Bonk Choy is a premiumuncommonplantcard in Plants vs. Zombies Heroes and a member of the Mega-Grow class. He costs 1 to play and has 2/1. He does not have any traits, and his ability gives him +1, but only for the turn he is played. His closest zombie counterpart is Tennis Champ.
Set - Rarity change: Basic - Common → Premium - Uncommon
Bonk Choy can be considered as the plant equivalent of Tennis Champ. However, Bonk Choy has higher base strength than Tennis Champ, while his extra strength boost is significantly lower than his zombie counterpart. The strategy for Tennis Champ mostly works the same for Bonk Choy, as he does well to remove one early game threat, but isn't all that useful later on.
Bonk Choy can make an excellent trade against annoying early game zombies, such as Quickdraw Con Man, Headstone Carver, and Arm Wrestler (whose ability only boosts it to 3 health, just enough for Bonk Choy to destroy). The only possible 1 brain zombies that can survive Bonk Choy's attack are Cat Lady and Planetary Gladiator, but they will be easily destroyed afterwards.
Bonk Choy is one of the better means to boost Potted Powerhouse. As long as he isn't played in Total Eclipse, his ability always activates, which boosts any Potted Powerhouses in your hand.
You can also use him for Savage Spinach's Leafy Evolution. While Umbrella Leaf, Party Thyme, Shellery, and Lily Pad are better choices, Umbrella Leaf and Party Thyme are already useful on their own with their abilities, and the latter two are restricted to Green Shadow. Bonk Choy has no value outside of early game trading, and so is often the best expendable option.
This plant's high strength and low health means that he is a glass cannon, which means that while he hits very hard, he is easy to destroy. Because of this, expect your opponent to use this as a cheap way to destroy an important zombie with 3 health or less. Damaging cards such as Conga Zombie, Fireworks Zombie, and Bungee Plumber, and stat-reducing cards like Nibble, Pied Piper, and Acid Rain are all excellent options to use against Bonk Choy. Total Eclipse can also be used to take Bonk Choy out, provided his health isn't boosted.