Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
For other uses, see Ancient Egypt (disambiguation).

Ancient Egypt is the 1st world in Plants vs. Zombies 2. The player's real journey starts here and the world itself is home to a variety of mummy zombies. There are 25 levels (10 "Expansion" levels that are much more difficult also exist for this world, but they are limited time levels only accessed in the Travel Log since the 7.4 update) in this world, 6 plants to be obtained, and 15 zombies to fight against.

When Crazy Dave, the player, and Penny travel here, Penny says that Dave must wait 4500 years for his taco to be ready, which places this era into the Fifth Dynasty.

In this world, the lawn functions exactly as it normally would on a daytime level from the original Plants vs. Zombies. The main difference here is that tombstones spawn in at the start of the levels (just like night levels from Plants vs. Zombies, except that it is considered daytime with sun dropping from the sky).


Sound Description
Choose Your Seeds
First Wave
Flag Wave
Last Flag
Ultimate Battle Intro(removed)
Ultimate Battle(Chinese version only/International version removed)
Mini-game Intro(removed)
Mini-game(Chinese version only/International version removed)
Zombot Sphinx-inator intro

Game description[]

Zombies infest one of Earth's earliest civilizations! Tackle mummified monsters and more under the scorching sun of Egypt, circa 2500 BC!

Order of events[]

After Day 5 of the tutorial, the player meets Crazy Dave along with Penny. Crazy Dave, thinking the taco he just ate was great, wants to travel back in time to eat it again, using Penny, but they accidentally travel to Ancient Egypt instead. During Day 1, the player is introduced to Plant Food, the Ancient Egypt variations of Basic, Conehead and Flag zombies. After beating Day 1, the player unlocks the Power Ups. The buckethead Zombie appears on Day 2, which the player unlocks the Map of Space-Time-Ness afterwards. When the player beats Day 3 (the introductory level to Camel Zombies), the player unlocks the Bloomerang. After Day 4, the player is introduced to Piñatas, plant leveling, and seed packets. On Day 5, the Player faces the Explorer Zombie and unlocks the Iceberg Lettuce and the Store.

During the start of Day 6, Dr. Zomboss writes a note which requests the player's brains. He also sends an all-out attack involving a Mummified Gargantuar which the player must defend by Special Delivery (plants coming by a conveyor belt). If the player wins the level, the Travel Log is unlocked and the player is introduced to quests (beating Day 7 will give you your first Travel Log reward). On Day 8, Tomb Raiser Zombie first appears here. On Day 9, the Grave Buster is unlocked. On Day 11, the player faces the first Locked and Loaded level. Day 12 is the first appearance of the Pharaoh Zombie. Day 13 features Dave's mold colonies, and beating it will give you Bonk Choy. Day 15 is the first Save Our Seeds level. Day 18 is the first Last Stand level. The Repeater is unlocked on Day 19, and Twin Sunflower is unlocked on Day 24.

On Day 25, the player faces the first boss level. Crazy Dave senses his taco is so close, but once Penny reminds him of Dr. Zomboss, he questions why Zomboss is against him eating the taco. The latter says his reasoning is simple yet beyond Crazy Dave's comprehension. Suddenly the ground tears apart to reveal a big sandstorm, and Zomboss appears in his creation: The Zombot Sphinx-inator, to challenge the player to the first boss battle in the game. After being defeated, you get the Pirate Seas key, which Penny states that it will give access to Pirate Seas. Zomboss curses them saying their excursion will be "watery... and grave!"



As the first world of the game, the first 25 levels are not difficult. The first 5 levels of this world are impossible to lose, as the lawnmowers regenerate infinitely.

Main levels[]

Day Plants Zombies Flags Notes Prize*
1 Choice Mummy Zombie2 Conehead Mummy2 Flag Mummy Zombie2 Ra Zombie2 One Tutorial for Plant Food Crazy Dave's jar of preserved powers
2 Peashooter2 Wall-nut2 Potato Mine2 Cabbage-pult2 Mummy Zombie2 Conehead Mummy2 Buckethead Mummy2 Flag Mummy Zombie2 One Tutorial for Power Ups Map of space-time-ness
3 Choice Mummy Zombie2 Flag Mummy Zombie2 Ra Zombie2 Camel Zombies2 One Bloomerang2
4 Bloomerang2 Wall-nut2 Mummy Zombie2 Conehead Mummy2 Flag Mummy Zombie2 Camel Zombies2 One Special Delivery Level Ancient Egypt Piñata
5 Choice Mummy Zombie2 Conehead Mummy2 Flag Mummy Zombie2 Ra Zombie2 Camel Zombies2 Explorer Zombie2 One Iceberg Lettuce2
6 Wall-nut2 Potato Mine2 Cabbage-pult2 Bloomerang2 Iceberg Lettuce2 Mummy Zombie2 Conehead Mummy2 Buckethead Mummy2 Flag Mummy Zombie2 Camel Zombies2 Explorer Zombie2 Mummified Gargantuar2
Imp Mummy2
One Gargantuar battle Ancient Egypt Piñata, Travel Log
7 Choice Mummy Zombie2 Flag Mummy Zombie2 Camel Zombies2 One Ancient Egypt Piñata (and a second one for the Travel Log reward)
8 Choice with Iceberg Lettuce2, one Wall-nut2, two Potato Mine2 and one Iceberg Lettuce2 pre-planted Mummy Zombie2 Flag Mummy Zombie2 Ra Zombie2 Explorer Zombie2 Tomb Raiser Zombie2 One A Money bag
9 Choice Mummy Zombie2 Conehead Mummy2 Buckethead Mummy2 Flag Mummy Zombie2 Camel Zombies2 Explorer Zombie2 One Grave Buster2
10 Choice Mummy Zombie2 Conehead Mummy2 Buckethead Mummy2 Flag Mummy Zombie2 Ra Zombie2 Camel Zombies2 Tomb Raiser Zombie2 One A money bag
11 Sunflower2 Peashooter2 Wall-nut2 Potato Mine2Bloomerang2 Grave Buster2 Mummy Zombie2 Conehead Mummy2 Buckethead Mummy2 Flag Mummy Zombie2 Ra Zombie2 Camel Zombies2 One Locked and Loaded level Ancient Egypt Piñata
12 Choice Mummy Zombie2 Conehead Mummy2 Buckethead Mummy2 Flag Mummy Zombie2 Ra Zombie2 Camel Zombies2 Pharaoh Zombie2 One A Money bag
13 Choice Mummy Zombie2 Conehead Mummy2 Flag Mummy Zombie2 Ra Zombie2 Camel Zombies2 One Dave's mold colonies level.
Don't plant on Dave's mold colonies
Bonk Choy2
14 Choice Mummy Zombie2 Conehead Mummy2 Flag Mummy Zombie2 Ra Zombie2 Camel Zombies2 Tomb Raiser Zombie2 Pharaoh Zombie2 One A money bag
15 Choice with Bloomerang2 Mummy Zombie2 Conehead Mummy2 Buckethead Mummy2 Flag Mummy Zombie2 Ra Zombie2 Camel Zombies2 Pharaoh Zombie2 Two Save Our Seeds level (Three Sunflower2) Ancient Egypt Piñata
16 Choice Mummy Zombie2 Conehead Mummy2 Buckethead Mummy2 Flag Mummy Zombie2 Camel Zombies2 Explorer Zombie2 Tomb Raiser Zombie2 Two A money bag
17 Choice Mummy Zombie2 Conehead Mummy2 Buckethead Mummy2 Flag Mummy Zombie2 Camel Zombies2 Explorer Zombie2 One Objective:
Never have more than 14 plants
Plant Food Boost
18 Choice (limited) Mummy Zombie2 Conehead Mummy2 Buckethead Mummy2 Flag Mummy Zombie2 Camel Zombies2 One Last Stand level A money bag
19 Choice Mummy Zombie2 Conehead Mummy2 Buckethead Mummy2 Flag Mummy Zombie2 Ra Zombie2 Explorer Zombie2 One Dave's mold colonies level.
Never have more than 16 plants
Don't plant on Dave's mold colonies
20 Choice Mummy Zombie2 Conehead Mummy2 Buckethead Mummy2 Flag Mummy Zombie2 Ra Zombie2 Camel Zombies2 Explorer Zombie2 One Save Our Seeds level (four Sunflower2) A money bag
21 Choice with Twin Sunflower2 Kernel-pult2 Melon-pult2 Mummy Zombie2 Conehead Mummy2 Buckethead Mummy2 Flag Mummy Zombie2 Ra Zombie2 Camel Zombies2 Tomb Raiser Zombie2 Pharaoh Zombie2 One Sun Boost
22 Choice Mummy Zombie2 Conehead Mummy2 Buckethead Mummy2 Flag Mummy Zombie2 Ra Zombie2 Camel Zombies2 Pharaoh Zombie2 Two Dave's mold colonies level. Objectives:
Don't plant on Dave's mold colonies
Never have more than 18 plants
A money bag
23 Choice Mummy Zombie2 Conehead Mummy2 Buckethead Mummy2 Flag Mummy Zombie2 Mummified Gargantuar2 Explorer Zombie2 Tomb Raiser Zombie2 Pharaoh Zombie2
Imp Mummy2
Two Ancient Egypt Piñata
24 Choice (limited) Mummy Zombie2 Conehead Mummy2 Buckethead Mummy2 Flag Mummy Zombie2 Explorer Zombie2 Pharaoh Zombie2 One Last Stand level Twin Sunflower2
25 Wall-nut2 Cabbage-pult2 Bloomerang2 Iceberg Lettuce2 Grave Buster2 Bonk Choy2 Repeater2 Zombot Sphinx-inator2
Mummy Zombie2 Conehead Mummy2 Buckethead Mummy2 Explorer Zombie2 Tomb Raiser Zombie2 Pharaoh Zombie2 Mummified Gargantuar2 Imp Mummy2
None (replaced by the Zombot's health Boss battle Ancient Egypt Trophy, Pirate Seas key, Pyramid of Doom

*Prizes that are not money bags are only first time unlocks.

Epic Quest: Ancient Egypt Entanglement![]

Play extra hard Ancient Egypt levels 26-35 to win a barge full of gems!

In the 7.4.1 update, limited-time Epic Quest with 10 steps was added. It uses Ancient Egypt days 26 to 35 as equivalent of its 10 steps. A money bag is awarded after completing each step, and completing all 10 levels will give the player 100 gems.

Since the 9.1.1 update, this quest has 8 levels (28-35) and gives 80 gems.

Step Plants Zombies Flags Notes
1 Choice Mummy Zombie2 Conehead Mummy2 Buckethead Mummy2 Flag Mummy Zombie2 Egypt Rally Zombie2 Tomb Raiser Zombie2 Pharaoh Zombie2 Imp Mummy2 Mummified Gargantuar2 Four
2 Choice Mummy Zombie2 Conehead Mummy2 Buckethead Mummy2 Egypt Rally Zombie2 Ra Zombie2 Camel Zombies2 Explorer Zombie2 Tomb Raiser Zombie2 Pharaoh Zombie2 Imp Mummy2 Mummified Gargantuar2 Three Objective:
Don't let the zombies trample the flowers
3 Sunflower2 Cabbage-pult2 Iceberg Lettuce2 Snow Pea2 Grave Buster2 Imitater2 (imitates Grave Buster2) Mummy Zombie2 Conehead Mummy2 Buckethead Mummy2 Flag Mummy Zombie2 Egypt Rally Zombie2 Explorer Zombie2 Tomb Raiser Zombie2 Pyramid-Head Zombie2 Three Locked and Loaded level
4 Repeater2 Kernel-pult2 Pea Pod2 Melon-pult2 Mummy Zombie2 Conehead Mummy2 Buckethead Mummy2 Pyramid-Head Zombie2 Egypt Rally Zombie2 Ra Zombie2 Explorer Zombie2 Tomb Raiser Zombie2 Pharaoh Zombie2 Imp Mummy2 Mummified Gargantuar2 Four Special Delivery level
Survive a massive attack in Ancient Egypt
5 Choice Mummy Zombie2 Conehead Mummy2 Buckethead Mummy2 Flag Mummy Zombie2 Egypt Rally Zombie2 Camel Zombies2 Explorer Zombie2 Torchlight Zombie2 Pharaoh Zombie2 Pyramid-Head Zombie2 Four Objective:
Survive without planting on Dave's mold colonies
6* Choice Mummy Zombie2 Conehead Mummy2 Buckethead Mummy2 Egypt Rally Zombie2 Ra Zombie2 Tomb Raiser Zombie2 Imp Mummy2 Mummified Gargantuar2 Four
7* Choice Mummy Zombie2 Conehead Mummy2 Buckethead Mummy2 Pyramid-Head Zombie2 Flag Mummy Zombie2 Egypt Rally Zombie2 Ra Zombie2 Explorer Zombie2 Torchlight Zombie2 Tomb Raiser Zombie2 Pharaoh Zombie2 Imp Mummy2 Mummified Gargantuar2 Five Save Our Seeds level
Never have more than 15 plants
8* Choice without sun-producing or free plants Flag Mummy Zombie2 Explorer Zombie2 Torchlight Zombie2 Imp Mummy2 Mummified Gargantuar2 Three Last Stand level
9* Sunflower2 Wall-nut2 Iceberg Lettuce2 Grave Buster2 Cherry Bomb2 Flag Mummy Zombie2 Camel Zombies2 Mummy Zombie2 Pharaoh Zombie2 Two Locked and Loaded level
Spend no more than 1800 sun
10* Bloomerang2 Iceberg Lettuce2 Grave Buster2 Repeater2 Sap-fling2 Celery Stalker2 Parsnip2 Conehead Mummy2 Buckethead Mummy2 Pyramid-Head Zombie2 Explorer Zombie2 Torchlight Zombie2 Tomb Raiser Zombie2 Pharaoh Zombie2 Imp Mummy2 Mummified Gargantuar2 Zombot Sphinx-inator2 None Boss battle

*No lawn mowers present.

Brain Busters[]

Ancient Egypt contains all sorts of Brain Busters that have been incorporated into its level structure.

Special Delivery[]

Main article: Special Delivery

Special Delivery is a conveyor-belt level for Ancient Egypt. During this level, the player is forced to used all the plants that are in the conveyor-belt to pass the level. Unlike its previous levels, this one is a special (lined) level.

Save Our Seeds[]

Main article: Save Our Seeds

In this Brain Buster, the player is forced to survive waves of zombies while protecting the endangered Sunflowers. Otherwise, they will lose the level. In the early versions of this Brain Buster, the player could dig the endangered plant but in recent versions, digging is omitted in order to prevent immediate defeat.

Locked and Loaded[]

Main article: Locked and Loaded

Locked and Loaded restricts the player to plants that are given within the level. They are only required to use the plants given to them in order to win the level. Even if certain plants given in the level have yet to be unlocked, the player still has the ability to use that plant within the level itself. This can serve as a demo for that plant if that ever manages to happen.

Mummy Memory (Archived content)[]

Main article: Mummy Memory

Mummy Memory used to be Ancient Egypt's exclusive Brain Buster. In this Brain Buster, the player was required to tap two ceramic signs to reveal the symbols. If the player managed to get the two matching symbols (e.g. two skulls), the zombie would immediately die. However, if they chose different ceramic signs with different symbol appearing (e.g. a skull and a lucky clover), the sign would flip again. As of the 6.7 update, all 3 levels of this Brain Buster are no longer available.

Last Stand[]

Main article: Last Stand (PvZ2)

Last Stand makes a return from the previous game. Just like its previous incarnation, the player has to plan their defense to stop hordes of zombies from barreling towards the house. However, unlike in Plants vs. Zombies, the player has to survive one flag only with extreme numbers of Zombies storming the player's lawn and most likely will attack violently with Sandstorms, as opposed to 5-10 flags. The player is provided with a great amount of sun and Plant Food as, in some levels, there are no zombies that will carry Plant Food. Sun producing plants are not allowed in this brain buster. If the player is creative enough to formulate his or her own strategy, the player can win without the aid of Plant Food.

Egyptian Challenge Pack[]

Main article: Vasebreaker (PvZ2)

The Egyptian Challenge Pack is a set of Vasebreaker levels in Ancient Egypt that is available only after completing the Vasebreaker Intro. Once completed, the Butter Zombie Power Up will be unlocked.

Egyptian Challenge has three levels:

Name Plants Zombies
One at a Time Two Wall-nut2 Two Potato Mine2 Seven Bloomerang2 Nine Mummy Zombie2 Two Conehead Mummy2 Seven groups of Camel Zombies2
Freeze 'Em Two Potato Mine2 Five Cabbage-pult2 Five Iceberg Lettuce2 Three Repeater2 Four Mummy Zombie2 Two Conehead Mummy2 One Buckethead Mummy2 Seven Explorer Zombie2
Block and Spike Four Wall-nut2 One Potato Mine2 Five Repeater2 Four Spikerock2 Four Mummy Zombie2 Three Conehead Mummy2 Two Buckethead Mummy2, Six Pharaoh Zombie2

Pyramid of Doom[]

Main article: Pyramid of Doom

The Pyramid of Doom is the Endless Zone of Ancient Egypt. The player can unlock the Endless Zone after beating the twenty-fifth day of this world. The player can practice and hone their skills in surviving level after level of endless zombies. As the player progresses throughout the higher levels, up to 80% of the lawn will be occupied with tombstones, making it very difficult for the player to put plants on the lawn. Additionally, the zombies will continue to get more dense and challenging as the Endless Zone progresses, meaning the player could face high concentrations of Gargantuars in higher levels.

Zombot Sphinx-inator[]

Main article: Zombot Sphinx-inator

The Zombot Sphinx-inator is Ancient Egypt's boss in both boss levels in Ancient Egypt, and possibly the first boss level in Modern Day. It can summon any Ancient Egypt zombie except Ra Zombie, Flag Mummy Zombie, Egypt Rally Zombie and Camel Zombies. It also has a charge attack that kills any plant and zombie in two adjacent rows, but can be stopped with plants that have been given Plant Food. Finally, it has a missile attack which kills any plant in the tile it targets (unless it is currently using its Plant Food power up) and summons two tombstones (or four in Ancient Egypt - Day 35). The player is given its plants through a conveyor-belt.

Interactive map[]

Related achievements[]

King Nut2
King Nut
Unleash the Egypt Gargantuar
Nut Un-Common2
Nut Un-Common
Complete Ancient Egypt




See Ancient Egypt/Walkthrough.

In other languages[]

Please note that only official translations are used.

Language Name Description
United States of America English Ancient Egypt
China Simplified Chinese 神秘埃及 lit. "Mysterious Egypt"
France French Égypte antique
Germany German Altes Ägypten
Italy Italian Antico Egitto
Brazil Brazilian Portuguese Egito Antigo
Spain Spanish Antiguo Egipto


  • A reference to Superman can be seen on the map near the dip that Day 16 and Day 17 are in. Three zombies trapped in square glass can sometimes be seen floating past the big piece of land in that area, being a reference to the Phantom Zone.
    • Also, on that same piece of land, small dust devils can sometimes occur.
  • The music in Ancient Egypt is very low-key and is mostly in minor keys. While there isn't any apparent genre linked to it, the songs have an Arabic quality to them, likely due to the double harmonic scale being used frequently.
    • This is the only world to have its music composed by two different composers: Laura Shigihara and Peter McConnell. Pirate Seas has an unused track composed by Laura that never got to see the light of day.
    • The Final Wave theme is a carbon copy of the Mid Wave theme, albeit with a few extra percussion instruments. The additional elements were added by Guy Whitmore.
    • It is the only world without two Mid Wave themes.
    • It is the only world with two completely different sound palettes. This is due to the change in composers.
    • Laura also used the harp from the main themes in one of the tracks from her 2017 game, Rauken. The harp from Peter's themes, those being the minigame themes, was used in multiple worlds, such as Lost City and Pirate Seas.
    • The instruments used to represent this world in Modern Day's music are the harpsichord, the harp, and the electric piano. Despite popular belief, the piano used in Ancient Egypt is not used in Modern Day's waves, but rather in Lost City's Demonstration Minigame and Ultimate Battle themes.
    • The harpsichord used in this world is identical to that of Dark Ages, however the former has external modifications to match the tone of the psaltery used by Laura in Ancient Egypt's waves.
  • The lawn is filled with Ra Zombie and Tomb Raiser Zombie (Anubis) statues.
  • It is the world with the most zombies, with 15, after a recent update.
  • On the player's house, there are some hieroglyphics representing a Sunflower producing a sun, a zombie walking, a Potato Mine, a Wall-nut, a lawn mower, a zombie's head, a Potion Bottle, and Crazy Dave's face.
  • Ancient Egypt, Pirate Seas, Wild West, and Modern Day are the only worlds that did not change their positions on the world map after 5.3.1 update.
  • All Ancient Egypt plants reappear in Plants vs. Zombies Heroes.
    • However, only some Ancient Egypt zombies reappear in Plants vs. Zombies Heroes.
  • Before the 7.1.1 update, Cabbage-pult used to be an Ancient Egypt plant which was awarded after completing Ancient Egypt - Day 2.
  • Ancient Egypt and Modern Day are the first worlds to receive expansions in the 5.8.1 update.
  • It and Neon Mixtape Tour are the only worlds where the player can earn six plants.
  • It is the first world to be set in a specific country (Egypt), the second one is Wild West.
  • After the removal of Mummy Memory in the 6.7 update, Ancient Egypt has become one of the four worlds that do not have an exclusive Brain-Buster, the other three being Frostbite Caves, Neon Mixtape Tour, and Jurassic Marsh.
  • Its Piñata can contain seed packets of both the Ancient Egypt plants and Player's House plants.
  • Update 7.1.1 greatly modified most of Ancient Egypt's levels. Update 9.5.1 modified some even more (for example, Ancient Egypt - Day 2 now has plants and seed packets).
    • After the 9.5.1 update (which reduced most levels to 10 waves only), Ancient Egypt no longer has any levels with three flags outside of the Expansion levels.
V · T · E
Plants vs. Zombies
Player's House Day · Night · Pool · Fog · Roof (Night Roof)
Other Zen Garden (Mushroom Garden · Aquarium Garden · Tree of Wisdom) · Crazy Dave's Twiddydinkies
Plants vs. Zombies: Endless Edition
Adventure Mode The Zombies Are Coming · Nightfall · Backyard Emergency · Fog · Roof Battle (Night Roof)
Journey to the West
The Land Demon War of the Spider Woman (Dave's Backyard Garden) · Three Fights With Skeleton Demon · Subdue the Yellow-Browed Monster · Outsmart the Fire Child · Battle of the Ox-Demon
The Sea Demon Fight the Sea Demons · Brave the Dragon King's Palace
Plants vs. Zombies: Great Wall Edition
Adventure Mode Day · Night · Pool · Fog · Roof (Night Roof)
Survival The Great Wall (Night) · Rural Backyard
Journey to the West War of the Spider Woman · Three Fights With Skeleton Demon · Subdue the Yellow-Browed Monster · Outsmart the Fire Child · Battle of the Ox-Demon
Plants vs. Zombies Adventures
Road Trip The Boonies · Dire Spires · Cadaver Cavern · Park-n-Perish · Killjoy Park · Sweaty Palms · U of Z · Frostbite Falls · Mildew Meadow · Grey Matter Gardens · The Sever Glades · The Sand Dooms · Zombitorium Manor
Player's Town Starting Area · The Plantagon Lot · The Workshop Lot · The Car Lot · The Post Office Lot · The Cafe Lot · The Fire Station Lot · The Flaming Lot · The Police Station Lot · The Bamboo Lot · The Fitness Lot · The Chilly Lot · The Sunny Lot · The Unlucky Lot
Plants vs. Zombies 2
Adventure Mode Ancient Egypt · Pirate Seas · Wild West · Frostbite Caves · Lost City · Far Future · Dark Ages · Neon Mixtape Tour · Jurassic Marsh · Big Wave Beach · Modern Day
Thymed Events Player's House · Backyard Big Top · The Zombosseum · ZCorp Takeover
Other Penny's Pursuit · Arena · Zen Garden
Plants vs. Zombies 2 (Chinese version)
Adventure Mode Ancient Egypt · Pirate Seas · Wild West · Kongfu World · Far Future · Dark Ages (Fright Theater) · Big Wave Beach · Frostbite Caves · Sky City · Lost City · Neon Mixtape Tour · Jurassic Marsh · Modern Day · Steam Age · Renaissance Age · Heian Age
Secret Realms Fairytale Forest · Haunting Halloween · Celebrating Chinese New Year · Children's Playpark · Parkour Party · Anniversary Carnival Party · Frostbite Caves Resurgence · Auspicious Snow Welcomes Spring · Walking in the Snow to Seek Spring
Other Battle · Penny's Pursuit · Arena · Ztalemate Escape
Plants vs. Zombies Online
Worlds Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum · Ancient Egypt · Pirate Seas · Far Future · East Sea Dragon Palace
Plants vs. Zombies: All Stars
Worlds American Suburbs · Primitive Tribe · The Great Wall · Ancient Egypt · Pirate Seas · Wild West · Kongfu World · Journey to the West · Viking World · Far Future · Dark Ages · Neon Mixtape Tour
Other Ranked Mode · Dave Cup
Plants vs. Zombies 3
Main Neighborville · Lost Keys Lake · Mt. Quesogrande
Blocks Your House · Taco Park · Green Screens Theater · Dave's Workshop · Jubilee Nightclub · Sunnyfield Farm · Silicorn Lab · Shallot Graveyard · BBQ Beach · Mulchburger Fast Food · Savings & Lawn Bank
Other Devour Tower