Design change: The berries now explode and leave juice similar to Cherry Bomb.
Berry Blast is a cheap and safe way to inflict 3 damage on a zombie fighter or your opponent. It is best used to remove or heavily damage a zombie fighter, or flat out finish your opponent off with this trick if they have 3 or less.
Berry Blast also synergizes well with the berry synergy cards: Sergeant Strongberry makes the zombie or the opposing hero take 5 damage instead of 3 (if it does not have the Armored trait or if the Super-Block Meter doesn't fill up), High-Voltage Currant gets +1 strength, while Strawberrian does damage to zombies on the lanes adjacent to him.
It is not recommended to use this trick on zombies with the Armored trait, and definitely not on the ones that are shielded, as the damage done by it will be reduced or nullified. Also, do not use it on zombies such as Newspaper Zombie, who gets +4 strength when hurt, or Jester, who does 2 damage to you when hurt, as doing so will activate their abilities. Removal cards are better in those cases, though only Solar Flare has reliable access to both them and Berry Blast.
Your opponent might use this on any of your zombies that have 3 health or less, and therefore can destroy some of your tough early-game fighters, such as Conehead, Surfer Zombie, and Toxic Waste Imp, or Quickdraw Con Man. As such, it is recommended to play tricks that can boost your zombies' health to above 3 so that this trick will not destroy them.
Using Armored zombies or cards that can shield them can reduce the effectiveness of this trick as well, as well as zombies that activate their abilities upon taking damage like Newspaper Zombie and Jester.
You may also want to keep your health above 3, or else your opponent may play this to instantly defeat you. You can use healing cards, or you can also play Planetary Gladiator, which can protect you from Berry Blast twice until he is destroyed.
You can also play Defensive End to increase its cost and limit your opponent's options - this is especially effective because the only Kabloom hero with specialized removal cards is Solar Flare, with others failing to destroy Defensive End at all. However, do note that Defensive End cannot affect early-game Berry Blasts due to his cost.
Berry Blast's statistics
Berry Blast's card
Berry Blast's grayed out card
Berry Blast's card image
Berry Blast's textures
HD Berry Blast
Berry Blast about to be played
Berry Blast being played (1)
Berry Blast being played (2)
4 Berry Blasts in the player's starting hand
Berry Blast's statistics
Berry Blast's card
Berry Blast's silhouette
The player receiving Berry Blast from a Basic Pack
The player having the choice between Berry Blast and Smelly Zombie as the prize after completing a level
Berry Blast being played
The player drawing three Berry Blasts at the start of a game, along with a Mushroom Ringleader
In other languages[]
Please note that only official translations are used.