Les plantes sont des organismes vivants. Ils obtiennent la plupart de leur énergie de la lumière du soleil dans un processus appelé photosynthèse. Cependant, toutes les plantes n'absorbent pas d'énergie via la photosynthèse. Ils sont les protagonistes de Plants vs. Zombies Heroes et la principale défense du joueur contre les assaillants zombies.
Liste des Héros[]
Héros Végétal | |||||
Nom | Image | Classes | Super-pouvoirs de Signature | Autres Super-pouvoirs | Description |
Ombre Verte | ![]() ![]() |
Tir de Précision | Onde de Froid Tourbillon Engrandissement |
Peu de gens le savent, mais sous le masque se cache une charmante demoiselle répondant au doux nom de Pénélopois. | |
Brindille Solaire | ![]() ![]() |
Bronzage | Brin de Folie Spores Ensembles Terre Brûlée |
Brindille solaire n'a pas son pareil pour mettre le feu à une soirée... ou à un groupe de zombies. | |
Seigneur des Noyaux | ![]() ![]() |
Incassable | Geyser Signe de la Noix Flot de Bulles |
Le Seigneur des noyaux a parfois du mal à sortir de sa coquille. | |
Mordzilla | ![]() ![]() |
Gobage | Holo-flore Geyser Terre Brûlée |
Mordzilla a beau se brosser les dents après chaque repas, elle a toujours une haleine de zombie pourri. | |
Pata-Boum | ![]() ![]() |
Lancer de Patate | Flot de Bulles Front Orageux Impact Météorique |
Pata-Boum a beau faire des efforts, il garde un tempérament explosif. | |
Citron | ![]() ![]() |
Bouclier de Zeste | Transmogrifier Signe de la Noix Mur de Racines |
Il rêvait d'être un poète, mais il n'a jamais trouvé de rime avec "orange". | |
Herburopoing | ![]() ![]() |
Superbaston | Holo-flore Jour Radieux Mur de Racines |
Dans son domaine, c'est le meilleur... et son domaine, c'est la baston! | |
Bonnet de Nuit | ![]() ![]() |
Cèpe-4 | Spores Ensembles Tourbillon Front Orageux |
Ne vous fiez pas aux apparences, c'est un petit rigolo. | |
Rose | ![]() ![]() |
Chèvrifieur | Transmogrifier Onde de Froid Brin de Folie |
Rose n'a pas qu'un physique, elle a aussi un cerveau... et les zombies le savent bien! | |
Capitaine Combustible | ![]() ![]() |
Sève Ardente | Impact Météorique Engrandissement Jour Radieux |
Évitez de l'appeler "Rase-motte", ça le met hors de lui. Essayez selement! | |
Bêta Carottine | ![]() ![]() |
Amplification Génétique | Soldat Racine Lieutenant Carottron Graine Éclair |
Sous sa direction, la Garde végétale extermine les zombies aux quatre coins de la galaxie. |
Liste des Super-pouvoirs de Signature[]
Héros | Nom | Image | Sous-type | Capacité | Coût |
Ombre Verte | Tir de Précision | Pois Crasse Super-pouvoir | 5 points de dégâts sur la ligne centrale. | 1 | |
Brindille Solaire | Bronzage | Fleur Crasse Super-pouvoir | Inflige 2 points de dégâts. Vous gagnez +1 soleil pour le restant de la partie. | 1 | |
Seigneur des Noyaux | Incassable | Noix Crasse Super-pouvoir | Votre héros est invulnérable pendant ce tour. Piochez une carte. | 1 | |
Mordzilla | Gobage | Plante Carnivore Crasse Super-pouvoir | Détruit le zombie dont la Santé est la plus basse. | 1 | |
Pata-boum | Lancer de Patate | Racine Crasse Super-pouvoir | Crée une Tête Brûlée avec 1![]() |
1 | |
Citron | Bouclier de Zeste | Fruit Crasse Super-pouvoir | Les plantes sont invulnérables pendant ce tour. Piochez une carte. | 1 | |
Herburopoing | Superbaston | Feuillu Crasse Super-pouvoir | Attaque chaque zombie au sol avec 2 dégâts. | 1 | |
Bonnet de Nuit | Cèpe-4 | Champignon Crasse Super-pouvoir | Crée un Champi Toxique 1![]() ![]() ![]() |
1 | |
Rose | Chèvrifieur | Fleur Crasse Super-pouvoir | Transforme le zombie dont la Force est la plus élevée en Chèvre. | 1 | |
Capitaine Combustible | Sève Ardente | Arbre Crasse Super-pouvoir | Une plante gagne +4![]() |
1 | |
Bêta Carottine | Amplification Génétique | Racine Crasse Super-pouvoir | Invoque une plante qui coûte 2. Elle obtient +2![]() ![]() |
1 |
Liste des plantes[]
Ce qui suit est une liste de toutes les plantes qui apparaissent dans ce jeu avec leurs caractéristiques. Pour en savoir plus sur chaque plante, cliquez sur le lien qui mène à la page cette plante. Cette liste est dans un ordre de coût en soleil (du plus bas au plus élevé), à l'exception des Crasses Super-pouvoirs qui sont affichées à la fin de chaque classe.
La classe gardienne possède différentes capacités telles que Coopération, Amphibie, Dans le Mille et Blindé qui sont avant tout défensives. La sous-classe de prémonition des gardiens est les noix.
Nom | Image | Sous-type | Capacité | ![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Description |
![]() | |||||||
Base - Standard | |||||||
Champignon de Paris | ![]() |
Champignon Plante | - | 1 | 1 | 1 | Tout le monde lui dit toujours qu'il est beau comme tout, mais il est aussi rusé et rigolo. |
Pistolet à Baies | ![]() |
Baie Crasse | Inflige 3 points de dégâts. | 2 | - | - | Combatif ET nutritif. |
Champi-boost | ![]() |
Champignon Plante | Jouée: tous les champignons gagnent +1![]() ![]() |
2 | 1 | 1 | Il est devenu célèbre grâce à ses DVD de fitness "30 jours pour champi-booster son corps". |
Jeune Pousse | ![]() |
Graine Plante | Début du tour: transformation en une plante aléatoire d'un coût maximum de 6![]() |
2 | 0 | 2 | La minuscule graine de... en fait, on ne sait pas trop. |
Zabricot | ![]() |
Fruit Plante | - | 3 | 4 | 1 | "Contrairement à ce qu'on pourrait penser, les zombies sont des êtres très sensibles." |
Premium - Inhabituel | |||||||
Champi Toxique | ![]() |
Champignon Plante | ![]() |
1 | 1 | 1 | "Les héros zombies, je les aime pas... mais alors pas du tout. C'est de la vermine." |
Fruit-rax | ![]() |
Baie Crasse | Toutes les plantes gagnent +2![]() |
3 | - | - | "Ça suffit! Là, c'est la goutte de jus de fruit qui met le feu aux poudres!" |
Champi-meneur | ![]() |
Champignon Plante | Jouée: gagne +2![]() |
3 | 0 | 1 | Être chef, c'est beaucoup de responsabilité, mais il savait dans quoi il s'engageait. |
L'Empoisonneuse | ![]() |
Feuillu Baie Plante | ![]() |
3 | 1 | 3 | "Qui c'est qui a envie de se battre? Lui, juste là!" |
Paire de Poires | ![]() |
Fruit Plante | Jouée: Crée ici une PayPoire 2![]() ![]() |
4 | 2 | 2 | C'est mignon de les voir terminer mutuellement leurs phrases. |
Mélomyrtille | ![]() |
Baie Plante | Jouée: inflige 2 points de dégâts. | 5 | 3 | 3 | Adore faire chanter le blues aux zombies. |
Four Solaire | ![]() |
Crasse | Inflige 5 points de dégâts à un zombie. | 3 | - | - | Horriblement chaud et plein d'électricité. De quoi douiller plein pot. |
Galactique - Inhabituel | |||||||
Bombe-banane | ![]() |
Fruit Crasse | Inflige 2 points de dégâts à un zombie. | 1 | - | - | Prenez garde à la menace fruitée venue du ciel! |
Espèce Envahissante | ![]() |
Feuillu Fleur Plante | Dans un environnement: cette créature gagne +3![]() |
2 | 1 | 4 | "On me traite souvent de mauvaise herbe, mais je prends ça comme un compliment." |
Champignonnière | ![]() |
Champignon Environnement | Quand vous jouez une plante ici, crée un Champi-gnon 1![]() ![]() |
3 | - | - | Tout est beau dans l'obscurité. Réfléchissez-y, ce n'est pas si bête. |
Colossal - Inhabituel | |||||||
Champi-gnon | ![]() |
Champignon Plante | Coopération | 0 | 1 | 1 | Il souffle et, parfois, il fait s'envoler un zombie. |
Triassique - Inhabituel | |||||||
Lave en Fusion | ![]() |
Environnement | Avant un combat ici: inflige 1 point de dégâts à chaque plante et à chaque zombie ici. | 0 | - | - | La lave ne connaît ni le bien, ni le mal. Elle consume tout sans faire de différence. |
Pousse de Véloci-radis | ![]() |
Racine Animal Plante | Dino-Graou: cette créature gagne +1![]() |
1 | 1 | 2 | La mère de toutes les racines. |
Premium - Rare | |||||||
Champi pour Deux | ![]() |
Champignon Plante | Jouée: Crée ici un autre Champi-gnon 1![]() ![]() |
1 | 1 | 1 | Les champis veulent toujours faire des papouilles. Qu'ils sont mignons ces champignons. |
Baie Sauvage | ![]() |
Baie Plante | ![]() |
2 | 4 | 1 | Décrire la baie sauvage en un mot? "Imprévisible". |
Pétalomorphose | ![]() |
Fleur Crasse | Transforme une plante en une autre aléatoire. Piochez une carte. | 4 | - | - | Quand il est temps de tourner la page (voire la feuille). |
Raisins Aigris | ![]() |
Baie Plante | Jouée: Inflige 1 point de dégâts à chaque zombie. | 4 | 2 | 2 | Amers. Aigris. Hargneux. Effectivement... mais ils ont leurs raisons. |
Toxicodendron | ![]() |
Feuillu Arbre Plante | ![]() |
6 | 5 | 6 | Il rencontre le sumac vénéneux et le champi toxique régulièrement. Ils ont beaucoup de choses à se dire. |
Galactique - Rare | |||||||
Champi Cosmique | ![]() |
Champignon Plante | Jouée: Invocation d'un champignon qui gagne +2![]() |
3 | 2 | 2 | Il plane haut, très haut... |
Goyelave | ![]() |
Fruit Crasse | Inflige 2 points de dégâts à chaque zombie ici et sur les lignes voisines. Jouée au sol: crée Lave en fusion ici. | 4 | - | - | J'essaye de garder mon calme, mais que voulez-vous? J'ai le sang chaud. |
Colossal - Rare | |||||||
Cro-Magnolia | ![]() |
Fleur Plante | Évolution de plante: les plantes ici et sur les lignes voisines gagnent +2![]() |
3 | 2 | 4 | Dans les bosquets primitifs de la Terre creuse, les magnolias ont évolué vers une forme bestial, brutale et barbare. |
Triassique - Rare | |||||||
Champi-souche | ![]() |
Champignon Baie Plante | Fusion: inflige 2 points de dégâts. | 2 | 2 | 2 | Une légende raconte qu'il est possible d'atteindre la Surface en empilant tous les Champis-souches de le Terre creuse. |
Premium - Super-Rare | |||||||
Champi-justicier | ![]() |
Champignon Plante | Quand un champignon est détruit, un héros zombie ou zombie aléatoire subit 2 points de dégâts. | 3 | 2 | 2 | Croit que la vengeance est un plat qui se mange. Point. |
Sergent Pectine | ![]() |
Baie Plante | Lorsqu'une autre baie touche un zombie ou le héros zombie, le Sergent Pectine inflige à ce dernier 2 dégâts supplémentaires. | 4 | 4 | 3 | Excessif? Oui. Mais tout ce qu'il veut, c'est libérer tout le potentiel des baies. |
Bombe Cerise | ![]() |
Baie Crasse | Inflige 4 points de dégâts à chaque zombie ici et sur les lignes voisines. | 6 | - | - | "Explosion? Détonation? Explosionation!" |
Raisins de la Colère | ![]() |
Baie Plante | Si détruite: inflige 6 points de dégâts au héros zombie. | 7 | 6 | 6 | "Tout le monde lui demande sans cesse: Pourquoi cette tête? Parce que ZOMBIES! C'est pourtant pas compliqué." |
Galactique - Super-Rare | |||||||
Astro-champi | ![]() |
Champignon Plante | ![]() |
1 | 1 | 1 | Ses nombreuses rencontres avec les astéroïdes l'ont profondément marqué. |
Lance-bananes | ![]() |
Fruit Plante | Début du tour: vous gagnez 1 Bombe-banane. | 2 | 0 | 3 | Il n'a qu'un seul tour dans son sac, mais ça fonctionne à tous les coups. |
Paradis des Poires | ![]() |
Fruit Environnement | Chaque fois que vous jouez une plante ici, créez une copie de cette plante avec Coopération ici. | 4 | - | - | Pommes, poires et plantes vont par paire sur cette planète. |
Colossal - Super-Rare | |||||||
Flamberbe | ![]() |
Fleur Racine Plante | Jouée au sol: crée Lave en fusion ici. | 2 | 3 | 2 | Attention, sol brûlant! |
Imitateur | ![]() |
Racine Mime Plante | Quand vous jouez une plante, cette créature se transforme en copie de cette plante. | 3 | 1 | 4 | Imitateur connaît le secret pour détruire les zombies... mais il reste muet comme une tombe. |
Triassique - Super-Rare | |||||||
Fraise Barbare | ![]() |
Baie Plante | Quand vous jouez une baie, inflige 1 point de dégâts aux zombies sur les lignes adjacentes à Fraise barbare. Évolution Baie: gagnez un Pistolet à baies. | 3 | 3 | 2 | Au moindre combat, elle voit rouge. |
Premium - Légendaire | |||||||
Pomme de Copain | ![]() |
Pomme de Pin Plante | Jouée: transforme toutes les plantes en pommes de copain 3![]() ![]() |
4 | 3 | 3 | Ça n'a rien de personnel, mais elle préfère la compagnie des autres pommes de copain. |
Roi Pissenlion | ![]() |
Fleur Animal Plante | Jouée: inflige au héros zombie des dégâts équivalents à la moitié de ses PV. | 6 | 4 | 4 | Il a une petite préférence pour les héros zombies. |
P'tit Maïs | ![]() |
Maïs Plante | Jouée: inflige 4 points de dégâts à chaque zombie. | 8 | 6 | 6 | Il n'a pas beaucoup d'humour, mais c'est un guerrier naturel... armé de deux épi-stolets. |
Galactique - Légendaire | |||||||
Réincarnation | ![]() |
Fleur Plante | Dans votre main: à la fin du tour, transformation en une plante aléatoire avec +1![]() ![]() |
1 | 2 | 2 | "Je ne sais pas ce qui m'attend dans ma prochaine vie, alors je profite à fond de celle-ci." |
Molé-kale | ![]() |
Feuillu Plante | Jouée: chaque autre plante se transforme en plante aléatoire coûtant 1![]() |
4 | 3 | 2 | Molé-kale a une force atomique! |
Colossal - Légendaire | |||||||
Champi-phospho | ![]() |
Champignon Plante | ![]() |
5 | 5 | 5 | Champi-phospho a une personnalité en perpétuelle évolution. |
Triassique - Légendaire | |||||||
Véloci-radis | ![]() |
Racine Animal Plante | Jouée: Faites-en une copie ici avec Coopération. Dino-Graou: obtient +1![]() |
3 | 1 | 3 | Le Véloci-radis chasse en meute pour mieux surprendre ses proies. |
Événement | |||||||
Coeur en Fleur | ![]() |
Fleur Plante | Quand cette créature inflige des dégâts, elle gagne +1![]() |
1 | 2 | 1 | Qui aime bien, châtie bien. Coeur en fleur en sait quelque chose... |
Cassis à Haute Tension | ![]() |
Baie Plante | Cette créature gagne +1![]() |
1 | 1 | 1 | Ces petites boules d'énergie sont de véritables piles électriques. |
Végétoile | ![]() |
Fleur Plante | Jouée: inflige 1 point de dégâts par plante au héros zombie. | 4 | 3 | 1 | La victoire à la vitesse de la lumière. |
Transfiguration | ![]() |
Feuillu Fruit Plante | Fin du tour: se transforme en une plante aléatoire qui coûte 1 de plus. Garde cette capacité. | 4 | 4 | 7 | "D'après le principe d'incertitude d'Heisenberg, si on regarde une plante de trop près, on peut changer sa véritable nature." |
Grenade Atomique | ![]() |
Fruit Plante | Si détruite: créez des jeunes pousses ici et à côté. | 5 | 5 | 2 | "Ne fractionnez jamais, au grand jamais, le noyau d'un fruit! Ou le noyau d'un atome, peut-être? Je me trompe toujours..." |
Myrtille Survoltée | ![]() |
Baie Plante | Après un combat ici: inflige 6 points de dégâts à un zombie aléatoire ou au héros zombie. | 5 | 0 | 5 | N'allez pas croire que ses éclairs frappent au hasard: la Myrtille survoltée est très rancunière et n'oublie jamais une insulte. |
Jeton | |||||||
Tête Brûlée | ![]() |
Racine Plante | Coopération. Si détruite: inflige 6 points de dégâts à un zombie ici. | 3 | 0 | 1 | Sure, he has an explosive temper. But for the most part, he's pretty even peeled. |
Super-pouvoir | |||||||
Impact Météorique | ![]() |
Crasse Super-pouvoir | Inflige 3 points de dégâts à un zombie. | 1 | - | - | Particulièrement efficace contre les zombies chevaucheurs de dinosaures. |
Spores Ensemble | ![]() |
Champignon Crasse Super-pouvoir | Crée un champignon de Paris 1![]() ![]() |
1 | - | - | Un champignon prêté pour un champignon rendu. |
Front Orageux | ![]() |
Crasse Super-pouvoir | Toutes les plantes gagnent +1![]() ![]() |
1 | - | - | Mauvaise nouvelle pour votre pique-nique. Bonne nouvelle pour vos plantes. |
Nom | Image | Sous-type | Capacité | ![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Description | |
![]() | ||||||||
Base - Standard | ||||||||
Pisto-pois | Fichier:PeashooterH.png | Pois Plante | - | 1 | 1 | 1 | Started fighting Zombies in 2009... and never stopped. | |
Torche | Fichier:TorchwoodH.png | Arbre Plante | Team-Up Peas behind this get +2[[File:|20px|link=]]. |
1 | 0 | 3 | "Feel the burn, I COMMAND YOU!" | |
Cata-chou | ![]() |
Feuillu Plante | When played on Heights: This gets +1[[File:|20px|link=]]/+1[[File:|20px|link=]]. | 2 | 1 | 3 | "Coleslaw from above!" | |
Fertilize | Fichier:FertilizeH.png | Crasse | A Plant gets +3[[File:|20px|link=]]/+3[[File:|20px|link=]]. | 3 | - | - | Stinky, sure, but powerful stuff. Ask any Plant. | |
Flourish | Fichier:FlourishH.png | Fleur Crasse | Draw two cards. | 3 | - | - | Call it a growth spurt. | |
Grow-Shroom | Fichier:Grow-ShroomH.png | Champignon Plante | When played: Another Plant gets +2[[File:|20px|link=]]/+2[[File:|20px|link=]]. | 3 | 2 | 1 | She's always bringing out the best in others. | |
Repeater | Fichier:RepeaterH.png | Pois Plante | [[File:|16px|link=]]Double Strike | 3 | 2 | 2 |
"Yes! Yes! Let's do this! Let's do this!" | |
Premium - Inhabituel | ||||||||
Bonk Choy | ![]() |
Feuillu Plante | When played: This gets +1[[File:|20px|link=]] this turn. | 1 | 2 | 1 | Little known fact: He used to have two teeth. | |
Pea Pod | Fichier:Pea PodH.png | Pois Plante | Start of Turn: This gets +1[[File:|20px|link=]]/+1[[File:|20px|link=]]. | 1 | 1 | 1 | Sometimes they squabble, but they usually get along like five peas in a pod. | |
Sweet Potato | Fichier:Sweet PotatoH.png | Racine Plante | Team-Up When played: Move a Zombie to this lane. |
1 | 0 | 3 | Loves unicorns and rainbows... and watching cats on the Internet. | |
Fire Peashooter | Fichier:Fire PeashooterH.png | Pois Plante | - | 2 | 3 | 2 | "Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?" | |
Skyshooter | Fichier:SkyshooterH.png | Pois Plante | When played on Heights: This gets +2[[File:|20px|link=]]/+2[[File:|20px|link=]]. | 4 | 3 | 2 | The youngest Peashooter ever to earn a pilot's license. Also the only Peashooter ever to earn a pilot's license. | |
Galactique - Inhabituel | ||||||||
Vegetation Mutation | Fichier:Vegetation MutationH.png | Crasse | All Plants on Heights and Environments get +2[[File:|20px|link=]]/+2[[File:|20px|link=]]. | 2 | - | - | Environmentalism at its finest. | |
Sweet Pea | Fichier:Sweet PeaH.png | Pois Plante | When played: Move a Zombie to this lane. | 2 | 2 | 3 | Zombies may only have four teeth left, but one of them's a sweet tooth. | |
Coffee Grounds | Fichier:Coffee GroundsH.png | Fayot Environnement | Plants here get [[File:|16px|link=]]Double Strike. | 2 | - | - | Nothing wakes you up in the morning like extra attacks on zombies. Well OK, coffee does. | |
Colossal - Inhabituel | ||||||||
Umbrella Leaf | Fichier:Umbrella LeafH.png | Feuillu Fleur Plante | Team-Up Other Plants here and next door are [[File:|20px|link=]]Untrickable. |
1 | 0 | 1 | She's not very fond of getting wet. | |
Triassique - Inhabituel | ||||||||
Half-Banana | Fichier:Half-BananaH.png | Fruit Plante | When destroyed: All Bananas in your hand get +1[[File:|20px|link=]]/+1[[File:|20px|link=]]. | 1 | 2 | 2 | "Have you met my better half? She's around here somewhere." | |
Typical Beanstalk | Fichier:Typical BeanstalkH.png | Feuillu Fayot Plante | When played next to a Leafy Plant: Conjure a Leafy card. | 3 | 3 | 3 | "Everyone's magic in their own special way. Everyone except me." | |
Premium - Rare | ||||||||
The Podfather | Fichier:The PodfatherH.png | Pois Plante | When you play another Pea, that Pea gets +2[[File:|20px|link=]]/+2[[File:|20px|link=]]. | 3 | 2 | 2 | "It ain't easy keeping the peas in this family." | |
Plant Food | Fichier:Plant FoodH.png | Crasse | A Plant gets +1[[File:|20px|link=]]/+1[[File:|20px|link=]] then does a Bonus Attack. | 4 | - | - | The most important meal of the day. | |
Re-Peat Moss | Fichier:Re-Peat MossH.png | Mousse Plante | When you play a Trick, this does a Bonus Attack. | 4 | 2 | 3 | "To do what I do... it's TRICKY. I'll leave it at that." | |
Whipvine | Fichier:WhipvineH.png | Racine Plante | When played: Move a Zombie. | 5 | 5 | 5 | "Get along, little Zombie." | |
Super-Phat Beets | Fichier:Super-Phat BeetsH.png | Racine Plante | When played: This gets +1[[File:|20px|link=]]/+1[[File:|20px|link=]] for each other Plant and Zombie. | 6 | 3 | 3 | When he drops the beet, everyone feels it. Especially the Zombies. | |
Galactique - Rare | ||||||||
Banana Peel | Fichier:Banana PeelH.png | Fruit Crasse | Move a Zombie. Conjure a Banana. |
1 | - | - | A slapstick comedy staple that, somehow, the Zombies never see coming. | |
Cosmic Pea | Fichier:Cosmic PeaH.png | Pois Plante | [[File:|16px|link=]]Double Strike When played: Conjure a Pea, and it gets [[File:|16px|link=]]Double Strike. |
3 | 1 | 1 | "The cosmos is so big and a pea is so small. The juxtaposition just really makes me think, you know?" | |
Colossal - Rare | ||||||||
Bamboozle | Fichier:BamboozleH.png | Leafy Root Plant | Plant Evolution: Draw two cards. | 6 | 5 | 6 | Only among the hyper-evolved Plants of Hollow Earth can you be outwitted by a tree. | |
Triassique - Rare | ||||||||
Pea Patch | Fichier:Pea PatchH.png | Leafy Pea Plant | Fusion: A Plant played on this gets +2[[File:|20px|link=]]/+2[[File:|20px|link=]]. | 2 | 2 | 2 | Don't let the Dog Walker anywhere near it. | |
Premium - Super-Rare | ||||||||
Party Thyme | Fichier:Party ThymeH.png | Leafy Plant | When a Plant does a Bonus Attack, draw a card. | 1 | 2 | 2 | A real extrovert, this one. | |
Black-Eyed Pea | Fichier:Black-Eyed PeaH.png | Bean Pea Plant | This gets +1[[File:|20px|link=]]/+1[[File:|20px|link=]] when a Zombie Trick is played. | 2 | 2 | 3 | "You shoulda seen the other guy!" | |
Potted Powerhouse | Fichier:Potted PowerhouseH.png | Leafy Plant | While in your hand: This gets +1[[File:|20px|link=]]/+1[[File:|20px|link=]] when a Plant gains Strength or Health. | 5 | 3 | 3 | She loves living out of a pot. It's not for every Plant. But to her, it's home. | |
Espresso Fiesta | Fichier:Espresso FiestaH.png | Bean Trick | A Plant does three Bonus Attacks. | 8 | - | - | Don't consume after 5 p.m. You'll be up all night. | |
Galactique - Super-Rare | ||||||||
Moonbean | Fichier:MoonbeanH.png | Bean Plant | When this does damage, shuffle two Magic Beanstalks into your deck. | 3 | 2 | 5 | She and Sunflower are besties. It's just too bad their schedules make it hard for them to get together. | |
The Red Plant-It | Fichier:The Red Plant-ItH.png | Root Environment | Plants here get +5[[File:|20px|link=]]/+5[[File:|20px|link=]]. | 5 | - | - | It may seem an inhospitable place for Plants, but with a little TLC and some patience, it'll grow more than just potatoes. Much more. | |
Pod Fighter | Fichier:Pod FighterH.png | Pois Plante | This does a Bonus Attack when you play a Plant here or next door. | 5 | 3 | 4 | They're just trying to create peas in our time. | |
Colossal - Super-Rare | ||||||||
Split Pea | Fichier:Split PeaH.png | Pois Plante | Before combat here: This does 1 damage to the Plant Hero. | 2 | 4 | 1 | "All I wanted in life was to get ahead. But it kinda grew on me. How to face the future? I'm of two minds." | |
Grape Power | Fichier:Grape PowerH.png | Berry Trick | Double a Plant's [[File:|20px|link=]]. Gain a Grape Responsibility. |
3 | - | - | A dinosaur's favorite primordial snack. | |
Triassique - Super-Rare | ||||||||
Savage Spinach | Fichier:Savage SpinachH.png | Leafy Plant | Leafy Evolution: All Plants in all lanes and your hand get +2[[File:|20px|link=]]. | 4 | 3 | 6 | Neptuna planned her Triassic Invasion perfectly. But like so many conquerors before her, she underestimated the Spinach. | |
Premium - Légendaire | ||||||||
Doubled Mint | Fichier:Doubled MintH.png | Leafy Plant | Start of Turn: Double this Plant's Strength and Health. | 2 | 1 | 2 | He'll grow on you. Just give him time. | |
Muscle Sprout | Fichier:Muscle SproutH.png | Leafy Plant | This gets +1[[File:|20px|link=]]/+1[[File:|20px|link=]] when you play another Plant. | 3 | 3 | 2 | "Can you spot me, bro?" | |
Bananasaurus Rex | Fichier:Bananasaurus RexH.png | Banana Animal Plant | [[File:|16px|link=]]Double Strike Dino-Roar: This gets +1[[File:|20px|link=]]/+1[[File:|20px|link=]]. |
4 | 3 | 3 | She's a banana first and a dinosaur second. But it's a close second. | |
Galactique - Légendaire | ||||||||
Captain Cucumber | Fichier:Captain CucumberH.png | Fruit Plant | Cards you Conjure cost 1[[File:|20px|link=]] less. When this does damage, Conjure a Legendary card. |
3 | 1 | 4 | He's steered his crew through many a pickle. | |
Onion Rings | Fichier:Onion RingsH.png | Root Plant | When played: Each Plant in your hand becomes 4[[File:|20px|link=]]/4[[File:|20px|link=]]. | 5 | 4 | 4 | So powerful it makes you cry. | |
Colossal - Légendaire | ||||||||
Gatling Pea | Fichier:Gatling PeaH.png | Pois Plante | [[File:|16px|link=]]Double Strike Pea Evolution: This does a Bonus Attack. |
5 | 5 | 4 | There is no problem that cannot be solved by more peas. | |
Triassique - Légendaire | ||||||||
Apotatosaurus | Apotatosaurus | Root Animal Plant | [[File:|20px|link=]]Untrickable When Played: Conjure a Root]. Dino-Roar: This gets +1[[File:|20px|link=]]/+1[[File:|20px|link=]]. |
6 | 5 | 5 | Some potatoes are sweet. Others are dinosaurs. | |
Événement | ||||||||
Clique Peas | Fichier:Clique PeasH.png | Bean Pea Plant | When played: Shuffle two Clique Peas into your deck. For the rest of the game, all Clique Peas get +1[[File:|20px|link=]]/+1[[File:|20px|link=]] and cost +1[[File:|20px|link=]]. | 1 | 1 | 1 | On Wednesdays we wear sunglasses. | |
Lily of the Valley | Fichier:Lily of the ValleyH.png | Flower Plant | When you play another Plant on the Heights, that Plant gets +2[[File:|20px|link=]]/+2[[File:|20px|link=]]. | 2 | 1 | 2 | She's always trying to elevate her friends. She's good like that. | |
Banana Split | Fichier:Banana SplitH.png | Banana Plant | When destroyed: Make two Half-Bananas next door. | 4 | 4 | 4 | "I don't want to brag, but hanging out in a tub full of ice-cream all day ... not a bad gig if you can get it." | |
Plucky Clover | Fichier:Plucky CloverH.png | Leafy Plant | When played: Conjure an Event card. Plucky Clover gets +[[File:|20px|link=]] equal to that card's cost. | 5 | 1 | 5 | She's a giver, no doubt. But she feels like she gets a lot out of it too. | |
Jeton | ||||||||
Super-pouvoir | ||||||||
Embiggen | Fichier:EmbiggenH.png | Superpower Trick | A Plant gets +2[[File:|20px|link=]]/+2[[File:|20px|link=]]. | 1 | - | - | Livin' large, oh yeah. | |
Holo-Flora | Fichier:Holo-FloraH.png | Superpower Trick | Draw two cards. | 1 | - | - | You got Plants! | |
Time to Shine | Fichier:Time to ShineH.png | Superpower Trick | A Plant does a Bonus Attack. | 1 | - | - | Makes you feel all warm, glowy, and like kickin' Zombie butt. |
Name | Pic | Tribe | Ability | [[File:|20px|link=]] Cost | [[File:|20px|link=]] Strength | [[File:|20px|link=]] Health | Description |
![]() | |||||||
Base - Standard | |||||||
Snowdrop | ![]() |
Flower Plant | This gets +2[[File:|20px|link=]]/+2[[File:|20px|link=]] when a Zombie is frozen. | 1 | 1 | 2 | Zombies are always looking at her with a frozen expression. |
Weenie Beanie | ![]() |
Bean Plant | - | 1 | 1 | 1 | Prefers to be called "Vertically Challenged Beanie." |
Snow Pea | ![]() |
Pois Plante | When this hurts a Zombie, [[File:|20px|link=]]Freeze that Zombie. | 2 | 2 | 2 | Learned everything he knows during the Great Freeze Tag Wars of '08. |
Cattail | ![]() |
Animal Plant | Amphibious | 3 | 3 | 2 | "My secret weapon? It's my cute little hat!" |
Smoosh-Shroom | Fichier:Smoosh-ShroomH.png | Mushroom Plant | 5 | 5 | 4 | "If I had a hammer... Wait a sec... I AM a hammer!" | |
Threepeater | Fichier:ThreepeaterH.png | Pea Plant | Attacks here and next door. | 5 | 1 | 5 | "My favorite number is 5." |
Premium - Inhabituel | |||||||
Iceberg Lettuce | Fichier:Iceberg LettuceH.png | Leafy Trick | [[File:|20px|link=]]Freeze a Zombie. | 1 | - | - | "FREEZE! Ha, just kidding. Little Iceberg humor there." |
Shellery | Fichier:ShelleryH.png | Leafy Plant | Team-Up | 1 | 2 | 1 | Ordinance is most effective with peanut butter and raisins. |
Rescue Radish | Fichier:Rescue RadishH.png | Root Plant | When played: Bounce another Plant. | 3 | 3 | 4 | He puts the rad in radish |
Spring Bean | Fichier:Spring BeanH.png | Bean Trick | Bounce a Zombie. | 3 | - | - | His favorite season is Fall. |
Vanilla | Fichier:VanillaH.png | Bean Flower Plant | - | 3 | 3 | 3 | "I'm sorry, it's just... I have nothing interesting to say." |
Carrotillery | Fichier:CarrotilleryH.png | Root Plant | Team-Up | 4 | 5 | 2 | His artillery is a rich source of vitamin A and beta-carotene - a fact the Zombies do not seem to appreciate. |
Galactique - Inhabituel | |||||||
Mars Flytrap | Fichier:Mars FlytrapH.png | Flytrap Plant | When this hurts the Zombie Hero, steal a section from their Super-Block Meter. | 1 | 2 | 2 | He loves Venus Flytrap, but sometimes they see things SO differently! |
Planet of the Grapes | Fichier:Planet of the GrapesH.png | Berry Environment | When a Plant here hurts the Zombie Hero, draw a card. | 3 | - | - | How this planet came to be? It's another of life's grape mysteries. |
Leaf Blower | Fichier:Leaf BlowerH.png | Leafy Plant | Amphibious When played in an Environment: Bounce a Zombie. |
4 | 3 | 4 | "You wanna keep your lawn tidy? Tired of lookin' at those unsightly Zombies? Then I'M your guy." |
Colossal - Inhabituel | |||||||
Grave Mistake | Fichier:Grave MistakeH.png | Trick | Bounce a Gravestone. Draw a card. |
2 | - | - | Warning: Don't flick gravestones in real life. |
Pear Pal | Fichier:Pear PalH.png | Fruit Plant | Amphibious Team-Up |
2 | 2 | 2 | Has codependency issues, but he's working on it. |
Triassique - Inhabituel | |||||||
Primal Peashooter | Fichier:Primal PeashooterH.png | Pea Plant | When this hurts a Zombie, Bounce that Zombie. | 1 | 2 | 2 | Found in groups of 3, 5, 7, 11, and 31. |
Premium - Rare | |||||||
Admiral Navy Bean | ![]() |
Bean Plant | Amphibious Team-Up When you play another Bean, do 2 damage to the Zombie Hero. |
1 | 1 | 1 | "Heavy is the weight of my command. And my cap. Heavy is the cap." |
Lightning Reed | Fichier:Lightning ReedH.png | Leafy Plant | Amphibious Splash Damage 1 |
2 | 1 | 2 | "I do it for the shock value." |
Chilly Pepper | Fichier:Chilly PepperH.png | Fruit Plant | When played: [[File:|20px|link=]]Freeze a Zombie. | 3 | 2 | 1 | "It's not easy being both hot *and* cold. A comfortable lukewarm might be nice for a change." |
Navy Bean | Fichier:Navy BeanH.png | Bean Plant | Amphibious Team-Up When played: All Amphibious Plants get +1[[File:|20px|link=]]/+1[[File:|20px|link=]]. |
4 | 2 | 2 | Was *this* close to becoming an Army Bean. |
Jumping Bean | Fichier:Jumping BeanH.png | Bean Plant | When played: Bounce a Zombie. | 5 | 3 | 2 | "I'm more than just a jumper... I can also leap and vault! |
Galactique - Rare | |||||||
Cosmic Bean | Fichier:Cosmic BeanH.png | Bean Plant | Team-Up When played: Conjure a Bean, and it gets Team-Up. |
2 | 1 | 1 | It IS a magical fruit! |
Melon-Pult | Fichier:Melon-PultH.png | Fruit Plant | Splash Damage 3 | 5 | 3 | 4 | People who live in grass houses shouldn't throw stones. But melons, sure, why not? |
Colossal - Rare | |||||||
Tricorn | Fichier:TricornH.png | Nut Plant | Attacks here and next door. Plant Evolution: This gets +2[[File:|20px|link=]]. |
6 | 2 | 6 | "Labor to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire called conscience." -Gourd Squashington |
Triassique - Rare | |||||||
Lily Pad | Fichier:Lily PadH.png | Leafy Plant | Amphibious Fusion: A Plant played on this gets Amphibious. Conjure a Leafy card. |
1 | 0 | 1 | When Neptuna's Triassic Invasion flooded Hollow Earth with vast new oceans, Plants quickly evolved to survive. |
Premium - Super-Rare | |||||||
Sow Magic Beans | Fichier:Sow Magic BeansH.png | Bean Trick | Shuffle four Magic Beanstalks into your deck. | 2 | - | - | Totally worth the cow. |
Bean Counter | Fichier:Bean CounterH.png | Bean Plant | This gets +1[[File:|20px|link=]]/+1[[File:|20px|link=]] when you play another Bean. When played: Gain two Weenie Beanies. |
4 | 2 | 2 | "Every bean is accounted for. I assure you, they all add up." |
Snapdragon | Fichier:SnapdragonH.png | Dragon Flower Plant | Splash Damage 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 | "I'm a dragon; I'm a Plant... I'm a mystery!" |
Winter Squash | Fichier:Winter SquashH.png | Squash Plant | When a Zombie or Gravestone becomes frozen, destroy it. | 4 | 2 | 6 | "My complexion is more of a summer." |
Galactique - Super-Rare | |||||||
Laser Cattail | Fichier:Laser CattailH.png | Animal Plant | Amphibious Team-Up This gets +1[[File:|20px|link=]]/+1[[File:|20px|link=]] when you play a Plant here. |
2 | 2 | 1 | He's really good at entertaining himself. |
Cool Bean | Fichier:Cool BeanH.png | Bean Plant | When played: [[File:|20px|link=]]Freeze all Gravestones. | 3 | 3 | 3 | "Chance of meeting Gravestones? Never tell me the odds!" |
Bog of Enlightenment | Fichier:Bog of EnlightenmentH.png | Environment | Amphibious Plants here get +2[[File:|20px|link=]]. Non-Amphibious Zombies here get -2[[File:|20px|link=]]. | 2 | - | - | Good for Plants, it is. Good for Zombies, it is not! |
Colossal - Super-Rare | |||||||
Jelly Bean | Fichier:Jelly BeanH.png | Bean Plant | This gets +1[[File:|20px|link=]]/+1[[File:|20px|link=]] when anything is bounced. Bean Evolution: Bounce a Zombie. |
4 | 4 | 3 | "It's not how hard the Zombies knock you down. It's how hard you bounce back." |
Triassique - Super-Rare | |||||||
Rotobaga | Fichier:RotobagaH.png | Root Plant | Amphibious This attacks both lanes next door instead of this lane. |
2 | 2 | 1 | Without flying roots, how would we get Sky-Trees?? |
Shrinking Violet | Fichier:Shrinking VioletH.png | Flower Trick | A Zombie and Zombies next door get -2[[File:|20px|link=]]. Then destroy any of those Zombies that have 0[[File:|20px|link=]]. | 4 | - | - | Is she cute or terrifying? Yes. |
Premium - Légendaire | |||||||
Brainana | Fichier:BrainanaH.png | Banana Plant | Amphibious When played: The Zombie Hero loses their Brains. |
6 | 4 | 3 |
In this case, "brain drain" is a good thing. |
Winter Melon | Fichier:Winter MelonH.png | Fruit Plant | Splash Damage 4 When this hurts a Zombie, [[File:|20px|link=]]Freeze that Zombie. |
6 | 4 | 5 | Perfect for your winter picnics. |
The Great Zucchini | Fichier:The Great ZucchiniH.png | Squash Plant | Amphibious When played: Transform all Zombies into 1[[File:|20px|link=]]/1[[File:|20px|link=]] Zombies with no abilities |
9 | 7 | 7 | "Presto change-o! Now you see a powerful Zombie. Now you don't!" |
Galactique - Légendaire | |||||||
Shooting Starfruit | Fichier:Shooting StarfruitH.png | Fruit Plant | This attacks in all five lanes. | 5 | 2 | 2 | When you see a Shooting Starfruit, make a wish, any wish! Any wish that involves takin' down Zombies, that is. |
Dark Matter Dragonfruit | Fichier:Dark Matter DragonfruitH.png | Dragon Fruit Plant | Amphibious Splash Damage 6 Zombie Tricks cost 6[[File:|20px|link=]] more. |
8 | 6 | 6 | Their ancestors were hunted to the depths of space. Now their descendants are back for cold, fruity vengeance. |
Colossal - Légendaire | |||||||
Lima-Pleurodon | Fichier:Lima-PleurodonH.png | Bean Animal Plant | Amphibious Dino-Roar: Shuffle a Magic Beanstalk into your deck. |
1 | 2 | 2 | Sometimes one Plant provides both the Army and the Navy. |
Triassique - Légendaire | |||||||
Bird of Paradise | Fichier:Bird of ParadiseH.png | Flower Animal Plant | Amphibious Start of turn: Conjure a Superpower. |
5 | 4 | 5 | Her beautiful melodies are echoed by the roars of dinosaurs. |
Événement | |||||||
Spyris | Fichier:SpyrisH.png | Flower Root Plant | Amphibious You can tap Gravestones to see which Zombies are hiding in them. |
1 | 2 | 1 | You can't hide anything from her. Don't even try. She'll get inside your HEAD. |
Go-Nuts | Fichier:Go-NutsH.png | Flower Nut Plant | Team-Up When you play a Team-Up Plant, all Team-Up Plants get +1[[File:|20px|link=]]. |
3 | 2 | 2 | "GROW-Nuts! THROW-Nuts! When we get big we GO-Nuts! Goooooooo PLANTS!" |
Mayflower | ![]() |
Flower Plant | Amphibious When this hurts the Zombie Hero, Conjure a Corn, Squash, or Bean. |
3 | 2 | 3 | Do April showers bring Mayflowers? My goodness, isn't that a personal question! |
Sportacus | Fichier:SportacusH.png | Mushroom Nut Plant | When a Zombie Trick is played, do 2 damage to the Zombie Hero. | 3 | 3 | 3 | "I am Sportacus!" |
Snake Grass | Fichier:Snake GrassH.png | Leafy Animal Plant | Amphibious Start of Turn: Make another Snake Grass in the lane to the right. |
4 | 4 | 2 | "Snakes. Why'd it have to be snakes?" |
Witch Hazel | Fichier:Witch HazelH.png | Flower Plant | End of Turn: Destroy a random Zombie and make a Puff-Shroom there. | 4 | 0 | 3 | Zombies are always trying to build a bridge out of her. |
Jolly Holly | Fichier:Jolly HollyH.png | Leafy Berry Plant | Amphibious When played: [[File:|20px|link=]]Freeze Zombies next door. |
5 | 4 | 1 | No exaggeration, she is ALWAYS in a great mood. Even when fighting Zombies. "What's not to love about saving the world?" she says. |
Sap-Fling | Fichier:Sap-FlingH.png | Pinecone Tree Plant | When played: Make a Sappy Place Environment. | 6 | 5 | 3 | He dates a lot of different branches, but nothing ever sticks. |
Jeton | |||||||
Magic Beanstalk | Fichier:Magic BeanstalkH.png | Bean Plant | When played: Draw a card. | 1 | 4 | 4 | Giant not included. |
Sappy Place | Fichier:Sappy PlaceH.png | Environment | Zombies here get -3[[File:|20px|link=]] | 4 | - | - | Zombies just hate a sappy ending. |
Super-pouvoir | |||||||
Big Chill | Fichier:Big ChillH.png | Superpower Trick | [[File:|20px|link=]]Freeze a Zombie. Draw a card. |
1 | - | - | Discerning Plants agree: Zombies are best served on ice. |
Transmogrify | Fichier:TransmogrifyH.png | Superpower Trick | Transform a Zombie into a random Zombie that costs 1[[File:|20px|link=]]. | 1 | - | - | It's a life-changing experience. Actually, it's an everything-changing experience. |
Whirlwind | Fichier:WhirlwindH.png | Superpower Trick | Bounce a random Zombie. | 1 | - | - | There's no place like home. There's no place like home. |
Lieutenant Carrotron | Fichier:Lieutenant CarrotronH.png | Root Superpower Plant | Team-Up When played: Conjure a Root. |
1 | 2 | 1 | Beta-Carrotina knows she can always count on him to get to the root of the problem. |
Lightspeed Seed | Fichier:Lightspeed SeedH.png | Seed Superpower Trick | Conjure two Tricks. | 1 | - | - | Make the jump to light seed. |
Name | Pic | Tribe | Ability | [[File:|20px|link=]] Cost | [[File:|20px|link=]] Strength | [[File:|20px|link=]] Health | Description |
![]() | |||||||
Base - Standard | |||||||
Bellflower | ![]() |
Flower Plant | - | 1 | 1 | 1 | She wants to be friends with Snowdrop soooo badly, but she feels like she's always getting the cold shoulder. |
Sunflower | ![]() |
Flower Plant | Team-Up Start of Turn: You get +1[[File:|20px|link=]] this turn. |
1 | 0 | 1 | "Not to brag, but I'm pretty much your basic franchise-founding superstar." |
Mixed Nuts | Fichier:Mixed NutsH.png | Nut Plant | When played: This gets +2[[File:|20px|link=]]/+2[[File:|20px|link=]] if there's a Plant with Team-Up here. | 3 | 2 | 2 | They work hard but they also like to party. That's them in a nutshell. |
Squash | Fichier:SquashH.png | Squash Trick | Destroy a Zombie. | 5 | - | - | Has a bad case of Resting Squash Face. |
Smashing Pumpkin | Fichier:Smashing PumpkinH.png | Squash Plant | - | 6 | 6 | 5 | Sure, he and Squash are pals. But there's always an undercurrent of competition between them. |
Premium - Inhabituel | |||||||
Morning Glory | Fichier:Morning GloryH.png | Flower Plant | When played: This gets +1[[File:|20px|link=]]/+1[[File:|20px|link=]] if you made at least 6[[File:|20px|link=]] this turn. | 1 | 2 | 2 | Just don't talk to her before she's had her Coffee Bean. |
Fume-Shroom | Fichier:Fume-ShroomH.png | Mushroom Plant | [[File:|20px|link=]]Strikethrough | 2 | 2 | 1 | "I'm like the wind. Near a hog farm." |
Pepper M.D. | Fichier:Pepper M.D.H.png | Fruit Plant | This gets +2[[File:|20px|link=]]/+2[[File:|20px|link=]] when a Plant or your Hero is healed. | 2 | 2 | 2 | "A toast to your health... and mine!" |
Water Balloons | Fichier:Water BalloonsH.png | Trick | A Zombie gets -1[[File:|20px|link=]]/-1[[File:|20px|link=]]. If you made at least 6[[File:|20px|link=]] this turn, it gets -2[[File:|20px|link=]]/-2[[File:|20px|link=]] instead. | 2 | - | - | You're gonna need a towel for this one. |
Venus Flytrap | Fichier:Venus FlytrapH.png | Flytrap Plant | When this does damage, heal your Hero for that much. | 3 | 2 | 2 | "Mom always said, 'If you leave your trap open like that, you'll catch Zombies.' So I did." |
Bloomerang | ![]() |
Flower Plant | [[File:|20px|link=]]Strikethrough | 4 | 3 | 3 | "Magnets? Gravity? Crikey, I don't have a clue why they come back." |
Metal Petal Sunflower | Fichier:Metal Petal SunflowerH.png | Flower Plant | Start of Turn: You gain +1[[File:|20px|link=]] this turn. | 4 | 3 | 4 | "Time to put the metal to the petal, baby!" |
Galactique - Inhabituel | |||||||
Cosmoss | Fichier:CosmossH.png | Moss Plant | When an Environment is played, this gets +1[[File:|20px|link=]]/+1[[File:|20px|link=]]. | 1 | 2 | 2 | He's Peel deGrass Lichen's biggest fan. |
Apple-Saucer | Fichier:Apple-SaucerH.png | Fruit Plant | When played: If you made at least 6[[File:|20px|link=]] this turn, this gets [[File:|20px|link=]]Strikethrough. | 2 | 3 | 2 | Watchful Quasar Wizards sometimes spot an Unidentified Fruiting Object. |
Venus Flytraplanet | Fichier:Venus FlytraplanetH.png | Flytrap Environment | When a Plant here does damage and survives, heal your Hero for that much. | 4 | - | - | Not far from Mars Flytraplanet. |
Colossal - Inhabituel | |||||||
Kernel-Pult | Fichier:Kernel-PultH.png | Corn Plant | Team-Up When played on Heights: A Zombie gets -1[[File:|20px|link=]]/-1[[File:|20px|link=]]. |
1 | 1 | 1 | Insert corny joke here. |
Triassique - Inhabituel | |||||||
Lil' Buddy | Fichier:Lil' BuddyH.png | Flower Seed Plant | Team-Up When played: Heal your Hero for 2. |
0 | 0 | 1 | Wait, you want me to go in *front*?!? |
Sunnier-Shroom | Fichier:Sunnier-ShroomH.png | Mushroom Plant | Team-Up Start of Turn: You get +2[[File:|20px|link=]] this turn. |
3 | 0 | 3 | Compared to his little brother, he's the one with the sunnier disposition. |
Premium - Rare | |||||||
Sage Sage | Fichier:Sage SageH.png | Leafy Plant | When played: If you made at least 6[[File:|20px|link=]] this turn, draw a card. | 2 | 2 | 1 | Got his start writing messages for fortune cookies. |
Magnifying Grass | Fichier:Magnifying GrassH.png | Leafy Plant | When played: This gets +1[[File:|20px|link=]] for each Sun you made this turn. | 3 | 0 | 1 | Zombies may appear closer than they are. |
Whack-a-Zombie | Fichier:Whack-a-ZombieH.png | Trick | Destroy a Zombie with 3[[File:|20px|link=]] or less. | 3 | - | - | It's hammer time. #hadtobesaid |
Lawnmower | Fichier:LawnmowerH.png | Trick | Destroy a Zombie on the Ground. | 4 | - | - | The thing of Zombie nightmares. |
Power Flower | Fichier:Power FlowerH.png | Flower Plant | [[File:|20px|link=]]Strikethrough Start of Turn: Heal your Hero for 1 for each Flower. |
5 | 3 | 5 | Dropped out of Kale University to practice natural medicine. |
Galactique - Rare | |||||||
Cosmic Flower | Fichier:Cosmic FlowerH.png | Flower Plant | [[File:|20px|link=]]Strikethrough When played: Conjure a Flower, and it gets [[File:|20px|link=]]Strikethrough. |
3 | 2 | 1 | She enjoys the simple things in life - hanging out with friends, fighting Zombies, and basking in cosmic rays. |
Heartichoke | Fichier:HeartichokeH.png | Leafy Flower Plant | When a Plant or your Hero is healed, do that much damage to the Zombie Hero. | 4 | 3 | 4 | She's a sweetheart, she really is. But fighting Zombies...it's made her hard. |
Colossal - Rare | |||||||
Elderberry | Fichier:ElderberryH.png | Flower Berry Plant | [[File:|20px|link=]]Strikethrough Plant Evolution: This gets +3[[File:|20px|link=]]. |
4 | 2 | 4 | He makes yelling "Get off my lawn" into an art form. |
Triassique - Rare | |||||||
Eyespore | Fichier:EyesporeH.png | Moss Plant | Fusion: Destroy a Zombie here. | 2 | 2 | 1 | Really good at staring contests. |
Premium - Super-Rare | |||||||
Twin Sunflower | Fichier:Twin SunflowerH.png | Flower Plant | Team-Up Start of Turn: You get +2[[File:|20px|link=]] this turn. |
2 | 0 | 2 | "We're actually only fraternal twins." |
2nd-Best Taco of All Time | Fichier:2nd-Best Taco of All TimeH.png | Trick | Heal 4. Draw a card. |
3 | - | - | Significantly better than the 3rd-Best Taco of All Time. |
Chomper | ![]() |
Flytrap Plant | When played: Destroy a Zombie here with 3[[File:|20px|link=]] or less. | 4 | 2 | 2 | "A free buffet? How kind! Don't mind if I do!" |
Laser Bean | Fichier:Laser BeanH.png | Bean Plant | [[File:|20px|link=]]Strikethrough | 6 | 5 | 7 | "Physics, baby! I'm emittin' all KINDS of coherent radiation!" |
Galactique - Super-Rare | |||||||
Solar Winds | Fichier:Solar WindsH.png | Environment | End of Turn: If there are no Zombies here, make a Sunflower here. | 3 | - | - | There's something in the wind. Sunflower seeds, in fact. |
Wing-Nut | ![]() |
Pea Nut Plant | Zombies can't do Bonus Attacks. | 4 | 3 | 7 | Firmly believes that Elvis is alive, Zombies never walked on the Moon, and that Dr. Zomboss is secretly studying aliens at Area 22. Crazy! |
Tactical Cuke | Fichier:Tactical CukeH.png | Fruit Trick | Destroy all Plants and Zombies on the Ground. | 6 | - | - |
He comes from a long line of very precise cucumbers. |
Colossal - Super-Rare | |||||||
Primal Sunflower | Fichier:Primal SunflowerH.png | Flower Plant | Start of turn: You get +1[[File:|20px|link=]]. | 1 | 2 | 1 | Sunflowers are notorious pacifists. But isolated in the center of Hollow Earth, they evolved a new savagery. Sunny, adorable savagery. |
Sunflower Seed | Fichier:Sunflower SeedH.png | Flower Seed Plant | When destroyed: Make a Sunflower here. | 3 | 2 | 2 | From every night's end comes the beginning of a new Sunflower's dawn. |
Triassique - Super-Rare | |||||||
Sun Strike | Fichier:Sun StrikeH.png | Trick | All Plants get [[File:|20px|link=]]Strikethrough this turn. Conjure a Trick. | 4 | - | - | Each Plant is grown with the power of solar radiation. Sometimes you just have to let it out. |
Premium - Légendaire | |||||||
Briar Rose | Fichier:Briar RoseH.png | Flower Plant | When a Zombie hurts a Flower, destroy that Zombie. | 5 | 3 | 4 | "You mess with the rose, you get the thorns!" |
Three-Headed Chomper | ![]() |
Flytrap Plant | End of Turn: Destroy all Zombies here and next door. | 6 | 6 | 6 | "You know the old saying, 'Three heads are better than one'? Totally true." |
Cornucopia | Fichier:CornucopiaH.png | Corn Plant | When played: Make a random Plant in each other lane. | 10 | 6 | 6 | Thanksgiving came early this year. |
Galactique - Légendaire | |||||||
Astrocado | Fichier:AstrocadoH.png | Fruit Plant | [[File:|20px|link=]]Strikethrough When destroyed: Gain an Astrocado Pit. |
5 | 5 | 3 | "Holy guacamole!" |
Astro Vera | Fichier:Astro VeraH.png | Cactus Plant | When played: Increase your Hero's maximum [[File:|20px|link=]] by 10. Heal your Hero for 10. | 8 | 5 | 5 | Your Hero will feel out of this world. And so will your skin. |
Colossal - Légendaire | |||||||
Cob Cannon | Fichier:Cob CannonH.png | Corn Plant | When played: Zombies here and next door get -1[[File:|20px|link=]]/-1[[File:|20px|link=]]. Team-Up Evolution: Destroy a Zombie. |
6 | 6 | 6 | He focuses his fearsome firepower with a single, ringing credo: "One Team. One Dream." |
Triassique - Légendaire | |||||||
Aloesaurus | Fichier:AloesaurusH.png | Cactus Animal Plant | Dino-Roar: Heal all Plants and the Plant Hero for 1. | 5 | 4 | 7 | A roaring force of life. A crushing force of destruction. |
Événement | |||||||
Haunted Pumpking | ![]() |
Squash Plant | When played: The Zombie player Conjures a Monster. | 1 | 4 | 2 | For generations, the Pumpkings have kept their realms safe from a terrible curse. Tonight, they finally face their greatest fear. |
Sun-Shroom | Fichier:Sun-ShroomH.png | Mushroom Plant | Team-Up Start of Turn: You get +1[[File:|20px|link=]] this turn and this transforms into a Sunnier-Shroom. |
2 | 0 | 2 | "Fun in the Sun? That's for other Plants. I just make the stuff. I don't actually like it." |
Jack O' Lantern | Fichier:Jack O' LanternH.png | Squash Plant | [[File:|20px|link=]]Strikethrough This gets +1[[File:|20px|link=]] when it hurts the Zombie Hero. |
3 | 2 | 3 | "I just love to get Zombies all fired up. If you catch my drift." |
Ketchup Mechanic | Fichier:Ketchup MechanicH.png | Fruit Plant | When played: For each Zombie, this gets +1[[File:|20px|link=]]/+1[[File:|20px|link=]] and Heal the Plant Hero for 1. | 3 | 1 | 1 | Catchup mechanics help you get back in a game when you're behind. Ketchup Mechanics fix your fruit. |
Toadstool | Fichier:ToadstoolH.png | Mushroom Animal Plant | When played: Destroy a Zombie here with 4[[File:|20px|link=]] or less. Start of Turn: You get +1[[File:|20px|link=]] this turn. |
6 | 4 | 4 | Toadstool can't stand being idle. When there's work to be done, she's always the first to hop to it. |
Jeton | |||||||
Astrocado Pit | Fichier:Astrocado PitH.png | Fruit Plant | Start of turn: This transforms into an Astrocado. | 1 | 0 | 1 | Getting defeated is the pits. |
Super-pouvoir | |||||||
Geyser | Fichier:GeyserH.png | Superpower Trick | Heal your Hero and all Plants for 4. | 1 | - | - | H2Oh no you didn't! |
Scorched Earth | Fichier:Scorched EarthH.png | Superpower Trick | All Zombies on the Ground get -1[[File:|20px|link=]]/-1[[File:|20px|link=]]. | 1 | - | - | Unfortunately the Zombies were all out of SPF 9000. |
Weed Whack | Fichier:Weed WhackH.png | Root Superpower Trick | A Zombie gets -2[[File:|20px|link=]]/-2[[File:|20px|link=]]. | 1 | - | - | Good for weeding out Zombies. |
Name | Pic | Tribe | Ability | [[File:|20px|link=]] Cost | [[File:|20px|link=]] Strength | [[File:|20px|link=]] Health | Description |
Removed | |||||||
Super-pouvoir | |||||||
Flick-a-Zombie | Fichier:Flick-a-ZombieH.png | Superpower Trick | Do 1 damage. | 1 | - | - | Bad Zombie! BAD Zombie! |
Inspire | Fichier:InspireH.png | Superpower Trick | A Plant gets +1[[File:|20px|link=]]/+1[[File:|20px|link=]]. | 1 | - | - | One small step for Plants. One giant leap for Plant-kind! |
Rejuvenate | Fichier:RejuvenateH.png | Superpower Trick | Heal 2. | 1 | - | - | Like a salve for a Plant's soul. |