Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
For the Chinese version of the level, see Big Wave Beach - Day 17 (Chinese version).
For the Chinese version of this level before the v1.8 update, see Big Wave Beach - Day 17 (Chinese version: pre-1.8).

Big Wave Beach - Day 17 is the seventeenth level of Big Wave Beach in Plants vs. Zombies 2. The Octo Zombie is introduced in this level. The tideline is located between the second and third column. When this level is finished for the first time, the player gets a Big Wave Beach piñata.


  • The Octo Zombie is actually similar to the Wizard Zombie, but his octopi are not defeated when he is defeated. A Ghost Pepper or Cherry Bomb should be used to defeat them.
  • There are only three Octo Zombies, so this level should not be too hard.


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost one.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Pompadour Zombie2 None
2 Pompadour Zombie2 Pompadour Zombie2 None
3 Pompadour Zombie2 Pompadour Conehead2 None 100% Plant Food
4 Pompadour Buckethead2 None Water reaches 6th column
5 Bikini Zombie22 Bikini Zombie24 Bikini Buckethead23 None Water reaches 5th column
6 Bikini Zombie22 Bikini Zombie24 Octo Zombie23 None Water reaches 4th column
7 Bikini Zombie22 Bikini Zombie24 Bikini Conehead21 Bikini Conehead25 Bikini Buckethead23 Beach Flag Zombie2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 None 600%/7 Plant Food; first flag
8 Bikini Zombie22 Bikini Zombie23 Bikini Zombie25 Snorkel Zombie2 Snorkel Zombie2 None Water reaches 5th column
9 Bikini Conehead2 Bikini Buckethead2 None Water reaches 6th column
10 Bikini Zombie23 Bikini Conehead22 Bikini Conehead24 Snorkel Zombie23 None 500%/7 Plant Food
11 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Conehead2 Snorkel Zombie22 Snorkel Zombie24 None Water reaches 5th column
12 Bikini Zombie22 Bikini Zombie24 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Conehead21 Bikini Conehead25 Snorkel Zombie23 None Water reaches 4th column
13 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Conehead2 Bikini Buckethead2 Snorkel Zombie2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 None 400%/7 Plant Food; water reaches 3rd column
14 Bikini Zombie23 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Conehead21 Bikini Conehead25 Bikini Conehead2 Beach Flag Zombie2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Octo Zombie22 Octo Zombie24 None Final flag; water reaches 2nd column


Strategy 1  (Contains gemium content)

Created by Uselessguy
  • Required plants:
  • Plant two columns of Twin Sunflowers, or one. Use Tangle Kelps to kill the first zombies. Iceberg Lettuce can be used to delay time.
  • Quickly plant at least three columns of Snapdragons, one column of Infi-nuts and Lily Pads if needed.
  • When seeing an Octo Zombie, quickly plant a Ghost Pepper or Tangle Kelp if it is alone.
  • Feed Plant Food on Infi-nut to create a shield to protect the plants from ambush zombies.
  • If Octo Zombies come in the final wave, it is better to use Ghost Pepper's Plant Food upgrade to kill them quickly.
  • Snapdragons will greatly help you destroy the octopi.

The Sound-o-buga Anti-Lily Pad Strategy

  • Required plants:
  • Use the first column for your Sun-shrooms (leave one tile open in case of Octo Zombies). The second column should be occupied by Phat Beets. The water tiles should only be used by Rotobagas.
  • Only use the emergency plants if 1.The whole lawn is filled with octopi. 2. The zombies are too close to the House.
  • If you do this correctly, the day will be easy to beat. 

Chess Srategy

  • Required plants
  • Sun-shroom
  • Rotobaga
  • Lily pad
  • Grimrose
  • Cherry bomb
  • Puff-shroom
  • Primal wall-nut
  • Hot potato if you 8 seed slots and she's at level 5
  • Plant Sun-shrooms on the light tiles or the dark tiles(choose only one). When the first zombie come plant a puff shroom,you should also have sun to place a Rotobaga ligher or darker tiles depending on where you planted Sun-shrooms.
  • When the snokel zombie come use Grimrose, as she can kill snokel zombies unlike Tangle kelp, also use her when you see the first octo zombie
  • keep planting Sun-shrooms and Rotobagas in a concave formation until the seveth row, then plant Primal wall-nuts. Check if your Primal wall-nuts are degrading
  • Do not place Lily pads on Rotobagas unless they are automaticly there as that is wasting sun as Rotobaga can fly she also can't bound up my octopuses so only your Sun-shrooms and Primal wall-nuts will be bound, your Rotobagas or hot potato should hadle that
  • use cherry bomb only on the octo zombies on the final wave
  • If you do this right this day will be easy to beat(and maybe even be a little fun).




  • This is the only level in Big Wave Beach Part 2 without Surfer Zombies.
