not mean well for the country of departure. However, the term is taken literally and positively, as it refers to its ability to reduce the zombie hero's brains to 0.
Class: Smarty
Tribe: Fruit Plant
Trait: Amphibious
Ability: When played: The Zombie Hero loses their Brains.
Set - Rarity: Premium - Legendary
Card description[]
In this case, "brain drain" is a good thing.
Update history[]
Update 1.4.14[]
▲ Trait added: Amphibious
Tribe change: Fruit → Banana
Update 1.16.10[]
▲ Strength change: 3 → 4
Rarity change: Super-Rare → Legendary
Update 1.22.12[]
Animation change: Legendary shine added.
Update 1.60.79[]
Tribe change: Banana → Fruit
Brainana has low stats for a high-cost plant and lacks any type of meaningful synergy, so it's bad for a fighter. This means that this plant is used not because of its stats, but because of its ability. You will only be able to shut down any of your opponent's tricks and Environments (Unless a Kabloom hero has a Seedling that transforms into it, preventing the Zombie hero from playing any cards that costs brains. While it should never be relied upon, Brainana does becomes much more potent in this particular instance, allowing you to wreak havoc on your opponent with little fear of retaliation.)
Therefore, it is better to play it in the late game, as your opponent gets more brains for tricks and environments, as well as Teleportation Zombie.
Even though he has low stats, this card has many good uses. Doing only four guaranteed damage for six sun is hardly an efficient trade, however if you have already built a strong field or if you have other strong finishers like Astrocado, Brainana becomes a game-changing card, since your opponent will not be able to respond with tricks. Despite the fact Brainana only skips one singular turn, it allows you to gain superiority over your opponent, because on the next turn after this card has been played, your opponent will have to respond to Brainana and the cards that you play on this turn, and besides, your opponent spent whole turn doing nothing when you get 4/3. Not only that, this card also counters the Brainy, because this class often uses Teleport and Teleportation Zombie, and also counters expensive tricks like Maniacal Laugh.
It is possible for all Smarty heroes to use Rescue Radish to bounce Brainana and use his ability again. Not only that, different heroes can find various synergies for this card. Green Shadow can boost Brainana's stats with Half-Bananas when they activate their ability. She can also use Plant Food to almost guarantee 9 damage to face, since Brainana is almost unanswerable and it can be played on water lane. Rose can use cards like Twin Sunflower and Sunnier-Shroom to play this card as quickly as possible and gain even more value.
However, Brainana hardly impactful enough to win an entire game by himself, therefore, it is recommended to use it together with other finishers or win conditions, since Brainana is usually better at helping other cards win the game than on its own. You also shouldn't play this card if your opponent used a lot of brains in Zombie phase, unless Brainana guarantees you a win this or next turn when used.
Brainana is a very hard card to deal with. This card is especially dangerous for Brainy or if you use expensive tricks. You can usually expect this card from Rose and sometimes from Citron, but other heroes can use it too. You can play around this card ability by using your brains on the Zombie phase, for example, playing cards immediately instead of teleporting them, or at least not teleporting some cards to reduce the value of Brainana. You can also play expensive cards with high stats such as Cryo Yeti, Interstellar Bounty Hunter or Supernova Gargantuar to out value Brainana since he has very bad stats. Alternatively, you can spread out your board presence using lots of small cards to deal massive damage to the Plant Hero. You should also be worried if you have 4 or less health, because then you are guaranteed to lose because of Brainana. In this case, try to block all lanes if possible or play cards that can save you, like Undying Pharaoh, Medic, Pogo Bouncer or Cryo-Yeti.