Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
Chinese Dave Bust
This article is about content available solely in the People's Republic of China.
Catch me if you can!
This game mode is not always available to be played in-game. It is only available sometimes. It is currently not available.

Anniversary Carnival Party (周年狂欢派对; pinyin: zhōunián kuánghuān pàiduì) is a new Secret Realm and the 22nd world overall, introduced in the v3.1.7 update alongside Hoya Heart, Abyss Devil's Claw, Pea Vine, and Steam Zombot, as a celebratory event for the game's 10th Anniversary!

The Secret Realm consists of 17 levels, where each level is based on a different world that the game has gotten within these 10 years, which sums up to 16 world levels, and a special 17th level based on 10th Anniversary itself while also introducing a new lawn for it.

Level Modifiers[]

There is no easy mode, nor hard mode, instead there's a new system of difficulty and collectibles. The player can choose from 0 to 8 level modifiers, which will turn the level more difficult depending on the modifiers.

By choosing level modifiers, the player can gain "Historical Star" collectibles which can later be redeemed for rewards, and the more you choose, the more of these collectibles you can get.

The top row of level modifiers are bound with Difficulty I, the middle row of level modifiers are bound with Difficulty II, and the bottom row of level modifiers are bound with Difficulty III, which is to notate how difficult the level modifiers are if chosen.

List of every modifier:

Difficulty Icon Description
Mod dif i

Difficulty I
- Initial zombie tier is 1
- Maximum artifact usage is 2
1Lmolds 1 column of Dave's mold colonies is placed on the left side of the lawn
1Rmolds 1 column of Dave's mold colonies is placed on the right side of the lawn
6seed You can only bring 6 plants
Atk-20Q Plants deal 20% less attack damage
Dmg+100Q Zombies deal 100% more DPS
Speed+50Q Zombies are faster by 50%
Sun-30Q The sun you collect has 30% less value than originally
Tier1 The tier of zombies is increased by 1 tier
Stun ban Zombies are now immune to stun by plants
Sun cd Planting cooldown of plants of the Sun class is triplicated
Ranged cd Planting cooldown of plants of the Ranged class is triplicated
Melee cd Planting cooldown of plants of the Vanguard class is triplicated
Guard cd Planting cooldown of plants of the Tough class is triplicated
Support cd Planting cooldown of plants of the Support class is triplicated
Trap cd Planting cooldown of plants of the Special class is triplicated
Sun sun Sun cost of plants of the Sun class is triplicated
Ranged sun Sun cost of plants of the Ranged class is triplicated
Melee sun Sun cost of plants of the Vanguard class is triplicated
Guard sun Sun cost of plants of the Tough class is triplicated
Support sun Sun cost of plants of the Support class is triplicated
Trap sun Sun cost of plants of the Special class is triplicated
Mod dif ii

Difficulty II
- Initial zombie tier is 3
- Maximum artifact usage is 1
2Lmolds 2 columns of Dave's mold colonies is placed on the left side of the lawn
2Rmolds 2 columns of Dave's mold colonies is placed on the right side of the lawn
5seed You can only bring 5 plants
Atk-40Q Plants deal 40% less attack damage
Dmg+200Q Zombies deal 200% more DPS
Speed+100Q Zombies are faster by 100%
Sun-50Q The sun you collect has 50% less value than originally
Tier2 The tier of zombies is increased by 2 tiers
Ce ban Zombies are now immune to "control effect" (控制效果) by plants
Sun ban Plants of the Sun class are banned
Ranged ban Plants of the Ranged class are banned
Melee ban Plants of the Vanguard class are banned
Guard ban Plants of the Tough class are banned
Support ban Plants of the Support class are banned
Trap ban Plants of the Special class are banned
Mod dif iii

Difficulty III
- Initial zombie tier is 5
- Artifacts are banned
- Plant food is banned
3Lmolds 3 columns of Dave's mold colonies is placed on the left side of the lawn
3Rmolds 3 columns of Dave's mold colonies is placed on the right side of the lawn
4seed You can only bring 4 plants
Atk-60Q Plants deal 60% less attack damage
Dmg+300Q Zombies deal 300% more DPS
Speed+150Q Zombies are faster by 150%
Sun-70Q The sun you collect has 70% less value than originally
Tier3 The tier of zombies is increased by 3 tiers
Huh bans Plants of the Ranged and Special classes are banned
Vet anubis Tomb Raiser Zombie's HP is buffed by 300%, and will throw 2 bones at a time instead of 1 bone
Vet barrel Barrel Roller Zombie's HP is buffed by 300%, and his speed by 100%
Vet farmer After Chicken Wrangler Zombie releases his chickens, each chicken will have 500 HP
Vet qigong Qigong Zombie's HP is buffed by 300%
Vet protector Shield Zombie's electromagnetic shield is now as tough as himself
Vet wizard Wizard Zombie's HP is buffed by 300%, and the sheep will not turn back to plants after he dies
Vet octi Octo Zombie's HP is buffed by 200%, and the amount of octopi he throws is increased by 1 additional octopus each throw he makes
Vet dodo Dodo Rider Zombie's HP is buffed by 300%, and his probability of flying over plants is now increased to 70%
Vet cabin Double-Cabin Aircraft Zombie's HP is buffed by 200%, and speed by 50%
Vet turq Turquoise Skull Zombie's HP is buffed by 300%, and his skull-charging attack skill interval is now reduced to 2.5 seconds
Vet glitter Glitter Zombie's HP is buffed by 300%, and her jam ability will be active regardless if her jam is playing or not
Vet eggpush Egg Pusher Imp's HP is buffed by 200%, and speed by 50%
Vet football All-Star Zombie's HP is buffed by 200%, and can ram twice (after ramming into a plant, he will instantly recharge and ram once again)
Vet gentleman Gentleman Zombie's HP is buffed by 300%, and his umbrella-flight skill interval is now 5 seconds
Vet balerina Ballerina Zombie's HP is buffed by 300%
Vet sushi Sushi Chef Zombie's HP is buffed by 300%, and the cooldown to throw sushi again after throwing a sushi is now 6 seconds
Vet cake Birthdayz Pharaoh Zombie's HP is buffed by 300%!


Day Plants Zombies Flags Modifiers Notes
Day 1 Choice Mummy Zombie2 Conehead Mummy2 Buckethead Mummy2 Flag Mummy Zombie2 Ra Zombie2 Explorer Zombie2 Tomb Raiser Zombie2 Pharaoh Zombie2 Mummified Gargantuar2
Summoned: Imp Mummy2
Three Atk-20Q6seedSpeed+50Q
Trap banDmg+200Q2Lmolds
Vet anubisSun-70Q
Level takes place in Ancient Egypt
Day 2 Choice Pirate Zombie2 Conehead Pirate2 Buckethead Pirate2 Flag Pirate Zombie2 Seagull Zombie2 Barrel Roller Zombie2 Imp Cannon2 Pirate Captain Zombie2 Gargantuar Pirate2
Summoned: Zombie Parrot2 Imp Pirate Zombie2
Three Stun banSpeed+50Q6seed
Trap banSun-50QTier2
Vet barrel3Lmolds
Level takes place in Pirate Seas
Day 3 Choice Cowboy Zombie2 Conehead Cowboy2 Buckethead Cowboy2 Flag Cowboy Zombie2 Prospector Zombie2 Pianist Zombie2 Zombie Bull2 Chicken Wrangler Zombie2 Wild West Gargantuar2
Summoned: Zombie Chicken2 Zombie Bull Rider2
Three Speed+50QStun banDmg+100Q
Guard ban2RmoldsAtk-40Q
Vet farmer4seed
Level takes place in Wild West
Day 4 Choice Kongfu Zombie2 Conehead Kongfu Zombie2 Buckethead Kongfu Zombie2 Flag Kongfu Zombie2 Qigong Zombie2 Exploding Zombie2 Nunchaku Zombie2 Swordsman Zombie2 Drinking Monk Zombie2 Three Guard sunSun-30Q1Lmolds
Atk-40QRanged banTier2
Vet qigongSpeed+150Q
Level takes place in Kongfu World
Day 5 Choice Future Zombie2 Future Conehead Zombie2 Future Buckethead Zombie2 Future Flag Zombie2 Shield Zombie2 Robo-Cone Zombie2 Mecha-Football Zombie2 Disco-tron 30002 Gargantuar Prime2
Summoned: Disco Jetpack Zombie2 Bug Bot Imp2
Three Sun cdTier1Stun ban
Vet protectorHuh bans
Level takes place in Far Future
Night 6 Choice Peasant Zombie2 Conehead Peasant2 Buckethead Peasant2 Peasant Flag Zombie2 Bandit Zombie2 Jester Zombie2 Wizard Zombie2 Cavalry Zombie2 Dark Ages Gargantuar2
Summoned: Imp Monk Zombie2
Three Ranged cd6seedSpeed+50Q
Trap banSun-50Q2Lmolds
Vet wizardAtk-60Q
Level takes place in Dark Ages
Day 7 Choice Pompadour Zombie2 Pompadour Conehead2 Pompadour Buckethead2 Beach Flag Zombie2 Surfer Zombie2 Octo Zombie2 Fisherman Zombie2 Shell Zombie2 Deep Sea Gargantuar2
Summoned: Imp Mermaid Zombie2
Three Tier16seedAtk-20Q
Ranged banTrap ban2Rmolds
Vet octiSun-70Q
Level takes place in Big Wave Beach
Day 8 Choice Cave Zombie2 Cave Conehead Zombie2 Cave Buckethead Zombie2 Cave Flag Zombie2 Dodo Rider Zombie2 Weasel Hoarder2 Troglobite2 Chief Ice Wind Zombie2 Sloth Gargantuar2
Summoned: Ice Weasel2 Yeti Imp2
Three Guard cdRanged sunSun-30Q
Vet dodo3Lmolds
Level takes place in Frostbite Caves
Day 9 Choice Pilot Zombie2 Conehead Pilot Zombie2 Buckethead Pilot Zombie2 Flag Pilot Zombie2 Zombie Fighter2 Double-Cabin Aircraft Zombie2 Arbiter-X2 Lightning Gun Zombie2 Flying Gargantuar2
Summoned: Flying Imp Zombie2
Three Sun-30Q6seedAtk-20Q
Dmg+200QGuard banSupport ban
Vet cabinTier3
Level takes place in Sky City
Day 10 Choice Adventurer Zombie2 Conehead Adventurer Zombie2 Buckethead Adventurer Zombie2 Flag Adventurer Zombie2 Excavator Zombie2 Turquoise Skull Zombie2 Lost Doctor Zombie2 Lost Guide Zombie2 Porter Gargantuar2
Summoned: Lost City Imp Zombie2
Three Sun cdTier1Stun ban
Ranged ban2Lmolds2Rmolds
Vet turqSun-70Q
Level takes place in Lost City
Day 11 Choice Neon Zombie2 Neon Conehead2 Neon Buckethead2 Neon Flag Zombie2 Glitter Zombie2 MC Zom-B2 Boombox Zombie2 Breakdancer Zombie2 Hair Metal Gargantuar2
Summoned: Impunk2
Three Ranged cdStun banSpeed+50Q
Vet glitterTier3
Level takes place in Neon Mixtape Tour
Day 12 Choice Jurassic Zombie2 Jurassic Conehead2 Jurassic Buckethead2 Jurassic Flag Zombie2 Egg Pusher Imp2 Egg Stealer Imp2 Eggshell Imp2 Jurassic Bully2 Jurassic Gargantuar2
Summoned: Jurassic Imp2
Three Atk-20QSun-30Q6seed
Speed+100Q2RmoldsGuard ban
Vet eggpushAtk-60Q
Level takes place in Jurassic Marsh
Day 13 Choice Basic Zombie2 Conehead Zombie2 Buckethead Zombie2 Flag Zombie2 All-Star Zombie2 Super-Fan Imp2 Sunday Edition Zombie2 Digger Zombie2C Gargantuar2
Summoned: Imp2
Three Sun cdRanged cdAtk-20Q
Guard banTier22Lmolds
Vet footballSpeed+150Q
Level takes place in Modern Day
Day 14 Choice Labor Zombie2 Conehead Labor Zombie2 Buckethead Labor Zombie2 Flag Labor Zombie2 Gentleman Zombie (PvZ2C)2 Coal Miner Zombie2 Furnace Zombie2 Industrial Imp Zombie2 Foreman Gargantuar2 Three Speed+50Q6seedTier1
Trap banDmg+200Q2Lmolds
Vet gentlemanSun-70Q
Level takes place in Steam Age
Day 15 Choice Aristocrat Zombie2 Conehead Aristocrat Zombie2 Buckethead Aristocrat Zombie2 Flag Aristocrat Zombie2 Perfume Zombie2 Ballerina Zombie2 Glider Zombie2 Sculptor Imp Zombie2 Aristocrat Gargantuar2 Three Stun banSun-30QDmg+100Q
Trap ban5seedTier2
Vet balerinaSpeed+150Q
Level takes place in Renaissance Age
Day 16 Choice Samurai Zombie2 Conehead Samurai Zombie2 Buckethead Samurai Zombie2 Flag Samurai Zombie2 Firework Zombie2 Onmyoji Zombie2 Sushi Chef Zombie2 Ninjimp2 Shogun Gargantuar2 Three Speed+50Q6seedGuard cd
Vet sushi3Rmolds
Level takes place in Heian Age
Day 17 Choice Basic ZombieBz Flag ZombieBz Jetpack ZombieBz Barrel Roller ZombieBz TroglobiteBz Jester ZombieBz Pharaoh ZombieBz GargantuarBz
Summoned: Imp2 Yeti Imp2 Imp Pirate Zombie2
Three Trap cdSun-30QSun sun
Ranged ban2RmoldsAtk-40Q
Vet cake4seed
Level takes place in 10th Anniversary

Secret Rewards shop[]

Historical Stars Task Reward
0 Pick at least the first modifier on the rows from Difficulty I, II, III 15 diamonds
2 Buttercup puzzle pieces
2 Collect 2 Historical Stars 10 diamonds
4 Collect 4 Historical Stars 10 diamonds
6 Collect 6 Historical Stars 5 diamonds
10 Collect 10 Historical Stars 2 Chomper costume puzzle pieces (10th Anniversary exclusive costume)
15 Collect 15 Historical Stars on every 17 levels 10th Anniversary Avatar

*The same rewards apply for every level.



  • The 17th level was originally considered to be impossible if all the objectives were chosen due to Birthdayz Troglobites not being able to push the presents on the Dave's mold colonies, thus being left off lawn. Additionally, the plants with the Ranged class were banned.
    • However, the level could be completed by using certain non-Ranged plants that can deal damage off-lawn, such as Fume-shroom or Red Stinger via their Plant Food effects.
    • This issue was fixed in the 3.1.9 update by replacing all the Birthdayz Troglobites with Birthdayz Jester Zombies.
V · T · E
Plants vs. Zombies
Player's House Day · Night · Pool · Fog · Roof (Night Roof)
Other Zen Garden (Mushroom Garden · Aquarium Garden · Tree of Wisdom) · Crazy Dave's Twiddydinkies
Plants vs. Zombies: Endless Edition
Adventure Mode The Zombies Are Coming · Nightfall · Backyard Emergency · Fog · Roof Battle (Night Roof)
Journey to the West
The Land Demon War of the Spider Woman (Dave's Backyard Garden) · Three Fights With Skeleton Demon · Subdue the Yellow-Browed Monster · Outsmart the Fire Child · Battle of the Ox-Demon
The Sea Demon Fight the Sea Demons · Brave the Dragon King's Palace
Plants vs. Zombies: Great Wall Edition
Adventure Mode Day · Night · Pool · Fog · Roof (Night Roof)
Survival The Great Wall (Night) · Rural Backyard
Journey to the West War of the Spider Woman · Three Fights With Skeleton Demon · Subdue the Yellow-Browed Monster · Outsmart the Fire Child · Battle of the Ox-Demon
Plants vs. Zombies Adventures
Road Trip The Boonies · Dire Spires · Cadaver Cavern · Park-n-Perish · Killjoy Park · Sweaty Palms · U of Z · Frostbite Falls · Mildew Meadow · Grey Matter Gardens · The Sever Glades · The Sand Dooms · Zombitorium Manor
Player's Town Starting Area · The Plantagon Lot · The Workshop Lot · The Car Lot · The Post Office Lot · The Cafe Lot · The Fire Station Lot · The Flaming Lot · The Police Station Lot · The Bamboo Lot · The Fitness Lot · The Chilly Lot · The Sunny Lot · The Unlucky Lot
Plants vs. Zombies 2
Adventure Mode Ancient Egypt · Pirate Seas · Wild West · Frostbite Caves · Lost City · Far Future · Dark Ages · Neon Mixtape Tour · Jurassic Marsh · Big Wave Beach · Modern Day
Thymed Events Player's House · Backyard Big Top · The Zombosseum · ZCorp Takeover
Other Penny's Pursuit · Arena · Zen Garden
Plants vs. Zombies 2 (Chinese version)
Adventure Mode Ancient Egypt · Pirate Seas · Wild West · Kongfu World · Far Future · Dark Ages (Fright Theater) · Big Wave Beach · Frostbite Caves · Sky City · Lost City · Neon Mixtape Tour · Jurassic Marsh · Modern Day · Steam Age · Renaissance Age · Heian Age
Secret Realms Fairytale Forest · Haunting Halloween · Celebrating Chinese New Year · Children's Playpark · Parkour Party · Anniversary Carnival Party · Frostbite Caves Resurgence · Auspicious Snow Welcomes Spring · Walking in the Snow to Seek Spring
Other Battle · Penny's Pursuit · Arena · Ztalemate Escape
Plants vs. Zombies Online
Worlds Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum · Ancient Egypt · Pirate Seas · Far Future · East Sea Dragon Palace
Plants vs. Zombies: All Stars
Worlds American Suburbs · Primitive Tribe · The Great Wall · Ancient Egypt · Pirate Seas · Wild West · Kongfu World · Journey to the West · Viking World · Far Future · Dark Ages · Neon Mixtape Tour
Other Ranked Mode · Dave Cup
Plants vs. Zombies 3
Main Neighborville · Lost Keys Lake · Mt. Quesogrande
Blocks Your House · Taco Park · Green Screens Theater · Dave's Workshop · Jubilee Nightclub · Sunnyfield Farm · Silicorn Lab · Shallot Graveyard · BBQ Beach · Mulchburger Fast Food · Savings & Lawn Bank
Other Devour Tower