In their description, Bloomerang speaks a language using stereotypical Australian terms, such as "Crikey," referring to the fact that boomerangs were invented in Australia. It is also a reference to boomerangs and their ability to return to the thrower once thrown.
Their Strikethrough trait references their ability to attack multiple zombies at once in Plants vs. Zombies 2.
Class: Solar
Tribe: Flower Plant
Trait: Strikethrough
Abilities: None
Set - Rarity: Premium - Uncommon
Card description[]
"Magnets? Gravity? Crikey, I don't have a clue why they come back."
Update history[]
Update 1.2.11[]
Set - Rarity change: Premium - Uncommon → Basic - Common
Update 1.14.13[]
Set - Rarity change: Basic - Common → Premium - Uncommon
Bloomerang is a solid and reliable plant with good stats. Even if they are not boosted, they can survive a hit unlike Fume-Shroom (although you shouldn't expect them to survive for long), and they have the Strikethrough trait as well, allowing them to hit both the zombie and your opponent.
Since they are a flower plant, they can also be used in a flower deck with Power Flower and Briar Rose. The only problem about Bloomerang is their cost, since 4 sun is a bit pricey. But since you can make lots of sun early on, it is only a minor problem.
Chompzilla and Solar Flare can focus on merely buffing it (as long as it isn't in the danger of getting hit by Rocket Science) or protecting it for a longer period of time, but it's generally better not to focus so much on it, as it doesn't have any abilities other than being a Strikethrough Flower.
Bloomerang should be easy to destroy at the fourth turn as their stats aren't that much of a problem, but with Strikethrough, they will easily chip away at your health anyway. While you can just play some zombies to destroy them, you can also play tricks like Knockout and Electrobolt to destroy them the turn they are played, as long as you could tank the hit yourself as well.