Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
For the Chinese version, see Big Wave Beach (Chinese version).

Big Wave Beach is the 10th world (6th world released chronologically) in Plants vs. Zombies 2, released in update 2.9.1, introducing new zombies and aquatic plants, with the return of Lily Pad, Tangle Kelp and Snorkel Zombie from the first game.

Big Wave Beach takes place in the 1960s, when surfing gained popularity worldwide, especially in the states of Hawaii and California in the US, as well as Australia. Various new beach gear like woodie (a car body style), necklaces with tiki faces, and beach clothes, like bikinis, were invented during this time. They can be seen in Big Wave Beach.

The main stage element of this world is the water. In each level, there is an arrow and a line of seaweed called the "tide line" that divides the land and water. The location of the tide line changes in every level. "Low Tide!" is the surprise attack for this world, which summons Imp Mermaid Zombies in random lanes, similar to Bot Swarms in Far Future. However, dangerous zombies can also be summoned, such as Octo Zombies, or even Deep Sea Gargantuars.


Sound Description
Choose your Seeds
First wave
Flag wave A start
Flag wave A
Flag wave B start
Flag wave B
Last flag start
Last flag
Ultimate Battle(Chinese version only/International version removed)
Mini-game(Chinese version only/International version Unused)

Game description[]

Take a trip back to the '60s and hang the ten on the ocean waves! Tides are changing and those gnarly zombies make it not-so-safe to go back in the water!

Order of events[]

If the player already obtained the world's Key in Jurassic Marsh - Day 32, they can gain access to Big Wave Beach.

After beating Day 15, the player obtains a bingo card with brains and a zombie head marked as "BINGO." After defeating the horde of Deep Sea Gargantuars on Day 16, the player gets a Big Wave Beach Piñata.

On Day 32, Dr. Zomboss states that Chomper and Bikini Zombie have become cozy lately, which makes him think that a beachside plant-zombie romance is going on. He also notes that Chomper has the appetite of a zombie, making his loyalty questionable. After defeating Zombot Sharktronic Sub, Penny says that Dr. Zomboss is just trying to "sow the seeds of discontent," while Crazy Dave also adds that they are the only ones who're going to "sow the seeds."



As a five-Jalapeno world, Big Wave Beach is generally considered a very difficult world to complete. The main source of difficulty is the water and tide mechanics, making it much harder to place plants. The zombies are especially difficult to defeat when combined with this limitation. Additionally, the zombies introduced in this world are well-equipped to disable or destroy the player's defences: the Surfer Zombie can easily destroy a plant on land, and create a surfboard, removing plantable space; the Fisherman Zombie can pull plants into water, instantly killing them; the Octo Zombie is infamous for disabling plants with ease, and blocking shots with his octopi. Some of the levels in Big Wave Beach also feature very difficult objectives, such as Day 30, where the tide is often very high, and the player must protect Guacodiles against every type of zombie in this world, including a Deep Sea Gargantuar. Due to all of these factors, the majority consider Big Wave Beach is one of, if not the hardest world in the game, it is however around the same difficulty as the world before it, Jurassic Marsh, as well as the final world, Modern Day.

Easiest level: Big Wave Beach Day 1 or Day 26

Hardest Level: Big Wave Beach Day 16, Day 25, or Day 30

Main levels[]

Day Plants Zombies Flags Tide covers
Notes Prize*
Chosen Placed Lily Pad2
1 Choice with Lily Pad2 Three Pompadour Zombie2 Pompadour Conehead2 Pompadour Buckethead2 Beach Flag Zombie2 One Five Lily Pad2
2 Choice Six Pompadour Zombie2 Pompadour Conehead2 Pompadour Buckethead2 Beach Flag Zombie2 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Conehead2 Bikini Buckethead2 Three Four Money bag
3" Peashooter2 Repeater2 Chomper2 None Pompadour Zombie2 Pompadour Conehead2 Pompadour Buckethead2 Beach Flag Zombie2 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Conehead2 Bikini Buckethead2 Two Five Special Delivery level Money bag
4 Choice Five Pompadour Zombie2 Pompadour Conehead2 Pompadour Buckethead2 Beach Flag Zombie2 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Conehead2 Bikini Buckethead2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Three Four Big Wave Beach piñata
5" Peashooter2 Wall-nut2 Tangle Kelp2 None Pompadour Zombie2 Pompadour Conehead2 Pompadour Buckethead2 Beach Flag Zombie2 Bikini Conehead2 Bikini Buckethead2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Two Four Special Delivery level Money bag
6 Choice with Sunflower2 Peashooter2 Wall-nut2 Lily Pad2 Tangle Kelp2 Seven Pompadour Zombie2 Pompadour Conehead2 Pompadour Buckethead2 Beach Flag Zombie2 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Conehead2 Bikini Buckethead2 Snorkel Zombie2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Two Three Objective: Survive the zombie attack with most plants picked for you Tangle Kelp2
7 Choice Seven Pompadour Zombie2 Pompadour Conehead2 Pompadour Buckethead2 Beach Flag Zombie2 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Conehead2 Bikini Buckethead2 Snorkel Zombie2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Two One Money bag
8" Aquamarine Bulb2 Blue Bulb2 Orange Bulb2 Exploding Bulb2 None Pompadour Zombie2 Pompadour Conehead2 Pompadour Buckethead2 Beach Flag Zombie2 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Conehead2 Bikini Buckethead2 Snorkel Zombie2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Deep Sea Gargantuar2 Two Five Bulb Bowling level Big Wave Beach piñata
9 Choice Eight Pompadour Zombie2 Pompadour Conehead2 Pompadour Buckethead2 Beach Flag Zombie2 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Conehead2 Bikini Buckethead2 Snorkel Zombie2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Four Three Objective:
Don't plant on Dave's mold colonies
Money bag
10" Peashooter2 Lily Pad2 Tangle Kelp2 Bowling Bulb2 Three Pompadour Zombie2 Pompadour Conehead2 Pompadour Buckethead2 Beach Flag Zombie2 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Conehead2 Bikini Buckethead2 Snorkel Zombie2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Two Four Special Delivery level Money bag
11 Choice with Sunflower2 Wall-nut2 Potato Mine2 Lily Pad2 Bowling Bulb2 Five Pompadour Zombie2 Pompadour Conehead2 Pompadour Buckethead2 Beach Flag Zombie2 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Conehead2 Bikini Buckethead2 Snorkel Zombie2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Surfer Zombie2 Three Four Objective:
Survive the zombie attack with most plants picked for you
Bowling Bulb2
12 Choice without sun-producing or free plants
1750 sun and two Plant Food
Three Pompadour Zombie2Pompadour Conehead2 Pompadour Buckethead2 Beach Flag Zombie2 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Conehead2Bikini Buckethead2Snorkel Zombie2Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Surfer Zombie2 One Four Last Stand level Big Wave Beach piñata
13 Choice Five Pompadour Zombie2 Pompadour Conehead2 Pompadour Buckethead2 Beach Flag Zombie2 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Conehead2 Bikini Buckethead2 Snorkel Zombie2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Surfer Zombie2 Three One Objectives:
Produce at least 2000 sun
Never have more than 35 plants
Money bag
14 Sunflower2 Lily Pad2 Tangle Kelp2 Wall-nut2 Bowling Bulb2 Chomper2 None Pompadour Zombie2 Pompadour Conehead2 Pompadour Buckethead2 Beach Flag Zombie2 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Conehead2 Bikini Buckethead2 Snorkel Zombie2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Surfer Zombie2 Deep Sea Gargantuar2 Two Three Locked and Loaded level Big Wave Beach piñata
15 Five Potato Mine2 (endangered), choice None Pompadour Zombie2 Pompadour Conehead2 Pompadour Buckethead2 Beach Flag Zombie2 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Conehead2 Bikini Buckethead2 Snorkel Zombie2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Surfer Zombie2 Four Four Save Our Seeds level A note
16" Wall-nut2 Lily Pad2 Chomper2 Tangle Kelp2 Bowling Bulb2 Six Pompadour Zombie2 Pompadour Conehead2 Pompadour Buckethead2 Beach Flag Zombie2 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Conehead2 Bikini Buckethead2 Snorkel Zombie2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Surfer Zombie2 Deep Sea Gargantuar2 Two Three Gargantuar battle Mystery Gift Box
17 Choice Four Pompadour Zombie2 Pompadour Conehead2 Pompadour Buckethead2 Beach Flag Zombie2 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Conehead2 Bikini Buckethead2 Snorkel Zombie2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Octo Zombie2 Two Three Big Wave Beach piñata
18" Guacodile2 Lily Pad2 Tangle Kelp2 Magnet-shroom2 Three Pompadour Zombie2 Pompadour Conehead2 Pompadour Buckethead2 Beach Flag Zombie2 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Conehead2 Bikini Buckethead2 Snorkel Zombie2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Surfer Zombie2 Deep Sea Gargantuar2 Octo Zombie2 Two One Special Delivery level Money bag
19 Choice with Sun-shroom2 Iceberg Lettuce2 Kernel-pult2 Lily Pad2 Guacodile2 Five Pompadour Zombie2 Pompadour Conehead2 Pompadour Buckethead2 Beach Flag Zombie2 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Conehead2 Bikini Buckethead2 Snorkel Zombie2 Surfer Zombie2 Octo Zombie2 Three Three Objective:
Survive the zombie attack with most plants picked for you
20 Choice Five Pompadour Zombie2 Pompadour Conehead2 Pompadour Buckethead2 Beach Flag Zombie2 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Conehead2 Bikini Buckethead2 Snorkel Zombie2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Surfer Zombie2 Octo Zombie2 Deep Sea Gargantuar2 Three Two Tiki Torch-er
21" Iceberg Lettuce2 Homing Thistle2 Lily Pad2 None Beach Flag Zombie2 Snorkel Zombie2 Surfer Zombie2 Three Two Special Delivery level Money bag
22 Choice Six Pompadour Zombie2 Pompadour Conehead2 Pompadour Buckethead2 Beach Flag Zombie2 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Conehead2 Bikini Buckethead2 Snorkel Zombie2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Surfer Zombie2 Octo Zombie2 Fisherman Zombie2 Two Four Big Wave Beach piñata
23 Three Banana Launcher2 (endangered), choice without Banana Launcher2 Five Pompadour Zombie2 Pompadour Conehead2 Pompadour Buckethead2 Beach Flag Zombie2 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Conehead2 Bikini Buckethead2 Snorkel Zombie2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Surfer Zombie2 Octo Zombie2 Fisherman Zombie2 Deep Sea Gargantuar2 Four Four Save Our Seeds level Money bag
24" Aquamarine Bulb2 Blue Bulb2 Orange Bulb2 Exploding Bulb2 None Pompadour Zombie2 Pompadour Conehead2 Pompadour Buckethead2 Beach Flag Zombie2 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Conehead2 Bikini Buckethead2 Snorkel Zombie2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Surfer Zombie2 Deep Sea Gargantuar2 One Four Bulb Bowling level Money bag
25 Choice Three Pompadour Zombie2 Pompadour Conehead2 Pompadour Buckethead2 Beach Flag Zombie2 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Conehead2 Bikini Buckethead2 Snorkel Zombie2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Surfer Zombie2 Octo Zombie2 Fisherman Zombie2 Deep Sea Gargantuar2 Three Four Objectives:
Spend no more than 3000 sun
Defeat 10 zombies in 5 seconds
Big Wave Beach piñata
26" Banana Launcher2 Lily Pad2 Wall-nut2 Seven Pompadour Zombie2 Pompadour Conehead2 Pompadour Buckethead2 Beach Flag Zombie2 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Conehead2 Bikini Buckethead2 Snorkel Zombie2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Surfer Zombie2 Deep Sea Gargantuar2 One Three Special Delivery level Money bag
27 Choice with Twin Sunflower2 Lily Pad2 Wall-nut2 Bonk Choy2 Banana Launcher2 Five Pompadour Zombie2 Pompadour Conehead2 Pompadour Buckethead2 Beach Flag Zombie2 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Conehead2 Bikini Buckethead2 Snorkel Zombie2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Surfer Zombie2 Octo Zombie2 Fisherman Zombie2 Three One Objective:
Survive the zombie attack with most plants picked for you
Banana Launcher2
28 Choice Six Pompadour Zombie2 Pompadour Conehead2 Pompadour Buckethead2 Beach Flag Zombie2 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Conehead2 Bikini Buckethead2 Snorkel Zombie2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Surfer Zombie2 Octo Zombie2 Fisherman Zombie2 Deep Sea Gargantuar2 Two Three Objective:
Don't lose more than 5 plants
Money bag
29 Choice without sun-producing or free plants
2500 sun and 4 Plant Food
Six Pompadour Zombie2 Pompadour Conehead2 Pompadour Buckethead2 Beach Flag Zombie2 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Conehead2 Bikini Buckethead2 Snorkel Zombie2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Surfer Zombie2 Octo Zombie2 Fisherman Zombie2 Deep Sea Gargantuar2 One One Last Stand level Money bag
30 Five Guacodile2 (endangered), choice Five Pompadour Zombie2 Pompadour Conehead2 Pompadour Buckethead2 Beach Flag Zombie2 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Conehead2 Bikini Buckethead2 Snorkel Zombie2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Surfer Zombie2 Octo Zombie2 Fisherman Zombie2 Deep Sea Gargantuar2 Four Three Save Our Seeds level Big Wave Beach piñata
31 Lily Pad2 Homing Thistle2 Wall-nut2 Tangle Kelp2 Sun Bean2 Five Pompadour Zombie2 Pompadour Conehead2 Pompadour Buckethead2 Beach Flag Zombie2 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Conehead2 Bikini Buckethead2 Snorkel Zombie2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Surfer Zombie2 Octo Zombie2 Fisherman Zombie2 Deep Sea Gargantuar2 Two One Locked and Loaded level Money bag
32" Lily Pad2+ Tangle Kelp2 Bowling Bulb2 Homing Thistle2 Guacodile2 Banana Launcher2 Three Pompadour Zombie2 Pompadour Conehead2 Pompadour Buckethead2 Bikini Zombie2 Bikini Conehead2 Bikini Buckethead2 Snorkel Zombie2 Imp Mermaid Zombie2 Surfer Zombie2 Octo Zombie2 Deep Sea Gargantuar2 Zombot Sharktronic Sub2 None Three Boss battle Big Wave Beach Trophy, Modern Day key

+ It is boosted automatically.
" Conveyor-belt level

Brain Busters[]

Main article: Brain Busters

Bulb Bowling[]

Main article: Bulb Bowling

Bulb Bowling is a Brain Buster exclusive to Big Wave Beach, featured in Day 8 and Day 24. It is similar to Wall-nut Bowling from Plants vs. Zombies. The conveyor belt gives the player four different bulbs rolled by the Bowling Bulb. The player must attack the zombies by placing bulbs behind the "No Bulbs" sign, from where they will roll forward, damaging zombies and ricocheting off of them as normal.

Special Delivery[]

Main article: Special Delivery

Special Delivery is another Brain Buster in this world, featured in Days 3, 5, 10, 16, 18, 21, and 26. These are essentially conveyor-belt levels, where the player defends against waves of zombies with plants the conveyor belt gives them.

Locked and Loaded[]

Main article: Locked and Loaded

Day 14 and Day 31, the two Locked and Loaded levels of this world, require the player to defeat waves of zombies using a fixed selection of plants. These levels serve as demos to 2 premium plants; namely, the Chomper (Day 14) and Homing Thistle (Day 31). The name of Locked and Loaded references a real-life phrase, where once a weapon (usually a gun) is armed, it should not be disarmed any more.

Last Stand[]

Main article: Last Stand (PvZ2)

Day 12 and Day 29 are Last Stand levels. In this Brain Buster, the player must defeat waves of zombies using a limited amount of sun and Plant Food, granted at the very start. The player has no means of gaining sun or Plant Food during the level - sun-producing plants cannot be chosen, no sun falls from the sky, and no glowing zombies appear. The zombie waves in Last Wave levels tend to be especially unforgiving, requiring the player to get creative with their defence plans.

Save Our Seeds[]

Main article: Save Our Seeds

In this Brain Buster, featured in Days 15, 23, and 30, the player must survive waves of zombies, while also protecting endangered Potato Mines, Banana Launchers and Guacodiles from being eaten, destroyed, activated, or shoveled (for Banana Launchers after being pulled by Fisherman Zombie). Otherwise, they will lose the level.

Tiki Torch-er[]

Main article: Tiki Torch-er

Tiki Torch-er is the Endless Zone of Big Wave Beach, unlocked after beating Day 20. The player starts with Sunflower, Peashooter, Wall-nut, just like other Endless Zones, along with Lily Pad as an exclusive plant. The tide line changes on every level. All zombies are encountered in Big Wave Beach, except the Zombot Sharktronic Sub, appear in this Endless Zone.

Low Tide can occur at any time, and instantly wipe out plants that are not protected by a Lily Pad, especially in later levels. The higher the level, the higher the difficulty. However, it is slightly easier than Modern Day's Endless Zone "Highway to the Danger Room", because Highway to the Danger Room has unpredictable portals that spawn dangerous zombies from every single world in the middle of the lawn.

Zombot Sharktronic Sub[]

Main article: Zombot Sharktronic Sub

The Zombot Sharktronic Sub is the final boss of Big Wave Beach, appearing in Day 32. The boss has three attacks: zombie summoning, sharks, and using turbines to vacuum all plants and zombies on two adjacent lanes into its mouth. Tangle Kelp, when attracted, will stun this Zombot.

Beach Flag Zombie and Fisherman Zombie are the only Big Wave Beach zombies that do not appear in this battle.

Related achievements[]

Big Kahunka2
Wave Goodbye2
Wave Goodbye
Complete Big Wave Beach
Defeat 10 zombies with Tangle Kelp in a single level
Fly Fishing Fail2
Fly Fishing Fail
Complete a level where Fishermen fail to hook your plants
Banana Storm2
Banana Storm
Complete a Beach level using only Banana Launchers to destroy zombies
Ten Pin Kapow2
Ten Pin Kapow
Destroy 10 zombies with a single bulb from Bowling Bulb


Big Wave Beach has a gallery!
PvZ worldBWB
Visit this page to see it.
PvZ worldBWB


See Big Wave Beach/Walkthrough.

In other languages[]

Please note that only official translations are used.

Language Name Description
United States of America English Big Wave Beach
China Simplified Chinese 巨浪沙滩
France French Plage des Déferlantes
Germany German Riesenwellen-Strand
Italy Italian Grande orda sulla spiaggia
Brazil Brazilian Portuguese Praia da Boa Onda
Russia Russian Пляж "Beach"
Spain Spanish Playa de la gran ola


  • It is the first world in Plants vs. Zombies 2 and the third world in the series to have water that can be planted on top of, after the Pool and the Fog from Plants vs. Zombies.
  • Big Wave Beach is the first world to have female zombies, which are the Bikini Zombie, Bikini Conehead, Bikini Buckethead, and Imp Mermaid Zombie. This is also the second time female zombies have been in the Plants vs. Zombies franchise, the first being Conga Dancer.
  • Big Wave Beach is the second world to introduce two different variants of Basic Zombie, Conehead Zombie, and Buckethead Zombie; one being the male variant and other being the female variant.
    • The first world to do so is Kongfu World, with one Kongfu variety and one Monk variety.
  • The music in this world is based off surf rock, a variation of rock that was popularized by Dick Dale and Del-Tones in the early 60's. The intensity of the music ramps up significantly compared to previous worlds, likely indicating the spike in difficulty accompanying it.
    • Confusion is often created between the guitars of this world, Neon Mixtape Tour and Modern Day. Modern Day and Neon Mixtape Tour's guitars are both live-recorded Fender Stratocasters, with the latter having a more distorted tone to match the music genre. The guitar in Big Wave Beach is a Fender Telecaster, a world-renowned model that was popular in the 50's. The tone of this guitar bears a striking resemblance to a classic surf rock tone.
    • The Ultimate Battle theme is directly based off Far Future's version. To make up for the lack of instruments, Peter reused some of Far Future's sounds, such as the sine wave, saw arp, synth pluck and the synth piano.
    • It is the only world besides Neon Mixtape Tour to not have a Minigame theme. When addressed, Peter McConnell responded that he himself has no idea why there was no Minigame music for this world, further proving the fact that PopCap simply never requested this track to be made.
      • It turns out that there was a Minigame theme for this world. However, the music was never displayed due to a bug with the Wwise engine, which made MiniGame_A and MiniGame_B in the game file correspond to the same Ultimate Battle music. The lost Minigame theme has rejoined the Chinese version.
    • The instruments that are reused in Modern Day's songs from this world is the Hammond Organ and the 60's Drumkit. The Hammond Organ plays a prominent role in this world's music while the 60's Drumkit is played in the Mid Wave B and Final Wave of Modern Day's music to to give more change to the style of the music.
  • This is the fourth world to have more than two flags in any level in the map, with the first one being Frostbite Caves, the second being Lost City, the third being Neon Mixtape Tour and the fifth being Modern Day.
  • Snorkel Zombie is currently the only aquatic zombie that returns from the original Plants vs. Zombies.
  • This is the second world in the Plants vs. Zombies franchise to be a beach, with the first being Sweaty Palms in Plants vs. Zombies Adventures.
  • Day 3 and Day 5 are currently the only levels in Big Wave Beach to not have any Lily Pads pre-planted on the lawn.
  • When plants are planted on water and Lily Pads, specks of dirt appear. This is different from the original game's water animation.
  • This world is the first to have the Gargantuar variant introduced before the massive attack of the world, which are Days 8 and 14 before Day 16. Every world released after this one follows this rule.
  • Squawks from seagulls can be heard as background ambiance in every level.
  • Big Wave Beach is the first world where the plants seen on its preview are all of the world's new plants.
  • In some Android versions, the normal levels and Tiki Torch-er lag due to the waves.
  • Big Wave Beach is the first world with five Jalapenos of difficulty on the world map, with the second being Modern Day.
  • In the 4.0.1 update, the depth of Big Wave Beach's water was reduced, making it possible to see the legs of the zombies.
  • Big Wave Beach and other worlds have certain patterns with the organisation of their levels, with a Special Delivery level on Day 3, a Locked and Loaded level on Day 14, a Save Our Seeds level on Day 15, and a World Key battle on Day 16.
  • It is only possible to get a Big Wave Beach lawn without water in Piñata Parties.
  • Before version 5.3.1, it was chronologically the sixth world on the world map.
  • In the trailer, a Deep Sea Gargantuar survived losing his head.
    • Currently, this and Modern Day are the only worlds in which world-specific plants from other worlds may be used.
  • If a Zombie that is on land gets blown back in water by Hurrikale, it will appear knocked off-screen for a second and then re-appear back in the water.
  • This is the only world to introduce two world-exclusive plants.
  • Any power tiles placed underwater via Tile Turnip while the tide is out will be removed once the tide returns. This can be seen if water redacts again.
  • Seagull Zombie can be heard in the intro.
  • Before the 2.9.1 update, unlike Far Future and Dark Ages, this world did not have a silhouette while it was in development, but was a simple silhouette of a world with 3 question marks. This happened just like the rest of the worlds (except in the Chinese version).
  • Big Wave Beach can be considered Plants vs. Zombies 2's equivalent to Pool in Plants vs. Zombies. Both are the first areas (and in Big Wave Beach's case, the only one) to feature water that can be planted on. Big Wave Beach also has several returning plants and zombies that first appeared in Pool.
  • Due to mistranslations,the italian version of this word is called the big wave on the beach. This is also in troglobite's description.
V · T · E
Plants vs. Zombies
Player's House Day · Night · Pool · Fog · Roof (Night Roof)
Other Zen Garden (Mushroom Garden · Aquarium Garden · Tree of Wisdom) · Crazy Dave's Twiddydinkies
Plants vs. Zombies: Endless Edition
Adventure Mode The Zombies Are Coming · Nightfall · Backyard Emergency · Fog · Roof Battle (Night Roof)
Journey to the West
The Land Demon War of the Spider Woman (Dave's Backyard Garden) · Three Fights With Skeleton Demon · Subdue the Yellow-Browed Monster · Outsmart the Fire Child · Battle of the Ox-Demon
The Sea Demon Fight the Sea Demons · Brave the Dragon King's Palace
Plants vs. Zombies: Great Wall Edition
Adventure Mode Day · Night · Pool · Fog · Roof (Night Roof)
Survival The Great Wall (Night) · Rural Backyard
Journey to the West War of the Spider Woman · Three Fights With Skeleton Demon · Subdue the Yellow-Browed Monster · Outsmart the Fire Child · Battle of the Ox-Demon
Plants vs. Zombies Adventures
Road Trip The Boonies · Dire Spires · Cadaver Cavern · Park-n-Perish · Killjoy Park · Sweaty Palms · U of Z · Frostbite Falls · Mildew Meadow · Grey Matter Gardens · The Sever Glades · The Sand Dooms · Zombitorium Manor
Player's Town Starting Area · The Plantagon Lot · The Workshop Lot · The Car Lot · The Post Office Lot · The Cafe Lot · The Fire Station Lot · The Flaming Lot · The Police Station Lot · The Bamboo Lot · The Fitness Lot · The Chilly Lot · The Sunny Lot · The Unlucky Lot
Plants vs. Zombies 2
Adventure Mode Ancient Egypt · Pirate Seas · Wild West · Frostbite Caves · Lost City · Far Future · Dark Ages · Neon Mixtape Tour · Jurassic Marsh · Big Wave Beach · Modern Day
Thymed Events Player's House · Backyard Big Top · The Zombosseum · ZCorp Takeover
Other Penny's Pursuit · Arena · Zen Garden
Plants vs. Zombies 2 (Chinese version)
Adventure Mode Ancient Egypt · Pirate Seas · Wild West · Kongfu World · Far Future · Dark Ages (Fright Theater) · Big Wave Beach · Frostbite Caves · Sky City · Lost City · Neon Mixtape Tour · Jurassic Marsh · Modern Day · Steam Age · Renaissance Age · Heian Age
Secret Realms Fairytale Forest · Haunting Halloween · Celebrating Chinese New Year · Children's Playpark · Parkour Party · Anniversary Carnival Party · Frostbite Caves Resurgence · Auspicious Snow Welcomes Spring · Walking in the Snow to Seek Spring
Other Battle · Penny's Pursuit · Arena · Ztalemate Escape
Plants vs. Zombies Online
Worlds Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum · Ancient Egypt · Pirate Seas · Far Future · East Sea Dragon Palace
Plants vs. Zombies: All Stars
Worlds American Suburbs · Primitive Tribe · The Great Wall · Ancient Egypt · Pirate Seas · Wild West · Kongfu World · Journey to the West · Viking World · Far Future · Dark Ages · Neon Mixtape Tour
Other Ranked Mode · Dave Cup
Plants vs. Zombies 3
Main Neighborville · Lost Keys Lake · Mt. Quesogrande
Blocks Your House · Taco Park · Green Screens Theater · Dave's Workshop · Jubilee Nightclub · Sunnyfield Farm · Silicorn Lab · Shallot Graveyard · BBQ Beach · Mulchburger Fast Food · Savings & Lawn Bank
Other Devour Tower