It is based on the potato (Solanum tuberosum), the starchy, tuberous root portion crop of a perennial nightshade; and the Apatosaurus, a genus of sauropod dinosaurs that lived in North America during the Late Jurassic period.
Its name is a portmanteau of "Apatosaurus", the dinosaur it is based on; and "potato", the plant it is based on.
Its flavor text, loosely referencing Sweet Potato, could be a leftover reference to its old ability during development, where it Conjured a Sweet Potato instead of simply any root card.
Class: Mega-Grow
Tribes: Root Animal Plant
Trait: Untrickable
Abilities: When played: Conjure a Root. Dino-Roar: This gets +1/+1.
Set - Rarity: Triassic - Legendary
Card description[]
Some potatoes are sweet. Others are dinosaurs.
Update history[]
Update 1.24.6[]
Added to the game.
Apotatosaurus is an extremely powerful plant. It has average stats for its cost (including the boost from its "When played" ability), but the fact still stands that these stats are very high. Apotatosaurus' value comes from its Untrickable trait, meaning that it can't be destroyed by tricks such as Rocket Science or Exploding Fruitcake, and must be dealt with directly. The root Conjured can also be something threatening, such as Soul Patch, Veloci-Radish Hunter or even another Apotatosaurus, but isn't to be relied upon.
Just like any Dino-Roar card, Apotatosaurus is best used in decks with plenty of card draw. Fortunately, Apotatosaurus goes well with any Mega-Grow hero due to Mega-Grow being the main class of card draw.
Each Mega-Grow hero has their own way of using Apotatosaurus:
Apotatosaurus is a good addition to Grass Knuckles' root deck with Starch-Lord, who not only gives it an additional +1/+1 at the start of every turn but also when it is played. He can also boost its health and play Team-Up plants in front of it for it to survive longer. Furthermore, Grass Knuckles' access to Anti-Gravestone cards means that he has an easier time against the likes of annoying Gravestone Zombies.
Green Shadow can Bounce or Freeze zombies in its way, and play it in either Planet of the Grapes to give it +1/+1 every time it hurts her opponent, or on Lily Pad to not only boost Apotatosaurus further, but also make it a dangerous Amphibious attacker that is hard to stop without the right cards. She can even use Grave Mistake to get bounce Gravestones, preventing them from disrupting her play.
Chompzilla can ramp sun to play it before turn 6, heal it with her arsenal of healing cards, or instantly destroy zombies clogging its lane. She can also use Sun Strike to give it [[File:|20px|link=]]Strikethrough, allowing Apotatosaurus to bypass whatever zombies/gravestones ahead of it and possibly inflict massive damage.
Captain Combustible can boost its strength or destroy zombies blocking its path with tricks such as Berry Blast, but he doesn't have good synergization with this otherwise and is better off with other cards.
However, Apotatosaurus is weak against several combos that bypass its Untrickable trait. Deadly zombies by themselves are one, especially when your opponent makes them do bonus attacks. Zombot Sharktronic Sub combined with any zombie or environment with a damaging ability is another. (Any Sneaky hero is able to use this combo due to them having access to Trapper Zombie, while Impfinity even has direct access to Trapper Territory). A Beastly hero can also use a Primordial Cheese Shover's Evolution ability, which can destroy any plant if they have a zombie to activate it. While these weaknesses are prominent, it is important to note that any Mega-Grow hero would be wise to keep several big threats on board, allowing them to continue pressuring the opponent.
Do not leave this plant unattended for long, as it can easily wreak havoc on you and your zombies. A 6/6 plant that boosts itself every turn and is also immune to all tricks is definitely not something to be trifled with. The best option, like against most powerful cards, would be to win the game before Apotatosaurus can grow out of hand, or even be played. Quickdraw Con Man would not help due to his nature as an early-game play either.
If you have to get rid of Apotatosaurus, do it before it grows out of hand, or use zombies that can instantly destroy any plant since it is immune to tricks. Sneaky heroes can do the job in one blow, regardless of health, using Deadly zombies or Zombot Sharktronic Sub, while powerhouses like Copter Commando can also deal with this instantly, provided Apotatosaurus is not boosted any further beyond 6.
A good counter is Primordial Cheese Shover, as his ability can counter untrickable plants. However, he needs to be evolved first to activate this ability, and he is only accessible to Beastly heroes. If your opponent has overall board control, Primodial Cheese Shovel's Evolution mignt not even harm them by much.
As a Sneaky hero, try and Bounce this with Pogo Bouncer or Blowgun Imp, however keep in mind this is only a temporary solution, as Apotatosaurus can easily be played again afterward to conjure another root. Blowgun Imp is also better used to eliminate Apotatosaurus directly instead, as he has the Deadly trait.